
Clash of the Incarnations

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Karzith and Kazla returned blank looks to their god. "Well?" Zamorak demanded. "Spit it out!"

Karzit* shook out of his surprise first. "My Lord," he said, careful in choosing his words, "the Palace is in ruins, so we would have to rebuild the entire structure. Also, the edge of the Wilderness has moved northward since the dragon arrived, so it is very close to Saradominist territory."

"And your point?"

"In the time it would take us to rebuild it, my Lord, they would certainly discover us and attack, or worse. The silver dragon could discover us and decimate our workers in no time at all, my Lord."

Zamorak threw back his head and laughed, causing another surprise to fall around the table. Finally, the god turned his red eyes back to his generals. "The Saradominists will not attack, they will wait on their dragon to do it."

Kazla looked at Karzit*, confused, and then back to Zamorak. "Then the dragon would attack us, my Lord? Would that not be just as bad or worse?"

"You're overlooking one small detail, my General," Zamorak replied, fire lit behind his red eyes. "I want the dragon to find me."

Silence fell, stifling the underground cavern. Finally, Kazla whispered, "You...want it to come?"

"The dragon is formidable, yes," Zamorak explained, looking slightly bored. "But he derives his power the same way that Saradomin does, from order. I derive mine from chaos. Therefore, I have the upper hand, because there is way more chaos in our world today than order."

The Generals were not completely sold by the god's explanation, but they both withheld their objections.

"Now, Kazla," Zamorak continued. "Go to your men and divide them up for correspondence missions. I want emissaries sent to every pocket of Zamorakan survivors across the Wilderness. Tell them of the plan, and give my decree that all should migrate south to the Palace of Agaben."

12-Jul-2010 02:47:39



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"My Lord," Kazla replied, "we do not know the locations of these pockets."

"Gather those that you will send on this mission and assemble them above. I know the locations, and I will be there soon to tell you myself. I'll also tell you where to go, Kazla, for I want you to personally contact a few of my old supporters. First, however, I have business to attend to with General Karzith."

"As you wish, my Lord," Kazla replied, a slight look of jealousy brewing in his eyes. He turned and left the room, heading toward the messengers' quarters.

"What do you wish to speak to me about, my Lord?" asked Karzit*.

"Even if I can defeat the dragon," Zamorak said, "there are still other matters that concern me. The Edicts of Guthix, for one. They will bind my movement for the time being."

"You have circumvented them already, my Lord, have you not? Your very presence here is in violation of the Edicts."

Zamorak shook his head. "I circumvented only one part, and I need help circumventing the next. My presence here is now allowed, but I cannot shift the balance of good and evil."

Karzit* nodded, beginning to understand. "My Lord, if I may ask, how did you circumvent the first rule and come to Gielinor?"

"There is no time to explain that right now," the god replied. "Though I am not the only party to have done so. Saradomin did too, for his presence is here in the form of that silver dragon. What is important now is getting around the next part. I already have a plan, but it is tricky to pull off."

"Tell me, my Lord. I will do as you command."

Zamorak nodded. "There is a secret group of Guthixians hidden around the world, ready to move should the balance of good and evil be tipped. Should a violation occur, they are sworn to convene at a secret altar. It radiates, for a small shard of the Stone of Jas is hidden within it, however, I cannot sense it except from very close proximity. I do not have time to search for it, so I want you to find it."

12-Jul-2010 02:48:18



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"You want me to scour RuneScape to find this altar? My Lord, it could be anywhere!"

"I do not want you to search every square inch for it, just wander the areas where Guthix is strong. It is likely to be there."

Karzit* scrambled in his mind, trying to find something to move this mission to someone else. "My Lord, how will I know when I have found it? I am not skilled in magic enough to notice!"

Zamorak motioned for Karzit* to approach. As he did, Zamorak thrust a finger onto his shoulder. Karzit* yelped in pain, as the finger burned through his black robe and seared the skin beneath. Finally, he pulled away, leaving a seal scarred into his follower's flesh. "There, now a piece of my spirit will be with you. It will activate if you find the Altar."

Karzit*, feeling a little faint from the branding, bowed his head. "My Lord, I will do as you command. But what am I do to once I locate the altar? Am I to destroy it?"

The god shook his head. "That would be impossible. The Stone of Jas fragment will make that difficult. Just find the altar. Once you do, the seal I placed on your shoulder will take care of the rest."

Karzit* nodded, taking a small glance down at the fiery red mark burned into his flesh beside his neck. It was Zamorak's symbol, and it pulsed with a power that seemed to have a mind of its own. "I will do your will, my Lord," Karzit* said.

Zamorak smiled. "Excellent. Find that Altar, so my plan can commence, and we can begin the destruction of this world."


