

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Black hooded robes covered each Raven Reaper assassin. They all revealed their weapon of choice from underneath their sleeves. Most of the Raven Reaper assassins jump off the buildings they were on and landed firmly onto the ground. Janak and Darien readied themselves for a fight, no, a war. Some of the Raven Reaper assassins charge at the two.

Janak swung his sword at the two Raven Reaper assassins that were coming towards him. One of the assassins were able to dodge the attack, however the other assassin's fate wasn't so lucky. Janak's blade cut through his flesh like a knife through butter. Janak charged towards the assassin that escaped his attack.

Janak swung his sword downward upon the Raven Reaper. The assassin blocked with his double blades. Darien was surrounded by assassins. One of assassins swung their sword at Darien. He countered by deflecting the blade and impaling the assassin in the gut. Another assassin jumps into the air from behind Darien. He turned around and pointed his Scimitar up at the falling assassin.

Darien's Scimitar impales the Raven Reaper assassin. Darien waited patiently for the next assassin to approach him. An assassin charges at Darien. Right before the assassin's sword impacted Darien, he leaned back and dodged the blade. And an arrow, meant to hit Darien, hits the attacking Raven Reaper instead.

The archer assassin grit his teeth in frustration. Darien ran to the building where the archers were shooting their arrows. Unable to defend themselves, Darien's Dragon Scimitar cuts through the archers, one by one they fall. The assassins that surrounded Darien were now chasing after him. They were unable to stop Darien as he slaughtered their brothers and sisters.
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2009 22:22:16

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
At the edge of a building, a magic user on the other side, and the following Raven Reaper assassins behind him, Darien was cornered. The magic user casted a Fire Wave spell. Before it hit Darien, he jumped to the side and off the top of the building. He landed safely on his feet. The spell exploded at the crowd of Raven Reapers.

Janak began cutting through the Raven Reapers with ease. However, five Raven Reaper archers pointed their bows with an arrow pulled back at Janak. They all launched their arrows at Janak at the same time. Janak hadn't known until they made contact with his body.

One arrow hit Janak's right leg, the second hits Janak's right arm, the third hits Janak's left shoulder, another hits Janak's left shoulder, and the last hits Janak's lower back. Janak fell to his knees afterwards. All the Raven Reaper assassins surrounded Janak. But when it seemed like everything was about to come to an end, something happens.

Janak suddenly rose to his feet and clenched his left hand into a fist. Not only did his wounds somehow close and heal themselves but large wave of energy shoots out of Janak and out to the people around him, cutting them in-half like a blade. Once his wave came in contact with buildings, the building would be cut in-half and collapse—taking all the archers and magic users with it.

Darien looked on in amazement. The wave stopped once it came close to Darien. All the attacking Raven Reapers laid dead. Janak fell to his knees. The villagers that ran returned to their ruined village, in disbelief of what they saw. Some of them pointed at Janak with an angry look on their faces.

"He's...He's an Albali!" one of the villagers shouted.

"What the hell is an Albali doing in a peaceful village!?" another villager shouted.

Darien walked in-front of the villagers. "This man just saved you all!" Darien shouted. "How dare you show such disrespect!"
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2009 22:29:18

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Oh, no wonder why you're sticking up for an Albali. You're an Elf!"

"Both of you should get the hell outta our village!"

Janak stood to his feet. The hard-to-see black marks around his right eye were clearly visible. "I will leave as soon as I can." he replied to all the hatred being shown to him. Janak walked over to the building where he and his step father were taken to. Janak notices that the old man was awake with a bottle of beer right beside him.

"Well, well. It seems you're being kicked out." Janak's step father said.

"This is for the better. You'll be happier I'm not here, and I'll be happier that you're not with me." Janak replied.

"Bah." Janak's step father took a sip of beer. "I'll be MUCH happier if you hadn't been born."

Janak put his hands in his pockets and turned his back. "Why? Because I'm a far better person than you?"

Janak's step father laughed. "Hahaha! You're funny!"

"You poor old man. You think it's funny because it's the truth. But you don't want to admit it."

"It ain't the truth. The real truth is I'm a much better person than you. Always have, always will be."

