
~` Illusions `~

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Whhhhhhaaaat? A new story?


*ten minutes later*

Argh! This story is awful! I fart in its general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of Elderberries! Ni!

No, I'm just playing with you.

It's good <3

31-Dec-2008 00:05:31



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~` Chapter Two `~

A light breeze dwindled in the open sky, accompanying the bright light of the sun. Its rays lighted the world for all to see, and its presence calmed many who feared that which walked within the darkness.

Only an hour ago, King Rezod had chosen his advisor, Landon, and the young knight Jacob to go out and find Brexton, a man who had helped their lord in the past. Their mission, although simple, held many trials during the two days that they would be alone, away from civilization as they knew it.

Landon had taken the opportunity to buy a map from a nearby salesman, along with a few other items such as food and water; both would be important. His family had not left the town of Revenske since his birth, so Landon did not know much of the terrain that lay between Veskile and his own hometown. However, with the wrinkled parchment in hand, he felt confident in his abilities.


Quickly, the small, balding man turned and gave a look of wanting to his companion. Jacob knew that Landon feared the outskirts of the city, and he did not wish to take his time in moving past the dense forest that rested in their path.

Breaking the silence, Landon replied, “Yes, Jacob?”

The two men looked out over the square; it was nearly empty. A few merchants were leaned back in their chairs, soaking in the midday sun, while the shadows of the large buildings, constructed of brick and wood, danced playfully in the center to the tune of the sun’s light. However, there was also an ill-wind that seemed to fall upon the place. Neither of them knew what would cause it, but they both felt uneasy.

“How much money do you have?” Jacob inquired.

“I have…” he began. “I have a good six hundred gold coins with me. Do you think that will be enough?”

31-Dec-2008 01:38:26 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2008 01:56:58 by CaptChekaka



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“Well, what’s more important? We could spend the majority of it on weaponry,” Jacob suggested, “or we could gather a larger amount of food and drink. We have a strong supply right now, but… you never know.”

“That’s true.” Landon’s mind began to wander in the midst of his thoughts when he finally said, “I say we buy you a strong, well-crafted sword. New, of course. With these delinquents running about searching for this ‘power,’ we need all the defense we can muster. Besides, I’m sure that once we get to Veskile there will be more than enough to take with us.”

“Alright.” He paused. “I’ve not been to the shops around here before. I live… well, never mind. We should find this place and purchase a sword. What kind do you think we’ll be needing?”

“At least one crafted of blackened metal,” the advisor replied.

Jacob nodded and looked off into the distance, far down the road. The wind had carried specks of dust into the air, and displayed a great dance in the center. Jacob noted the strength of the gales and then turned his attention to the flags alongside the street. They were each colored a different color, had a different symbol, and, overall, looked to be fairly deserted. Glass from windows was thrown out along the sides beneath the pane, and the buildings themselves looked to be fading. Realizing one of the flags held the image of a sword, Jacob nudged his accomplice and nodded in its direction.

“Good on ya,” Landon said with a smirk, easing past Jacob.

Jacob smiled and replied, “Only the best for a man of such prestige.”

31-Dec-2008 01:39:01



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The two travelers exchanged a short laugh and then set out down the path. Jacob, lost in his thoughts, did not feel the wave of despair that seemed to fall over them, but Landon did. Landon tapped his glasses and then held out his arm, preventing Jacob from continuing. Landon wasn’t built like his younger partner, but still had the advantage of age over him, which gained respect.

Jacob immediately stopped and broke free of his mind’s grasp, asking, “What’s wrong?”

In the corner sat a homeless man, drunk to the bone with ale, but this is not what intrigued the two. Beside him was a manhole, leading the sewers below. Exchanging glances, they walked closer to the circular gateway, listening intently. Far within, they thought they could hear someone, something.

“I... I think we should be going,” Landon said with a small stutter. “We don’* want to attract too much attention. Besides, it’s probably only a cult meeting or something.”

Jacob nodded and turned back to the road. There, however, he was surprised to find three men standing; each of them had the same outfit: dark pants, a red shirt, and a black mask. In their hands rested three small daggers, with a pouch also tied to one of the men’s waists.

