Ark, I haven't seen you around in a while. It's good to get a sample of your writing, since I don't think I've seen stories of yours around for some time, if indeed you wrote.
First, let me mention that whenever I say 'posts' in an assignment, I mean full posts. I revised the assignment description to reflect that. However, you came close, and I wasn't clear, so I'll let you off for it this time. But next time come as close as you can to maxing out the character limit before you call it done—within 100-200, at least.
This piece was a marked departure from Chuk's, and I was surprised at the gritty, brutal intensity of it, as I don't generally think of Varrock as having such a side. I felt very keenly the lurking horrors that you describe, and the anecdote regarding the children and the rat certainly set the scene. I also loved the quote "they needed to build the eastern half just for the northern people to deal with the smell." It adds a great deal to have colloquialisms from the world that don't feel forced but instead are appropriate to the situation at hand, and if you can also reflect a bit on history… well, you've nailed it completely.
I also like the way that you transition between the fast-paced action of the children pursuing the rat and the more omniscient description of the city alleyways as a whole, and then move into the specifics with Soran's place in all these affairs. It adds variety to have so many different ways of telling the same story, and the more angles there are, the more the reader can learn about the location.
However, I wasn't entirely clear on the course of events in Soran's section, and how, if at all, he was involved with setting events in motion. Was the shrine he set up one that was burned, or was it merely pretense to talk with as many as possible? And of what alignment is he, Zamorakian, Saradominist? One or two added words would suffice to clear up the ambiguity.
23-Jun-2013 01:32:56