12-Jul-2010 03:01:18



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The wind whipped the entire world around Serena as she ran along the bare path. The trees on either side waved their leaves in response to the cascading gales, a wind that brought in the stinging stench of sulfur with it. The sky was gray and menacing with a growing storm.

Serena continued running up the hill, her white Seer robes fluttering as she went. Her long golden hair did the same, her appearance as wild as the scene. There was a horrible sense of foreboding brewing in her heart, and it weighed her down, almost as if she didn't want to reach the apex of that hill for fear of what lay on the other side.

Finally, Serena reached the top and looked into the valley beneath. The sky was red on the other side of the hill, and beneath it was a huge city along the sea. Crimson flames jumped from the city, consuming the skyline in nothing but fire and smoke, a dark plume hovering like a tombstone over the doomed city. Screams of terror and panic resounded up the hill to the Seer, who fell to her knees, crying for the people being consumed in the flames.

"Serena," came a voice from behind her, and she immediately spun to look who it was. A figure was standing with her on the crest of the hill, looking right at her. He wore a long dark cloak, and his face was covered beneath a black hood.

Serena was filled with relief at the sight, and she ran over to him. A sense of familiarity and love surrounded this new person. The man embraced Serena as she approached, holding her close. "Don't worry, Serena," he whispered, pressing his hand to her golden hair. "I will protect you."

And suddenly the scene was gone. Serena opened her eyes to see the face of her father looking at her. She glanced around quickly, and she saw that she was outside her home, lying on the grass near the maple tree.

21-Jul-2010 20:38:35



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"Serena," her father said, looking at her with his bright blue eyes. Her father was a tall man with a thin face, and those blue eyes stood out against his white hair. In truth, he was too young to have a full head of white hair, but he bleached it himself so as to fit in more with the Seers. "Did you have another vision?"

Serena nodded, getting to her feet. Her father was a very gifted Seer, and he had passed his gift on to her. Actually, her father was born a Druid in Taverley, and so he was a devout Guthixian. Then, when he was about sixteen years old, he began to see visions of the future. He moved to the Seers' Village and was accepted, due mostly to the sheer skill he brought with him.

"Yes, Father," Serena said, her head lowered.

"What did it mean?" he asked, and there was the question she was dreading. Her father rarely asked what made up the vision; he was interested only in the latent content. That part, the interpretation, also happened to be the part that Serena could not do.

"I have not determined that yet, Father," she mumbled, shame settling over her like a thick smoke, choking her.

Her father looked intently at his daughter, as if studying her. "Serena," he said putting his hand on her shoulder. "I realize that you struggle with interpreting your visions, but that is common for all young ones with the gift."

Serena chanced a peek at her father's face, and saw that it was smiling back at her. "You are my daughter, and I know you will eventually learn to do it better than I!"

Serena smiled and laughed. "I will try, Father."

The man's face suddenly became more somber, and he began to speak with a darker tone. "However, I must warn you of one thing," he added. "From the lowest Seer up to the wisest sage, exempting possibly only the gods themselves, we are all susceptible to error. To misunderstand one's vision is both common and deadly. It can bring harm to you and everything you care about if you mistake the will of the cosmos."

21-Jul-2010 20:39:36



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Serena, taken aback by this dark thought of her father's, only nodded.

"I want you to promise that you will try to better understand these visions," her father said. "Until then, they are merely a hassle to you, and possibly even worse, a trap."

"I will do as you say," Serena said. "For my honor and yours."

The Seer smiled, patting Serena's blonde hair with his hand. "I am more concerned with your welfare, my daughter. I cannot rid myself of these wretched shadows that plague my mind. Now come, I have some things I want you to take to Catherby."

Serena nodded, and followed her father into the house, the thoughts of her mysterious and horrifying vision still weighing on her mind.


"Some kind of catastrophe?" Serena asked the wind as she walked down the path, thinking about her vision. The burning city could not mean anything good, she thought, but whether it was literal or not remained to be seen. "I am such a terrible Seer," she grumbled, sitting down on the side of the road.

Serena had traveled the short trip to Catherby to deliver some cloth to her aunt. Her mother, Trianna, had come from Catherby, and met her father when seeking advice from the Seers. They had fallen in love, and Serena was their first child. However, her father had foreseen that they would only have one child, but he did not know beforehand the disease Trianna would contract.

The girl leaned her back against the tree, looking up into the clear blue sky above her. "I wonder what she was like," Serena said with a sigh. "Help me, Mother. I need help seeing my future."

The image of that dark figure from her vision came to the front of her mind. "He was so strong," she said, filled with longing for her mysterious protector. "I can't wait until I meet him."

21-Jul-2010 20:40:00

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