
Clash of the Incarnations

Quick find code: 49-50-417-59988625



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“It is something called a Sinthigian, an ancient warrior that has not been seen since the God Wars. Rumor has it that the invading army that we later defeated in the battle that cost my master his life was looking for this Sinthigian to use for their own gains.”

“Did he ever find the Sinthigian?”

Jalthain shook his head. "He searched and searched, but he never located the monster. The legend says that it was hidden long ago to wait for the day that it would be needed again. He heard that it may be hidden in an ancient place called Ikov, but he never found the location."

Thoruk got up to his feet. "It may try to remain hidden, but it is no match for the great Thoruk of Rellekka I shall find it and bring its head back with me!"

Jalthain looked at his son, shaking his head. "With any luck, you will lose some of that bravado on your way," he sighed.

Thoruk, sensing how light his father's mood had become, smiled. "Father, do you truly think I can do this?"

"No," Jalthain replied. "But no one believed in my master, either. Nobody ever believes in heroes at the start of their journey. It is the true heroes that prove everyone wrong when they come back victorious. So I can believe that you will be able to do it when the time comes."

"Thank you, Father."

Jalthain looked back down at his master's pendant. "I hope you were right, my Master," he whispered as Thoruk walked away.


"General Karzit*," Zamorak said warmly as the cloaked figure approached. "Welcome back."

"Thank you, Lord Zamorak," Karzit* replied, throwing off his hood. "My mission is complete."

"I know, I felt it," Zamorak replied, his pleasure filling his voice. "Excellent work!"

Karzit* entered the room at Zamorak's request. The room had been cleared of its decoration since Karzith had left, and now it looked exceedingly bare. Kazla sat at the table, and he barely acknowledged Karzith as he entered.

06-Dec-2010 19:31:44



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"Lord Zamorak, we really must continue planning," Kazla said, impatiently.

"Of course, General Kazla," Zamorak replied. "Now that General Karzith is here, we can finalize our plan."

"Plan, my Lord?" Karzit* asked.

"We are setting up a great migration of Zamorakans! The dragon has been lured to the deepest part of the Wilderness in its search for our remaining hideouts, so now is the perfect chance to move into a location closer to the fringe. We are coordinating the movement of ten thousand Zamorakans to the ruins of Lord Agaben's old palace!"

Karzit* entered the room with his god. "How can we do such a thing?" he asked.

"You doubt Lord Zamorak?" asked Kazla snidely.

"No, I merely present my concern," Karzit* replied. "My Lord, does this not endanger the people? We are sending them all across open ground; what if the dragon returns before he expect?"

Zamorak nodded. "I understand your concern, but it is a strategic move that involves only a small risk. The dragon is too far away; the bulk of my followers will easily beat it there. And if I am present, fear not. I will see to the dragon personally."

"You believe you can destroy it, my Lord?"

Zamorak threw back his head and laughed. "General Karzith, I am certain. Saradomin can no longer stand against me."

"I find your doubt unacceptable," Kazla said, eying Karzit*. "We are Lord Zamorak's closest advisors. We must have more faith than any."

Karzit* nodded. "My faith is not in question," he replied.

"Silence, both of you!" Zamorak barked. "We have plans to complete! Our time to move is now!"

Karzit* silently took his seat at the table, and he and Kazla avoided each other's gaze. Zamorak joined them, pointing out details on a Wilderness map that was spread out on the table.

"The most strategic location for our trap is right here," he said, pointing to the map. "It is a low area between two high hills, so the dragon will likely pass that way once it knows that we are in the Palace."

06-Dec-2010 19:32:44



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"I agree, Lord Zamorak," Kazla replied, making marks on the map.

"My Lord," Karzit* asked, "what are we setting up to trap the dragon?"

Zamorak smiled, a gleam of fire leaping into his eyes. "We are setting up a teleport that will send the dragon far away from my people, so it cannot endanger them."

"We are teleporting it away? What will that accomplish outside of a small delay in its attack? It will surely return!"

"I disagree, General Karzit*," Zamorak replied, obviously gleeful with the plan he had formed. "It will not be teleporting alone. I will go with it, and our people will be safe while I finish the job."

