
The Battle for Quiellea

Quick find code: 49-50-38-62178758



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Renair was dumbstruck. He looked around wildly just in time to see a figure with long blonde hair fall out of the sky onto the ground next to him, as he fell he slammed his fist into the earth. The last thing Captain Renair saw was a ball of energy engulf everything around him, and then everything went black.

Tirent was amazed at the intricacy of Nate's plan. He flew above the fog with Gorgo, and Sorak of his back, Zephy rand into the trees and hid, and Spindle made himself invisible. they all waited and soon a supply convoy came along. Nate walked up to them and attacked which was the signal for Spindle to unleash his fire. Tirent, Gorgo and Sorak could see the fire through the fog and acted on their part of the plan, and soon all of the soldiers were dead.
"all set everybody?" Spindle asked. They all answered yes and suddenly, Tirent felt his body change, he grew a few inches, his hair turned brown and and he grew a beard, his dragonkin robes turned to steel armor. He now resembled a Empire soldier as did all of his friends. they set off with the supply wagon (as Tirent had been sure to spare it and the Boars that pulled it). It was a long journey but soon they made it out of the mountains. Senegol was now in sight. Nate's plan involved separating into two groups each with someone with the ability to teleport. in essence, Gorgo Sorak and Spindle are in one group, and Tirent, Nate, and Zephy are in the other, Team 1 (Gorgo, Spindle, and Sorak) are to head west of the Empiric Watchtower where the plans are located. When they get far enough away they will create a diversion, and start attacking guards and act as though they are trying to get into the tower.

22-Jan-2011 07:27:01



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Then Team two (Nate, Tirent, and Zephy) would sneak in on the east side, steal the plans and teleport to where team one is. Then everyone would book it out of the city as fast as dragons wings can take them.
They walked toward the city, getting there took forever, it felt like the city kept getting farther away, but eventually they made it. "Hello sir" the entry guard said to Nate who was imitating the captain of our battalion. " We were ambushed, i lost most of my men, but the six of us managed to escape, with the supplies"
"very brave of you sir!" the entry guard gaucked. It was obvious the poor guy wanted a more exciting job and enveyed "the captain" very much.
"you may pass, you may pass!" the gaurd exclaimed.
The group entered the gate, and ditched the wagon. Nate whispered to all of them " Lets go!" and they sprinted their different ways. IT WAS TIME TO MOVE.

22-Jan-2011 07:34:23 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 07:54:20 by Beep282

Carsten 901

Carsten 901

Posts: 2,864 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



Epic chapter :D
Long chapter! :D
Epic chapter :D



:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

22-Jan-2011 14:48:36 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 14:49:29 by Carsten 901



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: The plans.

As He, Zephy, and Nate sprinted through back alley ways and by soldiers and townsfolk, Tirent examined the city. The buildings were tall and had Stone bases with wooden roofs. Narrow alleyways ran in between each building and there were many beggars and other shady looking characters leaning on walls and asking for money. Nate pointed to a large tower in the center of the city, it was all white and was at least 6 levels high. "that's where we're headed" he said. As they ran, Tirent noticed that the buildings were packed with soldiers, all drinking or relaxing. Tirent realized that if they were found out then they would have half an army after them. The other team had a lot to do, having to fight all of them off. When they reached the tower, they saw that the door was guarded and if they killed the guards, people would see them. Zephy tapped Nate and Tirent, and gestured to a nearby building. They all climbed up to the roof, and Zephy pulled out his bow and shot a grappling hook that caught on a window of the 3rd level. Nate secured the end of the rope and they all shimmied up the rope. As they hopped into the room, Nate quickly checked all the entrance ways, Zephy cut the rope, and guarded the window and Tirent started searching for a map of the tower. Soon, he found it "Got it! Important papers are kept on the top level in the left room." he whispered. "is the coast clear?"
"All clear" responded Nate. "How about you Zephy?" Tirent continued.
"All the soldiers are outside now, they are running to the west, it must be Gorgo, Spindle, and Sorak."
"Good lets go."
The three of them slipped into the corridor,and found the stairs. A guard was patrolling the upper level corridor, but in Zephy shot an arrow into his back, and Nate caught the man before he fell to the ground. As they continued upwards they heard explosions and screams. "boy Those three are really giving them hell!" Zephy snickered.

