

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Marcello: But why does an ancient warrior care if I like Christmas or not?

Dante: Because its really hard for us to get cameo's otherwise.

Marcello: Oh...

Dante: Take my hand.

Marcello: Why?

Dante: Because I said so, that's why! Jeez... was Scrooge this argumentative?

Marcello: Yeah, pretty much.

Dante: Then those ghosts were saints... Now come on!

* * * Scene 5: Dante's Castle, a Long Time Ago * * *

Young Dante: Oooooh Yeah! Rock on Christmas! Quick, somebody give me some more eggnog!

Alrous: Here ya go!

Young Dante: Do I know you?

Alrous: Hehe... Not yet, not yet.

Young Dante: Whatever. *shrugs and spills eggnog on a plant, which burns away with s ciekning sizzle. Dante looks back at his cup, oblivious* Aww...

Dante: Alrous! What the heck are you doing in MY flashback!?

Alrous: I was bored.

Dante: And wyh are you trying to KILL me in my flashback?

Alrous: I was bored AND evil?

Marcello: Um... Aren't we supposed to be going to MY past?

Ravinius: Cameo.

Dante: You, and Alrous, get the heck out! Marcello, grab my hand again.

Ravinius & Alrous: Last second dialogue for the win!

* * * Scene 6: Marcello's House, Slightly Less Long Ago * * *

Kid Marcello: Yay! A toy horsey! Thanks daddy!

Marcello's Actual Father: I'm glad you like it son.

Kid Ba'al: Pfft, toy horseys are for little kids. Oooh, a toy doggy!

Marcello: Aww... I looked so cute back then.

Dante: Do you remember what you felt like on that Christmas morning?

Marcello: I loved that toy horse... I called him Buttercup.

Dante: Hehehe...

Marcello: What?

Dante: I got a REAL horse when I was that age.

Marcello: Showoff.

Dante: And his name was Deathkill.

Marcello: *ahem* It was a wonderful Christmas.

Dante: But things were not to stay this way...

Marcello: No spirit... I do not wish to go further. Let us stay here.

Dante: We cannot. Though I will fast forward through the really grim stuff.

Marcello: Thanks...

Alrous: *bursting in* You can't esca-

Dante: Marcello take my hand.

26-Dec-2009 04:11:10

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kid Marcello: Hey, it's a weirdo with a mustache!

Kid Ba'al: Daddy!

Marcello's Real Father: I thought I told you not to come around here...

Alrous: But I; OUCH! You don't have to; OUCH! Why are you picking up that chai- OUCH!

* * * Scene 7: Saloman's Castle, Not So Long Ago * * *

Saloman: Drink and be merry my friends... and Mysterious Mustachiod Man I just met but findly strangely familiar!

Alrous: Beat you here this time Dante.

Dante: Gah... Fine, let's just ignore him. *ahem* Whose that young man on the dance floor?

Marcello: Why, that's me!

Dante: My my, quite the ladies man weren't you?

Marcello: I hadn't a care in the world...

Young Ba'al: Ho, Marcello!

Young Marcello: Ba'al! Merry Christmas brother!

Young Ba'al: Merry Christmas. I got you something...

Young Marcello: Woah... is that really from a King Red Dragon?

Young Ba'al: I slew one on my last expedition. I thought you'd like it.

Young Marcello: It's wonderful brother! But you know, pretty soon I'll be chopping off my own dragon heads.

Youn Ba'al: Hehe, I know you will.

Young Vezyfher: Pardon moi, gentlemen. I do beleive it's time we stepped this party up a notch. What say you; boogie fever in your blood?

Marcello: Whoa whoa, what!? Vezyfher was there? *thinks a moment* But wait... there was an elf at that party. I remember that I was surprised to see him, given the circumstances... his father was acquainted with some of the invitees.

Young Vezyfher: Ha! Party like it's the Fifth Age again! Woot!

Giggling Fangirl: Oh Vezyfher, your such a good dancer...

Young Ba'al: I don't think I'm up for "boogieng." Hey Marcello, follow me.

Young Marcello: Okay.

Marcello: We went out and shot mistletoe at the guards... The two at the South Gate both thought the other was hitting on them and it took them months to figure it out!

Dante: But what happened next?

Marcello: Spirit... I...

Dante: We must move on Marcello.

