“When Thainzen brought the egg before us and showed us its resistance to any form of attack, we were puzzled at how to defeat it. Remember, at the time, I was a Zarosian living in a Zamorakan society. The Zarosians feel a strong distaste for anything Zamorakan, but we also hold mild feelings toward the Saradominists. Therefore, I put all my efforts into discovering its weakness. That is why, in our meeting, I proposed to my eight colleagues that we curse the dragon egg with a powerful influx of ice magic.”
“You cursed it?!” Artemis replied in shock, standing up.
“Not exactly. I proposed the idea. I was not strong enough to actually cast the curse on the egg. However, there was one mage on the Circle that could. My brother, Zelthen.”
Artemis and Daigan were silent, though they were reeling in these revelations. *That is how I knew how to remove the curse,” Zharoun finished. “I am sorry if I’m less heroic than you believed.”
“Why are you telling us all this?” Artemis asked, breaking the silence.
“Well,” Zharoun sighed, “I’m not all that sure. I suppose when you reach a certain age, you want to pass on what you know to the next generation. To be remembered, even when you’re gone.”
Artemis smiled. “You’re the Sage of Trollweiss! People will remember you!”
Zharoun lowered his head. He gazed into the fire, and he could see within the sizzling embers a dark face, with its black hair and eyes looking impassively back at him. “But not all of me,” was Zharoun’s reply. “A seeker of the truth must see everything, good and bad. Only then can you truly understand someone.”
“I don’t think you’re any less heroic,” Daigan said quietly, and it shocked Zharoun.
“But it wasn’t right! My accomplishments are dirty with the filth of my own remorse!”
“And that’s just it!” Artemis replied. “You had remorse! That’s what makes you different from the Zamorakans. When the time came, you made everything right.”
23-Feb-2010 21:22:44