"Without having to protect the people, you will not have any distractions," Karzit* finished, understanding the plan.

"Exactly. Now, let us continue," Zamorak ordered, going back to the map. "We will make all final preparations now. By tomorrow, the retaking of Agaben's Palace will commence!"

"And your power shall resonate throughout Gielinor," Kazla added.

Zamorak nodded. The three continued drawing up the plans for the mass migration. The meeting lasted nearly an hour, for most of the plans had been drawn up before Karzit*'s arrival. As they finished, Zamorak took the plans to personally see to briefing the lesser commanders about the plan. He left the room, leaving Karzith and Kazla alone at the table.

As the door slammed shut behind Zamorak, a great tension filled the room. There was a level of coldness between these two Generals that made the air have a biting chill between them. “Your mission was a success, then?” Kazla asked, though his voice seemed highly apathetic.

Karzit* nodded. He could feel the ill will pouring off of Kazla like a solid substance, it was so strong.

“Well done,” Kazla replied. “As Zamorak’s Dark Lord, I commend you for your efforts.”

“Thank you, Kazla,” Karzit* replied, emphasizing the name. “But remember, Lord Zamorak is now the Dark Lord. We are only his generals, equal but lesser than our Lord.”

24-Dec-2010 22:27:26



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Kazla stood up, carried to his feet by a fire welling inside him. “I have carried the mantle of Dark Lord for years now, and I will continue to be second only to Lord Zamorak himself! No usurper from Xothara will ever become my equal or my superior, and I do not care what missions you complete!”

Karzit* stared for a moment up at his counterpart, and finally a chuckle burst from his mouth. “The former Dark Lord of Zamorak is jealous of me? I should be honored!” he mocked.

Kazla shot him a look of pure loathing. “You will try to win Lord Zamorak’s favor, but I tell you that you will not succeed!”

“Missions are all that matter, Kazla,” Karzit* replied. “Success in our Lord’s orders will lead inevitably to his favor.”

“But failures will lead only to punishment, and I will wait to see you get what you deserve.”

“I will most certainly earn what I deserve, Kazla.”

Kazla glared at him. “If you think duping foolish young women will win you Zamorak’s favor, then by all means, continue.” He turned and, with a swish of his robe, walked quickly away from the table and out of the room. He slammed the door unnecessarily hard behind him as he left.

Karzit* watched Kazla storm out of the room, and he remained seated at the table. He reclined in his chair, staring at the ceiling. Against his will, the memories of two people began to float through his mind: his brother, Kraethi, as usual, and, more surprisingly, that foolish girl, Serena. Where was she now?


Serena lay under the protective canopy of a tall maple tree, relaxing on the soft grass beneath. She looked up at the powerful base of the tree above her, seeing the long scar across it and being reassured. She had found the Scarred Maple, so now all that remained was to wait for the people that Ihrbakka promised would find her here.

24-Dec-2010 22:28:09



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A cool northern wind blew lazily through the forest around this powerful, ancient tree, bringing a slight chill with it. Serena closed her eyes, resting beneath the Scarred Maple. Phantoms and shapes moved behind her eyelids as her soul waded through her memories. The shape of Karzit* moved to the forefront of her thoughts, and she sighed. Where was he now?

Suddenly, Serena heard the crunch of footsteps nearby. She sprung to her feet, backing against the tree in an attempt to distance herself from this newcomer. She scanned the nearby forest, looking for the source of the noise. Then, she saw a shadow move behind a nearby tree. Serena immediately shrieked in fear, and the shadow tensed. The figure came rushing into the clearing, searching for the woman in danger.

The newcomer looked up to the tree and saw Serena huddled at its base. “Are you okay?” asked the stranger. Serena noticed that he did not look threatening at all. He was a very short individual, just slightly over four feet tall. He wore long blue robes that covered his entire body, and he had a blue wizard’s hat perched upon his head. He carried a staff with an oddly colored orb atop it, which he now held out in front of him in attack position, prompted by Serena’s scream.

“What was attacking you?” he asked, looking around the clearing and finding nothing.

Serena, red-faced, shook her head. “I apologize, traveler,” she said humbly, though keeping her eyes on the stranger. “I believed that you were a beast of some sort.”