26-Dec-2009 04:11:21 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2009 04:16:18 by Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
* * * Scene 8: Saloman's Castle, Not So long Ago * * *

Logan: Ba'al's struck again. We haven't fully found all of the deads limbs yet, but the body count is looking to be considerable.


Saloman: Very well Logan. You are dismissed.

Logan: Yes sir. *he leaves*

Saloman: Marcello, you can leave too. It's Christmas Eve, and you've working far too hard recently.

Past-Marcello: With all due respect sir, I'm not really in the mood for Christmas this year.

Saloman: Don't let business interfere with your pleasure Marcello. You need the time off, and I insist you take it.

Past-Marcello:...Very well sir.

Marcello: What do you expect? My life was crashing down upon me... do you really think I'd just go out and celebrate?

Dante: Watch.

Sarah: Hey Marcello!

Past-Marcello: Hello.

Sarah: So, I'll see you tonight right?

Past-Marcello: Hm?

Sarah: At the party? Janak's been practicing some magic, and he's gotten pretty good at a few tricks. I just know he wants to show you.

Past-Marcello: I... don't know.

Sarah: Well aren't you just mister grumpy gills? Come on, it'll be fun!

Past-Marcello:...Very well.

* * * Scene 9: The Party * * *

P-Marcello: Well, I am feeling a little better.

Sarah: See, I told you so! Hehehe...

P-Marcello: What?

Sarah: Janak just got another rabbit caught in his pants.

P-Marcello: Hehehehe....

Man: Let me in!

Guard: Sir, please just...

Man: Let me in dammit! *slam; thud*

P-Marcello: What's this...

Man: You... You little (bleep). *graps Marcello by the shirt collar* You freaks killed my brother!

P-Marcello: What are you talking about? Speak clearly man!

Man: An eye for an eye, that's what they say right? *stab*

P-Marcello: Agh...

Sarah: Marcello!

P-Marcello: *slash*

Man: Ba'al... you... you're all freaks! Monsters!

*the man falls over, dead*

P-Marcello: I... I... *he storms off*

Sarah: Marcello...

Marcello: Enough!

Dante: It wasn't Christmas' fault you know.

Marcello: I don't care!

26-Dec-2009 04:11:32 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2009 04:17:56 by Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dante: But you do. You've mixed your feelings about Christmas with your anger towards your brother.

Marcello: Haunt me no longer spirit! I have seen enough.

Dante: These are only the events of the past. I cannot change them, only show them as they are. Do not blame me.

Marcello: Leave me!

Dante: Do not blame me... *dissapears into a wall*

Marcello:... *collapses onto his bed*

* * * Scene 10: The Ghost of Christmas Present * * *

Marcello: Zzz... Zzz...

*a ghost enters, in a flowing green robe*

Ghost: Munch, munch, munch... Craaaack.

Marcello: Huh?

Ghost: *chew, chew, swallow*

Marcello: And who are you spirit, come to torment me further?

Ghost: I am ze Ghost of Christvus Present.

Marcello: *stab*

Ghost: *munch*

Marcello: Hey, that was a perfectly good dagger! Thanks alot...

Ghost: You're velcome.

Marcello: I recognize you even better than the last spirit. You're Heinreich Kvetch; the Assassin.

Kvetch: Kekekeke...

Marcello: And why are you of all people helping me with Christmas?

Kvetch: I vas already in green, and I eat alot. There are very vew qualivications really.

Marcello: Fine, then show me what you have to spirit, and stop eating my furniture!

Kvetch: Eh. So Marcello, do you still not have Christvas in your heart?

Marcello: Bah humbug.

Kvetch: Vhat vas that?

Marcello: On your leg...

Kvetch: *Chomp; squish*

Marcello: My god man! It's just a stump now! It was only a humbug...

Kvetch: *h, it vill grow back. But vhat vas that bah-ing about?

Marcello: I'm planning to go as a sheep for Halloween. How was I?

Kvetch: Pretty bad.

Marcello:...Thanks. Can we just go?

Kvetch: Very vell.

* * * Scene 11: Sarah's House * * *

Marcello: This is Sarah's house...

Kvetch: Thanks vor pointing out ze scene name... Nov look inside.

*Sarah is praying*

Sarah:...And let Janak know that he is still in our hearts, and...

Marcello: She's praying...

Kvetch: Your very good at pointing out stage divections aren't you?

