
The Battle for Quiellea

Quick find code: 49-50-38-62178758



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INTENSIVE EDITING IN PROCESS: but one can still post, just sorry about some grammatical, plot, and general errors.
feel free to create bios!
bio format :( changed)
Name: self explanatory
Race:races include humans, dragonkin, and nomads who can turn into big cats like tigers and mountain lions.
appearance : what he/she looks like, hair, eye color etc....also include age for this
clothes: ....clothes
weapons (if has any): self explanatory, but also explain prominent style of combat
Important items:
brief history:

This story is a trilogy: this first part is called Attack, the second is Alliance, and the third is Finale

15-Jan-2011 06:28:07 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2012 02:23:28 by Beep282



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bang! Bang! Bang! Tirent awoke with a start. Time to get up already? He couldn't believe it. The warden threw open the door. "Why aren't you up bunk 589!!? You are forty five seconds late!!!" Each student (ages 10-17) at the Facility was required to get up at 5:30 A.M every morning for a 5 mile run and then breakfast. After breakfast, the boys are required to go to their basic classes which include math, sciences/magical studies, glyphing (Quiellean writing), and reflexes. After lunch they have a preparation class, special to each student, some take magic prep, others combat, and others, business classes.Tirent, a lanky boy of 17 with long blonde hair and piercing red eyes (the sign of a wizard) dragged himself to the mess hall, this run had been especially hard it could be the soreness from his magic class. He plopped down next to Zephy or Zephrik as adults call him, and Sorak, an older boy who seemed older than he really is. Zephy is an agile, small kid with long black hair. And Sorak is a tall muscular bulk who specializes in combat. "Can’t you run that far by now Tirent?" joked Zephy, "Nah, I’m just sore from my magic training, plus you can't criticize, you've probably forgotten just how hard it is, ‘Mr. I am exempt because of my archery training’!" Tirent retorted. Sorak snickered and Tirent rounded on him. “And you too Sorak you don’t have to either why am I the only one doing the work here?” Tirent shook his head, aggravated. "You're not it just seems that way" responded Zephy, "In case you forgot we have to study after hours and you don't!" Tirent relented and decided to stick to his breakfast.

15-Jan-2011 06:55:32 - Last edited on 28-Jun-2011 07:17:52 by Beep282



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Tirent breezed through his early classes and ate a quick lunch then went to his favorite class of the day, magic training. Each student has a personal tutor, Tirent's was an old but very capable man named Irkwood. As Tirent jogged over to the grassy field where his training took place, he was suddenly blown backward by a shock wave. And out of nowhere appeared Master Irkwood. “Always be aware; don’t let your guard down for an instant!" Irkwood reprimanded." you look tired what’s up?"
"Oh just sore from our last session that’s all" Tirent responded. “Oh ok then lets get started shall we?"
"We shall sir."
*Today we will be practicing conjuring elements"
The old man pounded his staff on the ground and it suddenly burst into flames.
"Since you will the flame into existence you control what it will burn" as he said this he flung the flames onto Tirent. Tirent flinched back and then realized that he wasn’t burning, and then Irkwood flung the fire bank onto a nearby plant which was immediately fried to a crisp.
End of chapter one. To be continued.

15-Jan-2011 07:11:01 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2011 04:24:47 by Beep282



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 2: Discovery
After Tirent had finished his magic lessons he headed over to his bunk room. 2 doors down is another boy named Dimboo who doesn’t have after hours training. Tirent walked over to him and began talking to him. Dimboo was a nerdy kid who chooses to follow the rules over anything else. But he was all Tirent had at the moment. As Dimboo drawled on about how he got a 95 percent on his test instead of a perfect score, Tirent remembered why he was in the facility.
He never knew his father very well, he was always busy running tests to better the capitol of Quiellea and such, very loyal to the king. But one day, his father came to him and said "You are to go to a ... special school that will teach you skills you need to live." And that was that, there was nothing he could do to stop the decision. He was pulled away from his friends and into a new world... with a 5 am run every morning.
"Tirent! TIRENT! Are you listening???" Dimboo said.
Tirent started “No, Dimboo, no I wasn’t." Tirent said flatly
Dimboo glared at him and walked off. In the corner though, stood Zephy and Sorak both laughing, “See ya later Dimboob!!" they called mockingly.