“Your money, peasant,” the one closest commanded.

Jacob frowned and lifted his blade from its holding before also grasping his shield firmly in his left hand. He felt safer with weapons, but he knew Landon would be unprotected if he were to become distracted.

“We don't want any trouble,” Landon said meekly, hiding behind Jacob.

“These two seem... rich,” one of the others commented. “Uldah, I think we should take everything, not just their money. That one’s armor and weapon could fetch a hefty price, I think,” he finished, pointing at Jacob.

Their leader, Uldah, moved his head to the right and raised his hand that held the dagger. “Seize them.”

31-Dec-2008 01:39:27 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2008 04:41:01 by CaptChekaka



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His two men darted forth, each of them waving the dagger like maniacs high above their heads. Jacob’s training may have been short, but even he knew the common ways to disarm, or kill, an individual like this. His facial expression remained unmoved, though, and he pushed his weight onto his front foot and struck out.

Landon backed up against the wall as his defense plunged forth. Their attackers' daggers fell atop his shield before being pushed back, and both then reached for him with their free hand. In the blink of an eye, though, Jacob’s sword came upwards and crashed into their grimy hands. The impact shattered their wrists, but did not cut through them completely. Both retracted their arms and began to curse in pain.

“Ah. A knight, it seems,” Uldah said flatly. “It seems we are outmatched….” Uldah’s voice trailed off as he turned, but then he spun with incredible force and threw the dagger at Jacob, who barely was able to duck out of the way.

Jacob’s mind raced as he recovered and took three steps forward, adrenaline filling his bones. Without thinking, he gave a sharp slash diagonally across the chest of Uldah, following through completely with the strike. His foe sprawled backwards in reaction to the blow and grimaced as the blood began to flow from his chest, slowly, at first, but then quickening. His two accomplices, fearing for their own lives, ran off into the courtyard and around the bend.

Uldah fell backwards against the wall and grabbed at his chest in agony; his body continued to pump blood through his system, but it would all just spurt forth from his chest with each breath. His eyes wandered up towards Jacob and he muttered a few harsh words. Then, he fell into unconsciousness.

“Serves him right,” Landon said as he cleared his throat. “Let’s go, Jacob.”

“Landon, give me the cloth we purchased.”


“The cloth - give it to me.”

31-Dec-2008 01:40:28 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2008 04:49:32 by CaptChekaka



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“Why?” Landon seemed dumbfounded. This man, Uldah, had just attacked them; he had just tried to kill them, and Jacob was offering to cover his wounds. ‘A sign of compassion, or mercy?’ he thought to himself. Looking back at Jacob, he found that he had no choice but to give it to him.

Jacob nodded and turned to the unconscious assassin. He tightened the cloth around both hands and leaned the man forward onto his shoulder, wrapping it around his wound. Jacob’s mind then came at ease when he saw the blood stop its external rampage and calm as it began to clot.

“Now,* Jacob started, “where’* that shop?”

Landon awoke from his daydreams and replied, “Down this road, still.” He pointed to a purple flag that waved softly in the wind and said, “There.”

Jacob nodded and walked past his friend, but each step seemed to take more and more out of him. Fatigue had set in, and it was not going to help his travels. Adorned in a full suit of iron armor, save the helm, Jacob was hot; he was weighed down; he was practically exhausted. Looking over his shoulder at Landon, he mumbled, “I need to find somewhere to remove my armor, somewhere I can keep it without having to worry about it.”

“Err,” Landon sheepishly began, “you mean a bank?”

“Oh, right: a bank.”

“We can stop there after this purchase. You can continue, correct?”

“I’ll be fine for now,* Jacob replied. “It’s just that with the journey to Veskile coming around, I can’t afford to hold more than I am able to. Best not strain myself before I need to, right?” Jacob laughed and then felt the cool embrace of shade come over his body. Looking up, he saw the rooftops merged into one and covered the street with its large presence.

“Here we are.”

31-Dec-2008 01:40:56



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
His eyes still adjusting to the change of light, Jacob blinked a few times before seeing the great flag of the shop looming high above. “Right, then.” Pushing open the door, both he and Landon stepped inside and immediately walked over to the counter without so much as a second thought.