26-Dec-2009 04:12:06 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2009 04:20:11 by Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Marcello: I forgot that she lost Janak now... she's all along in the house, isn't she?

Kvetch: I dunvo. *Eats a hole in the upstairs wall* Vup.

Marcello: Are you going to pay for that?

Kvetch: Not vy problem.

Marcello: She's probably lonely...

Kvetch: *Chomp*

Marcello: *irritated* She's probably missing that fencepost...

Kvetch: Vhat?

Marcello: Nothing.

Kvetch: Zhen let's move von, this vood is kinda stringy.

* * * Scene 12: Saloman's Castle * * *

Saloman: And then we can burn the Unicorn's homes to make room for my new super-jacuzzi.

Aide: Yes sir.

Saloman: I mean really, who needs those horn-headed- *notices Marcello* I mean, it's time to spread peace and love and happiness throughout the kingdom, and make everything wonderful!

Aide: What?

Marcello: *sniff* That's my Saloman!

Kvetch: Vov...

Marcello: Valve?

Saloman: I think he was saying "wow". It just turns out strange with his accent.

Marcello: Oh. Hey wait a minu-

Saloman: And we can build shelters for the poor, and buy all the children ice-cream!

Marcello: Must've been imagining it...

Kvetch: Vreally? People in the Sixth age are even crazier than ME! *Chomp* Huh... tastes like chicken.

Aide: My leg!

Marcello: But even Saloman seems sadder than usual... My bad mood has probably been affecting him too.

Kvetch: Yeah, let's just vrun vith that.

Marcello: I think I understand spirit...

Kvetch: Good, I vas getting bored. So now I have to end vith an echo right? Umm... Sarah is vhoooooooooootttt...

*he dissapears into a wall, and Marcello finds himself back in his room, where he collapses on the bed*

* * * Scene 13: The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come * * *

Marcello: Zzz... Zzz...

*a ghost dressed all in black from his head to his foot arrives. There is a sinister air to him, as if light itself and the barest shred of hope are sucked within the void of his hood*


Marcello: Hmm? Who is there?


Marcello: Are you the ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?

26-Dec-2009 04:12:21

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Alrous: Actually, I think he's the Ghost of Christmas Future. Or just Death.


Marcello: I am ready spirit. Show me what is to come. I may not like what I see but the only way through is beyond this, and I am ready.

*Marcello rises and goes to the Ghost. The scene shifts around them*

* * * Scene 14: The Cemetary * * *

Marcello: And this is where you show me my grave right? But you don't need to spirit. I have seen everything of the ills of my past, and I know that I can change. You can do nothing more for me.

*The Ghost solemnly raises it's hand, and points to a row of tombstones*

Marcello: But there are so many... certainly not mine. What is the point of this spirit?


Marcello: And if I clear the grime from upon these graves, may I be through of these visions?


Marcello: Very well spirit. I will go.

*He walks up to the graves and chooses one. He rubs the grime off and his eyes widen. He moves on to the next, and rubs it too away*

Marcello: Spirit... what is this? What does this mean!?

*The Ghost merely continues to point. Marcello walks, and rubs off each and every stone. His expression becomes more and more ashen with each gone by, and eventually he collapses to his knees in front of three stones.*

Marcello: Why show me this spirit? What does this have to do with my destiny; my life?

*These stones are now easy to read. They say, in their sullen letters, Sarah Wolfsbane, Visdin Wolfsbane, and Logan Heavenscar*

Marcello: And where is my grave spirit? Where am I where my friends have fallen? What is it that has done this to them!?

*The ghost then quietly raises his hand to his hood, and pulls it back. Marcello gazes upon his own face*

Marcello: No... you lie. You are lying to me!


Marcello: Spirit... is this what will be or what may be? Please spirit, tell me there is hope!


Marcello; I am a changed man spirit! I will embrace christmas with all my heart, I swear it!


26-Dec-2009 04:12:33

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Marcello: Please spirit... please...

* * * Scene 15: The Next Day * * *

Marcello: Spirit... spirit... Zzz...

Sarah: Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!

Marcello: Huh!?

Sarah: There was a hole in my bedroom, so I slept over here. I hope you don't mind.

Marcello: But... Wait, Sarah, what day is this?

Sarah: Why it's Christmas day Marcello.

Marcello: Saradomin be praised! Christmas day she says! Oh darling darling girl!