22-Jan-2011 22:57:21



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There were two guards guarding the door to the room. Zephy crept up to them and and stabbed both of them with throwing knives, then quietly laid them on the ground. The door is locked said Tirent, Rushing up to the door with Nate,
"I got it covered" responded Nate. Out of his shoe he pulled out a lock pick, and after fiddling with the lock, he got it to click open. Inside, there were dozens of chests and wardrobes full of papers, but in a corner of the room was a locked chest labeled CLASSIFIED TO MISSION OPERATIVES: mission 003, INVASION. Tirent walked over to it, he didn't have any lock picks, but he knew how to get it open. First he slowly and quietly burned a hole above the keyhole. Then he reached in and unlocked the chest from the inside. " Hey guys, take a look." Tirent hissed. " I think i found them."
There were three files, One labeled EQUIPMENT, another was labeled COURSE, and the last one was labeled TRANSPORTATION. Tirent opened the last file, and his jaw dropped. The empire were building airplanes, with weapons, they could reach the Dragon Isle easily with this equipment. He quickly tucked the files inside his cloak.
"What do you think you're doing?" a voice said from the doorway. This was not good, what went wrong? Tirent, Zephy and Nate whipped around. "You..." growled Nate. There stood a man with gleaming steel armor and a gold cape, but what struck Tirent most was the man's eyes. They were bright red.

22-Jan-2011 23:10:03



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
thats it for chapter seven, but chapter 8 will probably come soon. feel free to create bios, here is a format:

Name: self explanatory

Race:races include humans, dragonkin, and nomads who can turn into big cats like tigers and mountain lions.(will need some of these most but wont come in till much later)

Description: what he/she looks like, what they wear,hair, eye color etc....

Weapons: weapons used and also include what kind of combat the character is best at.

extra: any other information that you think i need to know about him/her, what side he/she is on, Empire or dragonkin, any special abilities they have

22-Jan-2011 23:20:31 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 23:20:47 by Beep282

Carsten 901

Carsten 901

Posts: 2,864 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cool chapter :D make that



And you already know my bio but if you want i will repost it.

23-Jan-2011 00:04:58 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2011 00:05:26 by Carsten 901



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 8: Escape.

The man stepped farther into the room. "you know i hoped i could see you again Nate..." he said.
"who is he?" asked Tirent.
"why, I am Commander Morgan," the man answered.
"That man is responsible for this entire war!" exclaimed Nate.
" He is almost what i would call pure evil."
"oh is that so Nate? but you have always been a bit to aggressive." Morgan teased.
"SHUT UP!!!" Nate growled.
"oh am i annoying you? maybe you can tell Moon how much you hate me, oh wait... shes dead!"
"I said SHUT UP!!!!" Nate's eyes turned a deeper red and scales started to form on his skin. He turned to Tirent and Zephy, "Run!" he said and then a deeper and darker voice emanated from Nate's body. "WHILE YOU CAN!!! HAHHAahha" then Nate's body began expanding, he grew wings and they too grew and suddenly their was a monstrously sized dragon huddled in the room. Commander Morgan quickly teleported away. Tirent grabbed Zephy and turned to run, but the dragon expanded his wings, shoved his arms outward, and breathed fire. The tower exploded stone and wood flew everywhere. Tirent and Zephy were thrown out and started to fall. The dragon jumped off the breaking tower and flew toward them breathing fire as he went. Tirent quickly grabbed zephy's arm, shut his eyes and teleported.

23-Jan-2011 02:43:00

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