"And that 'much better' person was so jealous of a child that he wanted that child dead. You're so jealous of me because I'm a much better person than you. Mentality, physically, emotionally."

"I ain't jealous of you. Who would envy a weakling like you?!"

"Logan told me everything about you. How you and mother would whisper words to each other. He told me you were jealous of my abilities. And you wanted me dead because you couldn't stand your envy anymore."

"That Logan likes to make crap up. Ya can't trust him."

Janak sighed. "Just admit it. You're the lowest of the low. I saved your life, and still you hate me. You hate me for something I can't change. Well, go ahead and continue hating me. You're a demon to me anyways, I've beared your anger and hatred for far too long. And when I leave, I'll leave behind my demon and live a better life."
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2009 22:36:06

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"A better life? Killing people is a better life?"

"Say what you will about me old man. But you and I both know, you're nothing more but a snake and maybe one day I'll be the axe that chops off your head. So, go along and drink your beer like the pitiful old fool that you are."

With that said, Janak left his step father. Darien was waiting for Janak at the exit to the village. "Ready to go?" he asked. Janak nods his head. Once Janak shook his head, the two began their travel back to the capital.

The End of Chapter 6
Next Chapter,
Chapter 7: Time Passes By

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it ^_^

o.o *starts a countdown to the 100th post* o.o

The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2009 22:37:46 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2009 22:49:22 by Serene End

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Only a matter of time...

Woa, an Alabi?!? is Alla-al-il-


That'll take some getting used to...

~/Did you know insanity was on clearance at Jc Penny'*?\~

"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

04-Aug-2009 03:26:00

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I believe it's pronounced Allay-lu-ya... or maybe its Alibut... Algebra... Alcatraz... ALADDIN!

Oh well, I'm sure one of those is right. And sure Janak saved the village but wasn't it also attacked becuse of him O_o And that roof is going to cost quite a bit to fix...

(Image of Vezyfher leaping by and the roof fixing itself out of sheer awe)

That works :P

Does J.C Penny accept Badass Points? I managed to legitimately use those in an RP :P

05-Aug-2009 16:44:49

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yea, I think they accept those as 2 store credit a point, if you agree with the terms and conditions.

Woa...Ark - Badass?!?!

You have GOT to tell me what rp you're on - I ABSOLUTELY MUST STOP YOUR BADASSNESS!!!


Ok I have the pen, paper, and murder knife ready, what's the rp?

_-_-_-_-Also in the News!-_-_-_-_

Koala bear saved in an epic search and rescue mission -

More at 10pm.

"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

06-Aug-2009 15:17:03

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: Time Passes By

(might be a short chapter)

A day passes, Janak and Darien, the two that left Draynor Village, returned to Varrock. They both entered the city walls. Janak returns to the Wolfsbane's house with Darien following behind him. The two entered the house, it was the middle of the night, so Visdin and Sarah would most likely be asleep. Janak unstrapped the sword on his back and placed it against the wall right by the door.

Janak sat down on a chair, kicked his feet up, placed his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes. "Go on. Sit down and relax." said Janak. Darien sat down and relaxed. From behind the two, it sounded like somebody was coming. Visdin entered the room and saw the two.

Visdin sighed. "It's about time you got home." he sighed a breath of relief.

Janak opened his right eye. "Yeah, well. There were some detours."

Visdin raised an eyebrows. "Detours?"

"Yeah. The Juleonlos Village was attacked.."

Visdin's eye widened. "Attacked!? By who?!"


Visdin's left hand clenched into a fist. "I should have figured."

"Then Draynor Village was attacked by the Raven Reapers."

"I heard. But the question is, why? I never heard of anything that would provoke them to attack Draynor Village."

"It's almost like they knew where I was going.." Janak sighed. "Well, either way. It's time for bed. I'm tired."

With Janak's final word, Visdin went back into his and Sarah's bedroom. Back outside, Marcello was sitting up on top of a roof. His back against the house's chimney. His eyes stared at the crescent moon. Marcello began to hear another pair of footsteps. Marcello jumped to his feet and grabbed the handle of his sword. It was a man in a hood.

