Chapter 3: back home
When they got back Tirent, Zephy, Sorak and the rest of the battalion went to tier armory and dropped off their equipment. Afterwards they all went their separate ways, some to the mess hall, others straight to their beds.
Tirent, Sorak and Zephy decided to go to the Stealth headquarters where they knew they would find Nate, Spindle and Gorgo. The three friends walked to a large building painted dark red (like all the buildings on the dragon isle), and had a stealth unit sign on the door. When they walked in Tirent saw Gorgo sparring with another dragonkin warrior, and over in another corner Tirent noticed Spindle and Nate hunched over a workspace.
Sorak jogged over to Gorgo to spar with him, but Tirent decided to head over to see what Nate and Spindle were up to.
"Ok I believe I have secured all the incantations..." Spindle murmured, but Tirent interrupted. "Hey guys! What are you up to?"
Nate and Spindle looked up from their work and smiled. Nate walked up and patted Tirent on the shoulder, "How the mission go?" he asked.
"Great, we ambushed three Empiric convoys going through the mountains and bombed one of their port cities." Tirent responded smiling.
"Wow great job, and how is your battalion, are they good people?" Spindle inquired.
"Great people." Zephy said as he elbowed Tirent and winked, referring to Colliea. Tirent rolled his eyes.
"Anyway" He said changing the subject, " What are you guys doing here?" gesturing to the table in front of them.
"Actually" Spindle began, "We are enchanting some gloves."
"But, that would take seconds..." Tirent said, confused.
Nate explained. "Yes that is true for temporary Enchantments, we are trying to make a permanent enchantment, which has a much much longer process and far more of a energy toll."
05-Feb-2011 17:54:33