Sarah:... Are you feeling okay Marcello?

Marcello: Oh I'm better than okay Sarah; I'm wonderful! *he hugs her and then gasps* I must go to the castle, it's not too late!

Sarah: O... kay. Wait, Marcello! About my party...

Marcello: Of course I'll come Sarah!

Sarah: You will!?

Marcello: Yes! And I'll bring a thousand gallons of eggnog with me!

Sarah: O_o

Marcello: I feel like a new man!

*he dances down the street and into the marketplace, where Vezyfher is leaning on a flower girls stall. he spots Marcello*

Vezyfher: Oh dear... Look, I promise I'm not killing anyone, I'm just;

Marcello: Oh Vezyfher, it's Christmas; you can kill whoever you want!


Marcello: And you'll be coming to Sarah's house tonight for a party; boogie fever and all!

Vezyfher: Wow... thanks!

*Marcello skips right into Saloman's throne room*

Saloman: And about that bunny farm... we should burn the place down. All those carrots should be used for my carrot-massage treatment.

Aide: Yes sir.

Saloman: Oh, and go ahead and kill tho- *he spots Marcello* Ah... I mean, give those orphans a treat!

Marcello: Merry Christmas Saloman! I hope your new jacuzzi feels great!

Saloman: Thank you.

*Marcello leaves*

Saloman: Wait... how did he know about my jacuzzi?

Aide: Umm...

Saloman: *stab*

*Aide dies*

Saloman: Can the plan go through without him?

Humbug-Queen: Yes... our spy-bugs now cover all of Glienor. It's only a matter of time now.

Saloman: Excellent ;)

Marcello: Merry Christmas to All!

Cast of TWIF, RTS, and Crimson: And to all a good night!

26-Dec-2009 04:12:42

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"*The window creaks open and a cold wind drifts in. Marcello grunts in irritation and closes it, but when he turns he sees before him a dark spectre, cloaked in chains*

Marcello: *Stab*

Ghost: Ow! What the (expletive) is wrong with you!? Seriously, that HURT!

Marcello: Who are you spirit?

Janak: In life I was your comrade, Janak Juleonlos.

Marcello: But your dead! Wait a minute... *stab* Die Zombie! *stab*

Janak: I'm a freakin ghost! Stop stabbing me you jerk!

Marcello: Oh... sorry. Wait, if your a ghost why can I stab you?

Janak: All Runescape ghosts are attackable. haven't you ever actually played it?

Marcello: Well, the Easter Event. Once. Sorry again."
I liked that part. XD

Thank you Ark, it was quite humorous. ^_^

…,.»·•º°°º•·«.,…,.•*´¨¨†hë ènd îš ønlÿ †hè ßègïnnïng,…,„.«•*¨`*•.,..
The end
is only
the beginning...

26-Dec-2009 17:18:10



Posts: 818 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Alex: Hooray! It is snowing! So much for the battle Adamomort!

*Janak suddenly runs up*

Janak: Could you help me remove these markings on my arm?

Alex: I'll... see... what I can do... annnnnnnnnnnnnd... I can't help you!

Janak: You're mean! *Runs away and stuffs his arms into a pile of snow* Arrrrrrrgh! It burns so much!

Alex: What a noob!

*Janak laughs sarcasticly*

Athena: Who was that?

Alex: I dunno.

Crimson Reaper: Some guy from another story as well as me.

Walter: Who are you?

Crimson Reaper: Errrm... Some guy who... doesn't know halloween is over yet. *Laughs nervously*

I can answer that

All but Garthron: Who was that?

It was me, Garthron.

Alex: Who's that?

I made your story. Now that guy who claims to be a Halloween fanatic is the Crimson Reaper.

Baal: You had to tell them! *begins to cry* I hate my job? Who's idea was it to have such a sad story?

Errr... Supreme beginning! He likes sad stories! You should check out "Gielinor on fire".

Baal: You must think I am an idiot! Everyone knows SERENE END's story, WORLD IN FLAMES! Also, Serene End is a girl!

Oh crap!

Alex: Wait! so everyone is responsible for something?

*Alex gets interrupted by Baal trying to chase Serene End*

To answer your question, yes! I am responsible for you having to fight a dark lord and having to save Gielinor!

Now, I will start your sequel to keep you occupied!

28-Dec-2009 00:17:08

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