
Clash of the Incarnations

Quick find code: 49-50-417-59988625



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No... the herb guy makes things go boom and that scared the goblins. I understand that they may be fierce in ignorance and in a battle-mind set.

A massive BOOM would probably stop anybody from battle, don't you think? But primarily goblins are cowardly and this means that they would scatter.

I think hat generally you need to cover all skill sets in a team and have a variety of people.

- A leader who can be any of these roles
- A meleer
- A ranger
- A mage
- A healer
- An assassin
- A pet
- A monk
- An imposter/traitor
- An apprentice
- An important object

Generally that's how things work. You get any of them from that selection there and a few of them you have seen throughout in the major groups.



I just did the temple at Senntisten quest and have discovered that the temple of Zaros must have remained after Zaros' death. Is it possible that it could have been protected by wards so powerful that as Zamorak ravaged the city with his minions that the temple sealed and remained unenterable for some time after the death (or banishment of the soul, destruction of the physical being, etc.) of Zaros?

This, I think, seems rather plausible as an explanation and that the link to Zaros was established before his death so that he could communicate with all servants of his while he was away.

We know that the sacred relic was removed by Saradominist* but surely it would have been had by Zamorakians, had they taken the shrine. It is possible, infact that Zamorak never actually breached the temple and that only at the last moment the guardians fled with two of the relics, taking them to safety at the last moment.

Does this totally fit in with your story? I generally love the way your plot works inharmony with the history given by Jagex and just wondered if it still holds of has been broken.

20-Feb-2010 23:07:46 - Last edited on 22-Feb-2010 17:52:34 by [#45SO12LQO]

YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

Posts: 2,888 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Having a list of necessary archetypes can only lead to badness and lack of originality. Especially 'traitor/untrustworthy person'. In addition, leaders are hardly ever good at everything. Have you read Lord of the Rings? Aragorn was a nonhuman warrior with healing capabilities. He was't a mage, he wasn't a thief, he wasn't an untrustworthy person.
Sure, a list of roles the group may need to function properly might be okay, but roles the story needs to be a clone of a Dungeons and Dragons novel is folly. This is Riekan's own story, it shouldn't be so unoriginal as you suggest.

22-Feb-2010 17:07:55 - Last edited on 22-Feb-2010 17:13:45 by YuBiusk Ink



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I was just saying how it balances out. There is a theory that there are only 12 stories and all others are variations. I think that this is a generally balanced group and I didn't say the leader was ALL of those roles, I said he could be any one of them. If you have a group which is entirely melee or mage or ranged based them it is unbalanced.

I am not telling him to make it exactly like other stories or make it unorigional. I am just saying what is balanced and what is unbalanced and whatever he does he will probably have characters which fall into those catagories. Take most books of this genre and you shall find that it generally falls into place. It's a bit hard to deny this fact and try and fight it like some evil fate to which you are doomed.

These common traits are things that help make a story. If you use this tool then you actually end up making a very varied and dynamic group, if that is what you wish to do.

I was only advising as so far in the cursed dragon series of from which this draws quite a few traits as I see it, because that was a very grouped story.

Also a group doesn't need everybody from the list. I think you have taken this to extremes and think I expect a story to include these all. I disagree. I think that if you wish to make a gruop diverse then you should use these. If you do not then you can avoid using this to make a group un-diverse in the reverse manner. :)

Edit: As for Aragon, he is a leader-warrior. His abilities to heal also make him a healer. Any traits of living twice as long as anybody else are irrelivant. You have just proved that these catagories work. Look at Boromir. Warrior, possible deputy leader. Gandalf, mage. Legolas, ranger. Gimli(Spelling?), warrior. Frodo may be considered a mage due to the powers of invisiblity rendered to him by the ring. The rest of the hobbits you could possibly consider as very weak warriors but mainly just passengers or plain people.


22-Feb-2010 17:39:49 - Last edited on 22-Feb-2010 17:51:00 by [#45SO12LQO]



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
But it makes a balanced group. Boromir for example was corrupted. Untrustworth person. Are you saying that lord of the rings is cliche and rubbish because it sticks to this?

You've been reading stories all your life like this probably and it's only now when I tell you they are actually quite similar that you deny facts.

And it's not about havinbg the optimal group to survive finally. Please pay attention to what I have been saying. I said BALANCED, as in the fact that it covers many bases. Don't twist my words.

Can we please end this whole thing? I think that you seem angry for some reason that I am looking at what makes books exciting...

23-Feb-2010 20:49:22



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“I was a much better choice for my mother; a second son, never to fully escape Zelthen’s long shadow. At least that is what my mother believed when I was two years old, when she watched Zelthen excel in anything placed before him. So, from that age, she secretly instructed me in the ways of Zaros. It was simple, for I was not yet completely indoctrinated into Zamorakan teachings. She told me the truth, the historical facts passed down through the Zorsara Clan.”

“Why were the facts kept a secret?” Daigan asked.

“Because I lived in a Zamorakan world. An old adage says that the history of war is told by the winners, and this is true with Zamorak’s Rebellion. After he defeated Zaros and dismantled the Empire, Zamorak’s propaganda told the story. It was anti-Zaros from start to finish. That is the belief system I was born into, and that is what my mother allowed me to escape. She told me the truth, and I was never the same after that. I never completely bought into my Zamorakan society, even when I had prominence in it. And then, when the Saradominists came to reclaim the silver dragon egg that we stole, I felt nothing when I abandoned Ak’Namozk.”

“Wait a minute!” Artemis cried. “You were involved with the dragon egg before you saved it later?”