The boy, understanding, chuckled. “That’s a relief!” he exclaimed with a big smile, putting away his battlestaff.

Serena examined the young boy curiously. He was very short, but his face looked too mature to go with such a small body. However, his smile was very bright, and it seemed to actually radiate warmth. She felt a powerful presence behind his joyful face, but one that seemed completely good.

24-Dec-2010 22:28:35



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“You are… a mage?” Serena asked, empowered by her knowledge of Ihrbakka’s promise. She knew that this newcomer had to be one of the two he had mentioned.

“Yes, I am a mage of the Lunar Isle!* the boy exclaimed. “My name is Abiel. What is yours?”

“Serena,” the Seer replied. Abiel… she thought. There was something about that name that made her feel secure. This boy radiated such an aura that was completely pure.

*Serena,” Abiel repeated, thinking. “What are you doing way out here in the middle of nowhere? It must be dangerous to travel alone!”

Serena blushed. *It is; would you mind staying for only a moment?” She had asked the question before she realized that she was doing it. It was as though an unseen power was driving the words from her lips.

Abiel smiled, and he moved toward the tree. “Sure!” he said cheerfully. “I would love to keep you company.”

The boy walked over and sat beside the base of the tree. Serena sat beside him, and the two stared off into the clearing before them.

“Where do you come from, Serena?” asked Abiel.

“Oh, I come from Seers’ Village.”

“A Seer? That’s incredible!” Abiel said, excited. “Can you really see the future?”

Serena gave a small smile. “Sometimes. The tricky part is interpreting what you see.*

*Wow, but still, the power to see the future,” Abiel replied in wonder. Serena was surprised by the boy’s natural amazement for the world that to her and mostly everyone else in the nearby areas was commonplace. As she reflected on this fact, she understood.

“Have you ever left the Lunar Isle before, Abiel?” she asked.

Abiel shook his head. “I’m seeing these lands for the first time!”

“Why have you come all this way?”

“I must deliver a message to Jian in Yanille, at the Wizard’s Guild. My grandfather entrusted this message to me, so I can’t let him down.”

Serena nodded. “I am sure that you will make it to Yanille and make your grandfather proud.”

24-Dec-2010 22:29:20 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2010 22:30:19 by [#5AGSIZET9]



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Abiel gave a big smile. “Thank you, Serena! By the way, why have you left home? It seems odd that you would be out here in the middle of nowhere!”

Serena smiled. “I am here because it is the place I am meant to be. My future begins at this spot.”

Abiel looked back at her with a confused expression. “You foresaw this?”

Serena nodded. “I saw that I would meet two people beneath this tree, and that I should travel with them, for they are my future.”

Abiel’s face lit up. “So you are going to accompany me to Yanille?” he asked.

“I would like to, if you would have me,” Serena replied, her head lowered.

“Of course!” Abiel exclaimed, smiling. “The journey will be far less lonely this way!”

Serena returned a small smile. “Thank you, Abiel.”

The boy was excitedly planning the rest of the journey. “And we can stop off in Ardougne and take a break there, maybe get some good food, and we can…”

Serena smiled as she listened to the boy speak. He was thrilled to have company on his trip, and she enjoyed his cheerfulness. He was like a polar opposite to how Karzith had been.

Then, the pair heard another sound of approaching footsteps. They looked to the edge of the clearing where Abiel had first emerged.

“Could that be the other person you were supposed to meet?” asked Abiel, excitedly.

As they watched, a short figure emerged into the clearing. It stood about five feet tall, with green, scaly skin covered by blood-red armor. It had piercing red eyes and a scowl on its wrinkled, green face.

“A goblin?” asked Abiel, confused, remembering the creature from his grandfather’s descriptions and books. “Could the other person be a goblin?”

The goblin snarled, raising a spear toward them. Behind the leader, four other goblins marched into the clearing.

“No, I don’t think that’s right,” Abiel said as Serena screamed in panic. The goblin leader pointed at them, and the squadron moved forward to tear the pair apart.

24-Dec-2010 22:29:46 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2010 22:31:01 by [#5AGSIZET9]

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