The shop was fairly bland: a wooden counter that held the money and all other things that related to the running of the store, a few bookshelves that were stocked to the top with stories about great adventurers, and the rest of the “decorations” were the swords that hung from the ceiling and walls, each a different size or color.

“Hello?” the young knight asked, glancing over the countertop.

Landon, too, wondered about the whereabouts of the salesman, along with the time. If it got to be too late, they would have to set out the following morning, which would not please the king at all. They had to be swift in their travels, else someone else would find the power before they would.

Suddenly, a man popped up from beneath the counter, a large smile dwelling in the direct center of his face. His cheeriness may have intimidated some, but Jacob and Landon ignored it. The man’s head was covered in a lush supply of brown hair and his brown eyes accompanied the color; his facial expression, sadly, did not change in the least bit. Jacob studied the man for a few moments: regular wear for a man of his stature. His brown apron on his brown shirt, along with his brown pants. ‘How exciting,’ he thought sarcastically.

“What can I do you for?” the man asked without hesitation.

Landon ushered Jacob away and replied, “We need a sword crafted of blackened metal. Preferably, one of a length of two and a half feet, or so. We’ll pay… two hundred coins for one. Fair?”

31-Dec-2008 01:41:44 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2008 04:51:24 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nodding, the man turned and disappeared into the backroom, only to come out a few moments later with a large case in hand. “I think this’ll do,” he said, removing the cover. Inside was a beautiful weapon: its slender frame, comfortable handle, and solid sheathe all garnered one response from Jacob, who lifted it from its casing:

“We’ll take it.”


Anthoni and Maxwell walked swiftly at the head of his troop, the trip ahead weighing heavily on their minds. They were only a few hours away from the forest’s edge, where they would secure a place of rest for the night. It was shaded, which meant it would be a much more perfect spot than the opening they had lay in before.

“Anthoni,” Maxwell began, “what are we going to do once we reach Revenske? Their army is sure to have gained strength and, even with our high morale, we have no chance against their weapons and such.”

His leader cautiously stopped and looked up at the assassin that he had perched on his horse: he was still asleep, resting from the brutal beating the soldiers had given to him. Nodding, Anthoni replied, “Rezod is an old fool, to say the least. He thinks that this man has killed me and, as such, the rebellion has long died. How a man with such intelligence surrounding him can allow himself to be so… stupid… is beyond me.”

He paused.

31-Dec-2008 01:43:07 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2008 04:52:19 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“However, I feel as though he will not assemble an army and, instead, merely raise a finger when we arrive at his gates and scold us, trying to make us leave. He thinks of us as children, feeble-minded fools who can’t fend for themselves. I say otherwise. His methods of ‘ruling’ us have been far too harsh: taxing our ways of living, forcing us to fight for him, trying to make us give up our lives so that he doesn’t have to move a finger. These days shall not continue. For too long I have sat and abided by his every ruling, his every call. I served as his general; I fought for him; I saw men die for him. And what has he given us? He gives us, as he says, ‘The right to live in his land.’ He sees us as merely squatters that must worship him for but living!” His voice then buckled under the strain, and he trailed off.

Maxwell nodded and said, “I have not fought under his rule, but I shall die for you, Anthoni.”

“No," Anthoni harshly replied. “Do not die for me, but rather die for the people you have set out to protect: your family, your friends… yourself.”

“I’m sorry,” Maxwell muttered, feeling foolish. “I should have thought more of what you said.”

“Ah, do not fret,” Anthoni calmly replied. “All of us feel as though we should be looking up to the greater man, the greater being. Raising his eyes, Anthoni put his arm around Maxwell and said, “For me, I only worship one: the Creator. He has chosen me to lead His flock, and I shall not fight against His word.”

Maxwell smiled as he looked up at Anthoni, who ran his head quickly through Maxwell’s hair, messing it up. Anthoni then laughed, tempting Maxwell to share in such a moment. However, he did not. He faked his happiness, while what ran through his mind was but one question: ‘Why?’

31-Dec-2008 01:43:33 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2008 05:02:00 by CaptChekaka

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