"Brother?" asked Marcello.

The man looked at Marcello. His crimson red eyes were a dead giveaway. "Marcello."

"I should kill you where you stand." Marcello's grip on his sword grew stronger. "What is it that you want?"

"It is about your emperor, Salomon."
The end
is only
the beginning...

06-Aug-2009 19:08:52

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Marcello sighed. "Not this bull again." Marcello lets go of his sword's handle and turns his back. "Look, if you're going to whisper your Assassin nonsense to me, you might as well leave now."

"You are blind, Marcello. You are unable to see the evil in his eyes."

"Evil? That man is pure good."

"That is what he wishes for you to believe."

"I grow tired of your nonsense already."

"You do not have any understanding of what goes on around you. The voice that whispers truth may just be whispering lies."

"Well, those 'lies' seem to be truthful."

He sighed. "I would have never thought you would be so naive."

"The only naive one here is you."

"He's got a very strong grip on you. It'll be most difficult to open your eyes."

Marcello turns around "Ba'al! My eyes are already open!"

"Clearly not."


"If you wish to be fooled by him, you may. But truth or not, it'll be revealed to you soon. And when does, your eyes will see your ignorance" Ba'al disappeared.

Marcello sat back on. He let out a sigh as he stared back at the moon. Many thoughts ran through his head. The morning sun rose into the sky. Janak was awake and he stared out from the balcony. Sarah came out to the balcony as well. She stood right by Janak's right side. She looked at Janak's right eye and saw the black marks on it.

Janak looked at Sarah. "So, I'm guessing Visdin told you." said Janak.

Sarah nods her head, "Yes."

Janak looked back at where he was looking before looking at Sarah. "Does that mean you're going to treat me differently?"

"Albalis are among the most hated races.."

"..Does that hate me?.."

Sarah shook her head side to side. "No, I couldn't hate you."

Janak grew a smile. "Well, I'm glad."

"Sorry for bringing it up."

"Not your fault. It had to be said eventually."

(If you noticed, some of the periods are missing. It's like that intentionally for the name Ba'al is veeery sensitive to censorship. >_< )
The end
is only
the beginning...

06-Aug-2009 19:16:00 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2009 19:27:51 by Serene End

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sarah smiled back. The two stared at the sky together. A month flies by with no activity. Marcello, Janak, Sarah, Visdin, Darien, Aries, and Logan were at the gates of Varrock. Janak looked at Logan with a questionable expression. "So, umm...Tell me again why you're coming?" Janak asked. "Emperor Salomon commanded me to accompany you." Logan replied.

"Ahh..I see." They began their travel to Abitante. After three days of travel, they arrived. The city was like a capital, it was a whole lot different than Rimmington was several years ago. Janak looked at Abitante with amazement. "Wow! This is alot different than I imagined!" Janak said with excitement in his voice.

The group entered the city. Right by a building, Vezyfher was looking into a window, fixing his hair. There was a boy with two girls behind him in the bar across the building where Vezyfher was. The two girls aahed at the sight of Vezyfher. Hearts circled around their heads and they couldn't get their eyes off him.

"Ahh..isn't he so handsome?" one of the girls said.

"Yeeeah..I know..." the other girl replied.

The two girls continued to gaze upon and talk about Vezyfher. The boy had his right hand, clenched into a fist, against his right cheek. He stared at Vezyfher with a very hateful expression on his face. His left index finger tapped on the table he was sitting at. "Are you done yet?" he replied with a mean voice.

"No, no, no. Give us two more minutes..." one of the girls replied. The boy sighed. At the corner of the boy's right eye, he saw Marcello. This caught his attention. He looked at where he saw Marcello, and he saw the whole group walking over to market district.

The boy smirked. "It seems cockroaches wander these streets now." the boy said in his head.

The End of Chapter 7
Next Chapter,
Chapter 8: The Speech of the Raven

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it ^_^


(100th Post owns!) :o

P.S: I always thought it was pronounced as Al-bah-lee

But..I'm not sure. :P
The end
is only
the beginning...

06-Aug-2009 19:23:57 - Last edited on 07-Aug-2009 02:31:30 by Serene End

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