– General Appearance: Although Yalthus is light, he is muscular in a lean sort of way. This is perfect for him, as it allows him to be incredibly quick on his feet during duels and fights, a technique in which he specializes. He also has a thin black mustache that he keeps immaculate, ensuring that it terminates perfectly even with his mouth. Altogether, he has very bronzed skin, which not only comes from his time in the Kharidian desert, but his heredity, as well. He is also known for a dashin* cavalier smile. Keeping with his obsessive need to have a perfect appearance, he keeps his face, skin, and hands clean; his nails cleanly trimmed; and his clothes spotless.
– Key Family / Relatives: The entire House Kova, a minor Kharidian noble family (currently Francesco de la Kova (father), Isabella de la Kova (mother), Baltasar de la Kova (brother), Amílcar de la Kova (uncle), Florina de la Kova (sister), and other extended members of the family)
– Relationship with Family: Yalthus' relationship with his family can be summed up as *wonderful.”
The House Kova has always been incredibly tight-knit, and the tradition continues. Yalthus frequently makes trips to the desert (with special permission from His Majesty, of course) to visit his family. Notably, his uncle served as his educator and mentor. Yalthus is also extremely protective of his sister, Florina.
– Key Friends: Sir Prysin, Paladin Supreme of the Kingdom of Misthalin; Sir Aereck, Magister Equitum of the Kingdom of Misthalin; Michael Sophos, a fellow city guard
19-Jan-2013 02:50:02
- Last edited on
19-Jan-2013 02:52:03