"She flung her arm out…" (Whole Sentence)
- Flung out? How about punched, struck, hit? Flung sounds so indirect and flailing, whereas this seems a much more direct action. How I'd write it: "She hit him in the gut. He doubled over in pain and she hit him again, this time in the groin. He hissed, and dropped to the ground, legs pressed together, eyes tight-shut, and tried to breathe."
"She stomped on the ground…"
- This isn't nearly as dramatic as it could me. It just sounds like she kicked a dirt clod onto him. Also, you spelled 'chunk' as 'chuck.'
"…he tried to breath…"
- Tried to breathe.
"I’m not going to get killed by a girl."
- Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's not dangerous. Man or woman, a weapon—a sword, a gun, or magic—can kill in the hands of both. At this point I think he'd be worried about getting killed, full stop.
"…his consciousness flew."
- Explain.
"Suddenly, a flash of white…" (Whole Sentence)
- Re-write for clarity. I get what's happening here, but it doesn't flow well.
"‘Impossible, no one knows air magic anymore.’"
- Put this on its own line. Dialogue, as a rule, should always go on its own line. Also, you have multiple moments like this in here. 'Earth magic? Impossible!' or 'Air magic? Never!' Creating tension by escalating the forces involved leads to cartoonish over-application of power in the end. A lot of anime and manga suffers badly from this. Work more with the internal lives of the characters to create tension, rather than the details of the fight.
"Around him was a blue glow…" (Whole Sentence)
- You're going to need to explain this more. Also, you use around twice in the same sentence, and it feels awkward.
"Her eyes dulled and rolled…"
- 'Her eyes went dull and...'
"…observing the kid…"
- Use a word other than 'kid.'
"'Perhaps, Panama?’"
- Who is that? You need to elaborate more to inform the reader. Also, you should probably phrase it as 'Panama, perhaps?'
29-Jan-2013 04:19:02