The next thing Daigan knew, he was being shaken. He opened his eyes, and he saw that Zharoun was kneeling beside him, shaking him. “Time to get going,” Zharoun said, and Daigan got to his feet. The sun had already risen, and the morning light was shining through the woods.
Daigan looked over by the fire, and he was shocked to see Artemis standing there. Her look was blank, and she did not even acknowledge that Daigan was there. “Let’s move,” she said, and then she started walking impatiently toward the edge of the clearing to the south.
Zharoun sighed. “Come along, Daigan.”
The Sage gave Daigan a piece of bread to eat as they walked, and the two followed Artemis into the trees. The walk through the woods was a long, slow one. No one spoke for hours, and Daigan could not get up the courage to say a word to Artemis. Not like he could talk with her even if he tried: she stayed a good fifteen feet ahead of him at all times.
Finally, the group reached the edge of the forest, and the world opened up before them. Green rolling hills extended across the horizon, and the River Lum wound its way to their left, in the east. Zharoun spotted the worn path before them.
“This is the main road,” he said. “This is the path that connects Falador to Varrock.”
He and Daigan followed Artemis out to the path, and the hunter turned back around. “This is where I leave you guys,” she said, smiling at Zharoun. “It’s been fun.”
“You are sure you want to remain here?” the Sage replied.
“I have to. There’s someone in Edgeville I have to take care of.”
“Then farewell, Artemis,” Zharoun said with a bow. “Till we meet again.”
Artemis nodded. She turned, and without looking at Daigan, began to return to the trees. Zharoun frowned, and the fire burned once again inside Daigan.
"Well?" Daigan said sharply.
09-Apr-2010 00:53:58