15-Jan-2011 17:32:34 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2011 04:43:09 by Beep282



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Oh by the way Tirent, Master Irkwood wanted to speak to you." Sorak said, as he pulled out his clothes to be washed.
"Yea he said it was urgent, you'd better go over there" added Zephy. Tirent was confused, what did master Irkwood want? As he went into Irkwood's office he noticed that his master had been hard at work.
"Close the door and lock it Tirent" Irkwood told him.
"Ok what’s up why did you want to see me?"
"I need to explain something to you, the real reason why you have red eyes."
Tirent was confused "My eyes?"
"Yes your eyes young one. You are meant to live in the Dragon Isles, not here."
"what?! But that’s just a myth" Tirent was confused.
"All a myth is just something that hasn’t been proven, not necessarily something fake." Irkwood answered. "Your red eyes are a sign that you have the dragon gene in you. You belong at the dragon isle so you may grow and learn your true strength."
"But why now why not right when I was born" Tirent asked.
"I hoped to train you a little longer, but time has run out, King Cornelius' boats have crashed on the island, they know it exists and trust me the King will want it gone." Irkwood stated. "Now they will come after you not yet but soon, so I need to get you out of here, you can take your friends Zephy and Sorak too, they have gifts that will someday save your life. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Irkwood was now rushing around packing things up and using magic to push everything into bundles. Tirent was dumbstruck, his whole world was spinning, was the empire is evil? How is this possible? Irkwood turned to him and said " You will leave tomorrow night, tell your friends and discuss a plan get out to the training field, I will meet you there."
"wait! How? Why?" Tirent needed answers.
"NO Time! Go talk to your friends and prepare to meet me tomorrow night!" and with that he was gone in a puff of smoke.

15-Jan-2011 19:29:42 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2011 04:51:00 by Beep282



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 3: Escape
Tirent rushed into Zephy's room where he and Sorak were playing cards. "Dang, what’s up with you" Zephy commented.
"We need to leave"
"What?" Zephy and Sorak said in unison, and then again in unison "Why?"
Tirent told them what Master Irkwood had told him, they were shocked. Zephy immediately said "I am in!" and Sorak simply nodded that he agreed. Tirent was relieved, “Thanks guys I was worried you wouldn't want to"
" Are you kidding me? That’s amazing I want action adventure and it sounds like this is it!" Zephy exclaimed.
"Ha ha yea I guess so" Tirent laughed and then was serious again. “Ok so how are we going to get to the training field without being seen?
"Well you can probably use an invisibility spell, I can jump through the trees and Sorak... can ummm" Zephy suggested.
"I’ll crawl there” Sorak said gruffly.
“Ha ha are you sure you can handle that? “ laughed Zephy.
Little did any of them know, but Dimboo was right outside their door and had heard everything.
The next night, Tirent, Zephy, and Sorak all snuck out to the training field. Sorak was almost caught but he slit the guard’s throat as soon as he saw him. They jogged the rest of the way to the training field where they saw Irkwood and three other hooded beings. They ran up and Irkwood said “Oh good, you're here, did anyone see you?"
"One did but he won’t see anything else" said Sorak and he snickered.
Tirent looked at the three hooded figures, one was huge, probably bigger than Sorak, and he had a massive barbed sword strung across his back. The other was tall, but thin he held a staff with the head of a dragon at the top, and the one in the middle looked about Tirent's height he was thin but was all muscle, Tirent guessed he was about 17.
"Greetings, Tirent, Irkwood has told me much about you." said the one in the middle as he held out his hand " I am Nate, this is Gorgo (the giant man grunted) and this is Spindle (the magician nodded politely)"