“Yes. When Zelthen and I were on the Circle of Nine, our father launched an attack on the Saradominist monastery in northern Asgarnia. At the time, it was a massive feat, since many Saradominist warriors resided there to guard the monks. His attack force carved its way in and out, killing many and setting fire to the monastery. However, he could not destroy the dragon egg himself, for it was too strong. So he brought the egg back to Ak’Namozk with him. He knew that there were only a few people that could help him destroy it, and the Circle of Nine was filled with them.

23-Feb-2010 21:22:04



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“When Thainzen brought the egg before us and showed us its resistance to any form of attack, we were puzzled at how to defeat it. Remember, at the time, I was a Zarosian living in a Zamorakan society. The Zarosians feel a strong distaste for anything Zamorakan, but we also hold mild feelings toward the Saradominists. Therefore, I put all my efforts into discovering its weakness. That is why, in our meeting, I proposed to my eight colleagues that we curse the dragon egg with a powerful influx of ice magic.”

“You cursed it?!” Artemis replied in shock, standing up.

“Not exactly. I proposed the idea. I was not strong enough to actually cast the curse on the egg. However, there was one mage on the Circle that could. My brother, Zelthen.”

Artemis and Daigan were silent, though they were reeling in these revelations. *That is how I knew how to remove the curse,” Zharoun finished. “I am sorry if I’m less heroic than you believed.”

“Why are you telling us all this?” Artemis asked, breaking the silence.

“Well,” Zharoun sighed, “I’m not all that sure. I suppose when you reach a certain age, you want to pass on what you know to the next generation. To be remembered, even when you’re gone.”

Artemis smiled. “You’re the Sage of Trollweiss! People will remember you!”

Zharoun lowered his head. He gazed into the fire, and he could see within the sizzling embers a dark face, with its black hair and eyes looking impassively back at him. “But not all of me,” was Zharoun’s reply. “A seeker of the truth must see everything, good and bad. Only then can you truly understand someone.”

“I don’t think you’re any less heroic,” Daigan said quietly, and it shocked Zharoun.

“But it wasn’t right! My accomplishments are dirty with the filth of my own remorse!”

“And that’s just it!” Artemis replied. “You had remorse! That’s what makes you different from the Zamorakans. When the time came, you made everything right.”

23-Feb-2010 21:22:44



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Zharoun looked from Artemis to Daigan, and then a smile crept up onto his wrinkled old face. “Thank you. You helped me through something so difficult, I’ve wrestled with it for decades.”

“Anytime,” Artemis replied with a wink. “All this storytelling really put a damper on the mood, though.”

“You mean the mood of rampaging goblins?” Zharoun responded, and Artemis gave a big laugh.

“Yes, I miss the old goblins now!”

It was a surreal moment for Daigan, sitting around the campfire with Artemis and Zharoun, laughing and joking with them. There was a happiness in the universe that had not existed for several days, and Daigan wasn’t even sure if anything in his previous life matched this companionship and warmth.
"Since we're on the subject of the past," Zharoun continued, "I've been meaning to ask. What led you to pursue life in the woods, Artemis?"

It was Artemis's turn to squirm nervously. "Well, since you didn't spare us the details, I won't either," she replied. "I've been out here for as long as I can remember. My parents died when I was young, and a woman in Edgeville took me in and cared for me. She didn't have much money, but she still gave me everything I needed."

"You were lucky to find someone so kind," Zharoun replied.

Artemis nodded. "I owe her my life. She gets a big cut of every kill I make, to this day. That's what I hunt for out here."

Zharoun smiled. "You have a kind heart, Artemis, even when you are forced to kill. I am indebted to you for your kindness and hospitality."

Artemis returned a big grin. "Anytime, my Sage."

The Sage laughed. "Your story is a bit shorter than mine, but I suppose that's the difference when I have a century's head start."

“Maybe one day I’ll have a tale for you,” Artemis replied. “You just wait!”

“I look forward to it.”

23-Feb-2010 21:23:31



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"What chance do we have of a story like yours?” Daigan asked, and both turned to look at him. He had been silent for most of the conversation, and they were almost surprised to hear him. “We can’t achieve anything like that; nothing. Our world is too…ordinary.”

Zharoun gazed down at Daigan with an odd look on his face. “Do you honestly believe that the world is any different now than it was then?”

The silence was thick, and Daigan did not answer. “Your generation may be a bit more advanced than ours, but you are still the same. Do not call the world ordinary; it is anything but ordinary. Because people are not ordinary, you will still have the same hatred and war and passion. The world is never mundane when it is filled with so many that follow burning hearts.”

Daigan’s head was lowered. He could not look Zharoun in the eye.

“You are troubled,” Zharoun finished. “What is the matter?”

Anger started to burn within Daigan’s chest. The Sage was making him look like a fool, right in front of Artemis.

“Daigan?” asked Artemis, and suddenly the anger melted. Her voice was inquisitive, but a slight tinge of fear was in it. It was as though she already knew Daigan was housing something terrible.

Daigan was trembling. He knew that she would find out eventually, so there was little use in hiding it. The news would spread quickly, and she would be left to hear the wicked truth. But he could not bring himself to present his deed before her. The crackling fire was the only noise in the campsite, until Daigan spoke in a whisper.

“Promise me,” he said silently, so that Zharoun and Artemis had to crane in his direction to hear. “Promise me that you will not betray me to them when you hear.”

“What kind of promise is that?” Artemis demanded, frowning. “I don’t have to…”

“We accept,” Zharoun replied, silencing Artemis. “I apologize, Artemis, but he is our comrade right now. We must be there for him, whatever we must do to help.”

23-Feb-2010 21:24:37

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