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While the elf quest finale is already coming out, I think Jagex has a lot to do if they want to make it better than your suggestion! You've included everything that was there in the previous quests, and you did a great job doing that for the most part. I would be surprised if the upcoming finale hasn't taken any ideas from your suggestion. We'll see!
Good to know I've still got it. Not as high a score as I expected, but that's my own fault I guess. I wrote this just after the release of The World Wakes, so much of this lore is indeed old.
I wrote this to resemble an old style quest: Running around to perform various tasks. I disagree that today's Grandmasters are of anything that resembles high quality, so I actively tried to make this old school.
Seren's crystal plosion was not what I expected when I wrote this, I only went off a recent podcast that described her as "here all along."
Zamorak as the dark lord was intended, as at the time I wanted a god that could be seen as bad, but also as a leader for the elves. I tried to make an AoG tie in about why the Iorwerth converted.
And lastly: I actually wrote an edited version of this! Added a lot more intelligent lore, but alas, it was too late when I did...
But anyway: Thank you for the review! I can only hope that Jagex read part of this and had some form of inspiration. Fingers crossed.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.
29-Jul-2014 22:01:36