15-Jan-2011 19:44:38 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2011 05:05:28 by Beep282



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nate explained that he and his team were here to take him and his friends to the Dragon isle, but he was cut short by a rustle in the bushes behind Irkwood. They all spun around and there in front of them were a full battalion of the Empire's warriors. There were 20 warriors, 10 archers and 3 magicians. The head magician walked up. "Trying to escape are you, and who are you three, by the looks of you, you are of the Dragonkin, Yes that’s right we know about you." Nate and Spindle exchanged looks of alarm. “Then we will just have to kill you" Nate said stepping forward.
"Oh but we are not the only ones, the whole government of the Empire knows of your existence and we will eradicate you."
Irkwood stepped forward “You do not know what you are getting into.” He said to the empiric soldier, “And I will not let you hurt them!” Irkwood yelled.
“GET OUT OF MY WAY, OLD MAN!" and with that he stabbed Irkwood. "You make me sick" Irkwood spat as he fell to the ground lifeless.
"NOOOOOOOOOO" screamed Tirent.
Within him his rage boiled up and burst, his draconic instinct, dormant all of his life, ignited! Scales ran up his arms, claws formed where his fingernails were, and his pupils became slits. Zephy and Sorak were in awe "bloody..." Zephy mumbled
"Amazing he has started his transformation himself, it normally takes weeks of training to awaken one’s dragon instinct." Nate said.
Tirent looked about in fury and launched himself at the closest soldier, the man shot an arrow, but Tirent caught it and smashed it in his fist, then sent the soldier flying into a tree. Tirent felt like he was on autopilot, as if his subconscious was controlling him like a puppet. As two more soldiers ran at him, he summoned two balls of fire and flung them at the soldiers, then leaped over them, into the middle of the group of soldiers and punched the ground sending a ripple of rock which launched the whole battalion backward. Then Tirent blew fire, all over the frightened soldiers.

15-Jan-2011 19:57:48 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2011 05:28:15 by Beep282



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All that were left were the three magicians who had used a shielding spell to protect themselves. Then suddenly, two strong arms lifted Tirent backward and up into the air. Tirent looked and saw that they belonged to a massive dragon. The dragon took him to a nearby tree and said in a deep voice “You need to calm down young one, it is me Gorgo, I know you are angry that they killed your master, but we need to get you out of here."
" But I need to get those magicians!" Tirent protested.
"No you don’t"
" What about my friends, where are Zephy and Sorak?" Tirent asked. The dragon said "Do not worry Spindle has also transformed and taken them to another tree nearby."
Tirent could see down below where Nate was facing off against the three magicians. He threw off his cloak to reveal an assassins elite stealth suit all in black, complete with throwing knives, darts, and shuriken. Out of their sheaths he pulled two long daggers about the length from his hand to his elbow. The mages conjured fireballs and launched them at Nate, but Nate was too quick, in seconds he rolled under one flipped over another and stabbed one of the magicians. Then Tirent noticed something about Nate’s blades. They weren’t just daggers, there was an aura that extended a couple inches farther , the tip of the blades were fakes, the daggers were longer than they seemed. As Tirent watched, Nate took advantage of his trick and swung at one of the magicians, who dodged away but only enough to evade the fake tip, his face was slit open and soon Nate had finished him off as well. then the last magician ran at Nate, but again Nate was ready for him, before the poor guy knew what had happened Nate was already behind him, and two massive gashes opened up that made an "X" mark on the mans chest. Nate walked over and put back on his cloak and hopped up the tree to where Tirent and Gorgo were
“Let’s go Gorgo" he said and hopped on the dragon's back with Tirent. Then they all headed off to the Dragon Isle.

15-Jan-2011 20:15:33 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2011 05:38:25 by Beep282

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