
The Battle for Quiellea

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Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 5: The assignment

Days flew by, weeks came and went, and overall 3 months went by. Tirent learned many new things, including teleporting, fighting as a dragon, flying as a dragon and a human, levitation, close combat, and conjuring weapons and enchant weapons. Zephy can now give himself dragon claws and he can breathe fire, he also is officially an expert marksman. Sorak also has dragon claws and can breathe fire. Nate has become the ultimate assassin, who is commander of the entire assassin's guild section of the Dragon isle. They were all having lunch when a messanger came over to their table.
"Message for all you, sirs, Lord Draken wishes to see you"
"Ok thank you messanger." said Nate
"Lord draken? whose that?" asked Tirent.
"He's the leader of the Dragon Isles of course! cmon lets go see him." responded Nate.
They walked into Lord Draken's quarters. He was a small man, frail and had long white hair, but there was an obvious aura of power about him. "greetings my friends, please sit down i will tell you your mission."
"thank you sir" responded Nate.
"now then, you six are to sneak into the Quiellean Empire and find out how, when , and where they are going to attack our isle."

16-Jan-2011 01:58:28



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yea but chapter six is gonna be really long so it shud make up for it. O_o
Goin to the snow this weekend. So there might be a bit less action on the story but I might be able to still do a few chapters if I have Internet there. :|

16-Jan-2011 04:38:38



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 6: the journey.

Tirent, Nate, Spindle, Gorgo, Sorak, and Zephy all went over to the dragonkin armory where they met Soria a middle aged woman with short red hair. "Alright, ready for your new assignment?" she said, since she ran the armory she was always "in the know".
"yep Soria we are, we just need to lay out a plan and get the needed supplies" Zephy said, and then realized " oh that is what we need to be ready...*grumble* nevermind..."
Soria didn't smile, instead she pulled out a map and spread it out on a table. "here is the Dragon Isle, you will fly to the coast here" she pointed to a beach on the mainland. " then you will trek through the jungle, and do NOT fly here Empire soldiers have been seen in the area so stay alert and undercover" she warned. "After that, you will head through the mountain pass, and into this city." Soria gestured to a castle next to the mountains named Senegol. "we have reason to believe that some of their main battle plans are hidden there. How to do that is up to you. You know your strengths and weaknesses better than i do" Soria looked up at them, " So what supplies do you need?" After some rummaging and sifting, everybody had what they needed. Everyone got their own machete, for the jungle trek to the city, as well Tirent had found some grappling hooks, expandable nets, a longsword , along with his personal magic staff. Zephy had put together an assortment of long ranged supplies including grapple hooks that would be shot with a bow, knives, lock picks, and two small daggers. Sorak had gathered a huge two handed sword that he slung over his back and he brought his own longsword and shield. Nate grabbed some grapple hooks, lockpicks and a condensed package of food and water for the team. Spindle didnt need anything but his staff, and Gorgo got some extra armor for his shins, and arms. they were ready to go.

22-Jan-2011 06:39:33



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tirent, Spindle and Gorgo turned into dragons, and Nate, Zephy and Sorak rode on their backs. It was a long flight, but Tirent could handle it. When they landed at the beach, they discussed how to get into the city unnoticed. Spindle suggested teleportation, and Gorgo suggested to blast their way in with brute power, but they couldn't quite decide. After a nights rest, the team packed up and headed into the thick jungle... "THESE DAMN BUGS!!!!" Sorak screamed as he smacked his arms and legs. They were all feeling awful, the hot, humid air was wrecking havoc on their lungs and the "damn" bugs as Sorak called them were everywhere. They struggled on but soon they heard a noise, " movement on our left side" Zephy whispered, " looks like soldiers"
"yea hes right," Nate confirmed. "Lets stay put for a second and then we can keep moving"
they heard voices from the soldiers " Damn bugs, why don't they go bother some pig or something aye Boris?"
"Aye Sam, damn bugs" the voices began to fade, and soon Nate deemed it safe to continue walking. As it grew dark, Tirent built a fire (using magic of course), and they decided to take turns keeping watch. Tirent went first and nothing much happened, but later that night, when Spindle was on watch, they all awoke to a Loud Squeal. Tirent sat up abruptly, "what happened?"
Spindle was standing looking over at what looked like a boar it was on the ground and was covered in burn marks. " Bacon anyone?" Spindle asked.

22-Jan-2011 06:53:28



Posts: 904 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They set out the next morning. Finally they reached the end of the forest, the Mountains rose up above them. It was foggy to the point that Tirent couldn't see 20 feet up in front of him.They walked for a ways and reached a path with wheel marks on them. Nate suddenly stopped.
"whats wrong?" Gorgo asked.
Nate turned around smiling, " I know how to get into that city."

Captain Renair hated his job. The only reason he did it was because he needed the money, he was in charge of the 389th battalion to King Cornelius. The worst part was transporting goods. He and his battalion were to take a wagon full of supplies out from the ocean port and take it to the City of Senegol. Today was especially dull, but there was an almost eerie feeling about this thick fog. An open meadow on one side and a patch of dark trees on the other. He hated it, but today he was to bored to be alert. He had walked this road many times, and hated every step. He was walking at the front of the convoy, with his second in command next to him and some soldiers on either side, behind him was another group of soldiers and then the boars which dragged the wagon, behind that was another group of soldiers. He looked to the front of the road, into to the fog, daring something to release him from his boredom. And then out of the fog stepped a cloaked figure, all in black except for the form of a dragon spread across the back. The stranger looked up, his red eyes glinting, "hello there sir," And suddenly the man's cloak flew off and he pulled out two throwing knives, in seconds two of Renair's men were dead. Then a ring of fire ignited behind the the startled soldiers and out of know where appeared a tall magician who held a dragon staff. Another man stepped out of the trees firing flaming arrows out of his bow like lightning soon that side too was blocked by flame. In the Meadow two massive figures with huge swords dropped down out of the fog and advanced on the soldiers.

22-Jan-2011 07:12:29

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