

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
His heart raced. He ran to where he lived, to the east side of town. He bursts the door open, which revealed the body of Janak's mother, covered head to toe in blood. Janak raced over to her and knelled down. He places his left hand on her neck to check for a pulse, he felt nothing. He didn't see her breathe so Janak confirmed to himself that she was dead.

Janak stood back to his feet. He heard a silent cough, which sounded like it came from the kitchen. Janak ran into the kitchen and saw his step father. His step father was sitting up covered in blood. He had a large cut on his forehead that was pouring out blood. Janak's step father shuffled his head left and right, like he was unable to see.

"Who's there..?" Janak's step father questioned.

"What's the matter? Can't see me?" Janak replied.

Janak's step father growls. "'s you..."

"What happened here? Who did this?"

"How the hell should I know?! I'm blind, you moron!" From the shadow, Raven appeared. This caught Janak's as well as Janak's step father's attention. Janak turned around and kept his eyes on the masked man. Janak grabbed the handle of his two-handed sword which was strapped to his back.

Raven crossed his arms. "You must Janak Juleonlos." the masked man said.

"Who's asking?" Janak replied.

"I'm terribly sorry. Where are my manners?" Raven bowed. "I am Raven. Headmaster of the Raven Reapers."

"Headmaster? I thought Acubens was the headmaster."

Raven folds his hands behind his back. "Silly boy. Acubens is merely a figurehead."

"Why reveal yourself then?"

"I believe it is the time to." Raven turned around. "May I start my return by telling you who did this to your village."

"Who did this?"

"Follow me."
The end
is only
the beginning...

01-Aug-2009 19:22:22

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Janak follows Raven to the living room. Raven points to the southern wall of the room. When Janak sees what was on the southern wall, his eyes instantly widened. He hadn't noticed at first, but his eyes are now open. There were marks like a claw all over the wall. And since there were no forests for miles, it couldn't have been anything in that category.

His disbelief expression quickly changed to a bitter expression of anger. Janak's hands closed into a fist. Janak punched the wall where one of the claw marks were. "I should have figured it was him." Janak mumbled.

"But now that you know. What will you do?"

"I'm going to find Ba'al, then kill him."

"Revenge? I always thought Salomon tried talking you out of such nonsense."

Janak crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow. "This guy's the enemy. Yet..why I feel comfortable around him..?" he said in his head. "What do you know about Salomon?"

"I need not know who he is. All I really need to know is he is my enemy, and that is all."

"As you wish."

Raven teleports over to a dark corner. "I must go for now. It was a pleasure speaking with you." he said. "Until next time, farewell Janak Juleonlos." After his final word, Raven disappears. Janak places his hands in his trench coat's pockets. He walked over to his step father, who still was sitting on the ground. He had fallen asleep.

Janak throws his step father over his shoulders and began walking out of the village.

The End of Chapter 5
Next Chapter,
Chapter 6: Still Decision

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it ^_^

The end
is only
the beginning...

01-Aug-2009 19:25:59

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rather dark history there; those step-parents are jerks O_o But how does he know that the "conveniantly passing by" Raven didn't actually set Ba'al up... Or maybe it was actually Wigwam! The plot thickens...

To Fik: But then... but... the cabbages! And... Wigwam! And... EVIL CANNOT OPERATE WHEN IT DOESN"T HAVE VICTIMS! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! There's only one solution: We have to beef up your character to a high enough level so you can still use the forums! Someone give the man a Godsword! NOW!

But while I may have made a humorous note I am very saddened by this news. I hope you can come back to us at somepoint but til then I'll miss you :(

To Wigwam: *Gasp* You're right! It was actually that two part episode and not the Brian and Stewie episode! But that means... but that means I was... But if... There's only one solution (pulls out pistol and loads it) I'm going to have to go back in time and destroy FOX so the episode could never be aired and therefore I would never be wrong. And I just might shoot John Conner while I'm at it; Skynet seems nice enough after all O_o

On RPing: While I've never roleplayed anywhere but on these forums, there really seems to be a large connection between it and stories; it's just that instead of controlling all of the events you have other people playing characters, and they all intertwine into one big tale. If anything it's easier than storytelling because (at least in my case) you don't have to invent silly little things like heroes... Bleh. Instead I can let forth all sorts of evil, and dropkick puppies whenver I please :) My recomendation: Try it, you'll get it soon enough.

01-Aug-2009 19:36:55 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2009 19:57:27 by Ark Von Doom

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Meh. I've tried roleplaying before. Wasn't too great at it. In fact, I godmodded and controlled every character I came in contact with. >_>

P.S: They are jerks indeed. And Raven likes to conveniently pass by every now and then. Ahh..but it is for the purposes of the plot!

The end
is only
the beginning...

01-Aug-2009 19:43:40 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2009 19:46:19 by Serene End

Kitties Rule

Kitties Rule

Posts: 2,884 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
didnt anybody read the bit about the fact that i woulod still go on this thread????
anyway it turns out that i havent even run out of membership credit for at last a month so i will still be able to talk for a month at LEAST!

02-Aug-2009 08:02:08 - Last edited on 02-Aug-2009 08:03:26 by Kitties Rule

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

*Starts insane world one party in the Falador Party room*

_-_-_-_Falador Phone Record_-_-_-_

August II

Wigwam: YEA?!?

Knight Commander: Hello, this is the White Knights, we have been getting some complaints about noise coming from the party room-


Knight commander: I said -

*World Crashes from too many people in one area at same time and spammers*

HA! NOW...I'M Going to Crash Every other world and take over rule! then ill rebuild it as -

Negative Side: II Pagato?


Negative side: Erm...Something long and complicated like Prisphricaslicas?

Wigwam: Nope.

Negative side: How about Bioville?

Wigwam: Thou courts a Nay.

Negative Side: Raisin Bran?

Wigwam: Bingo! My new country - Raisin Bran - Shall thrive now!

Now for the rules..

1: All of Jagex's rules.

2: No gum chewing whilst shopping.

3: If you see Ark, please throw eggs at him. HARDBOILED EGGS!

4:If you see Fik tie him up so he can't leave.

5: If you ever see Biomaster do the following : Cheer, Clap, Salute, Throw confetti, Toss flowers, ask for autographs.


As I said, My country will PWN!

Also...RPING? I have soom experience but have always somehow gotten kicked out....i dunno how..

*random clips of Wigwam trying to do giant scateboard jumps, choking people, and running in a field of flowers chased by angry villagers*

This WILL NOT end good...

"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

02-Aug-2009 13:36:08

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, I'm still saying goodbye nonetheless! A month (or so) in advance! :P

*grabs the eggs and some rope * Where's Ark and Fik!? *trips over a rock and face falls on top of eggs* Opps... O.o

The end
is only
the beginning...

02-Aug-2009 18:14:42 - Last edited on 02-Aug-2009 18:15:11 by Serene End

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(Screeches to a stop in front of the fallen Biomaster and sticks out his tongue)

That's what you get for trying to egg the villain! Meep Meep!

(Runs off, leaving a smoky version of himself which sits there for a moment then dissapears)

Wigwam making his own country... how can I counter this terrible threat!? Let's see Raisin Bran is heatlhy and fruity so... I'll have to make the mighty nation of Cocoa Puffs!

Mwahahahaha! No one can stop my army of... Hey! Stop it! You're cuck*o for cocoa puffs not hitting eachother over the head! Argh! Aries, Jerry, take em out and lets go make Captain Crunch into a nation somehwere...

02-Aug-2009 21:26:01

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 6: Still Decision

Visdin rushed to Salomon's throne room after he found the note left by Janak. Once he arrived at the door, he pushed the door open. Salomon looked over by Visdin's way, seeing his facial expression looked very serious. Salomon prepared for whatever Visdin was about to say. Once Visdin arrived near Salomon, he bowed.

"I can tell something is troubling you, speak your troubles." Salomon stated.

"Emperor Salomon, sir. It seems Janak left the city walls, and headed towards his family village. I grow more and more concerned." Visdin replied.

Salomon stood up from his feet and walked closer to Visdin with his hands behind his back. "There is no reason for you to worry about him, Visdin."

"No need to be worried, sir?"


"What makes you say that?" Visdin's voice began to rise.

"He's not a child. You need not protect him with such a shield."

"My lord, I do not wish to be disrespectful. But I have to go after him. If Sarah found out-"

Salomon turned his back, and headed back to his throne chair. "He's fine, I assure you."

"How do you know?"

"I'm confident in his abilities. Not just because he was trained by the best soldier, because he is the son of one of the best."

Visdin sighed. "As you wish, sir." After that, Visdin stood to his feet and left the throne room, still bearing an expression of concern. He headed back to his and Sarah's house. When he reached the door, he sighed and tried acting like nothing was wrong. He knocked on the door and the door opened, revealing Sarah.

"Hello Visdin," she said, with a smile, "have you seen Janak?"

Visdin nods his head. "Yes. He just left for a minor mission."

"A mission?"

"He just went to drop something off for Salomon at Draynor Village."

"Is that the truth or something you want me to believe is?"

"Do you think I'm lying?"

"To be honest, yes."

Visdin shook his head side to side. "I wouldn't lie to you, you know that."
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2009 22:06:26

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Meanwhile, back with Janak. He had his step father over his shoulders. Janak entered the small town of Draynor Village, where the villagers saw that Janak was carrying an injured man. Some of them rushed over. "What happened?!" one of the villagers shouted. "The Juleonlos family village was attacked." Janak replied.

The villagers that were helping Janak's step father grew an expression of disbelief. They took him off Janak's shoulders and to the village doctor to get help. Janak fell to the ground and passed out, withered of all his strength. When he would open his eyes, he was in a room where his step father was laying on a bed, asleep.

There was a man with a Dragon Scimitar right by the door. His arms were crossed and his back was against the wall. When Janak opened his eyes, the man smiled. "Glad to see you're awake." the man said.

Janak sat up. "Who are you?" the young hunter asked.

"I am Darien Shlion."

"Darien Shlion? Well, I'm Janak Juleonlos."

"Pleased to meet you."


An older man entered the room, he looked at Janak with a smile. "Ah, you're awake. Good to know all you needed was some sleep." the older man said.

Janak jumped to his feet. "Yep. I'm feeling fine now."

A loud noise brought the trade of words to an end. Janak and Darien rushed outside to see what the noise was all about. What they saw was horrible, flames shooting from several buildings, and people running for their lives. Smoke covered the whole area and blinded the line of vision. Both Darien and Janak drew their blades.

Fifty ravens covered the roofs of every building in sight. The ravens stared at Janak and Darien with their glowing red eyes. Janak and Darien were able to see the ravens. Janak grit his teeth. "Dammit. Raven Reapers!" he shouted. Suddenly, all the ravens turned into Raven Reaper assassins.
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2009 22:11:02

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