

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Jun Member 2008


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Personality: Tal is almost always a nice and calm person, easy and slow going. He is extremely likable, for his kindness and compassion. He is a tad on the niave side, though, and so some people take him as stupid. He is loyal to Zamorak, however, and so he is usually thought of as "Scum", or "Filth". He does not see himself as pagan, however. People who know him could even say he'd make a better Saradominist. In a fight, he will protect almost anyone, enemy AND ally. However, at the lost of a very good friend, Tal becomes enraged, and fights like a mad-man.

Powers: Tal is able to run at very fast speeds, and can also jump fairly high. (without Hand Cannon, which wieghs him down almost like a rock.) He can also perform his desperation move "Final Flame".

Short History: Tal was born to a single mother in Avdima. However, he was kidnapped at 8 months old into a underground community of Dagon'hai, hidden in the caverns underneath what is left of Varrock. He was told that his mother died a little after giving birth to him, and that his father was the man who kidnapped him. He was raised, taught to be an "orthodox" Dagon'hai by various members of the order. When he was 15, his "father" died, leaving Tal various items through inheritance, including his staff, scimitars, and cannon. when he was 18, he was allowed to do whatever he wished, but the order asked he stay with them. But Tal left the cavern to explore what is left of the world. he still does today.

Family: He has been led to believe his family runs all the way back to the first Dagon'hai. HOWEVER, his real family...
-Mother (Mary) - Alive, living today with other family in Avdima.
-Father (Arverd) - Dead, drowned.
-Brother (Eadger) - Alive, living today in Avdima with his mother.
-Sister (Alyss) - Missing, Attempted to run away to Iericho. She escaped Avdima, but things blank out after that.

All of his other Family are dead, missing, etc.

*Continued on next post*
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

04-Jan-2010 15:19:21 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2010 03:17:46 by Seph

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Final Flame: Tal will crouch, and take a deep breath. He will then draw his scimitars, if he does not already have them out. He will then suddently Run forward, his blades starting to heat up and sending sparks. His blades will catch fire apon nearing the enemy. Tal swings his blades in a twirl a few times, and then swing violently upward, hopefully sending the enemy upward. He will then make a mighty jump, and reach 20 or so feet in the air, and hover in place. Tal, facing downward to the enemy, will outstrech his arms, collecting energy, and then release all of it - this causes a huge pillar of fire to flow out from his hands, shooting towards the ground at the enemy. This will continue for roughly 5-10 seconds. After that time period, the pillar of fire stops. Tal will then lose his temporary levitation powers, and free-fall the distance he jumped up to. after this attack, Tal is instantly knocked out, drained of energy.
Phew! that one was the longest i've ever made! O_o
And sure, kill him off if you want! You can even make him get bones shattered, lose a finger or three, get turned into a vampire or something, or even go insane! :D
All I ask is: No major limbs be lost, and don't make anything bad happen to him the second he pops up. (first-kill) O_o
*First-kill scenario*
Tal: Hi-
*giant anvil with "oops" on it lands on Tal, crushing him instantly*

DO NOT make it like that. -.-

Other than that....i dunno.

... Paperclip. I'm outa here.

~Insane Soule
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

04-Jan-2010 15:19:54 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2010 15:24:46 by Seph

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Writes but then conveniently refreshes Crimson thread page to find Insane's incredibly long bio*
I'm only use to Ark making der longer bios! This is insanity! This is madness!
Marcello: No! THIS IS SPARTA!!! *kicks into pit of death*
AMG! O_o *falls*
*but lands on mattress* What the..? I'm not dead? I thought I was suppose to fall to my death!
4Kids manager: Oh nooo! That was too violent! So we censored it with a Mattress of Comfort instead!
Wow..that's just plain stupid. -.-
.. O_o ..
Okay, back onto subject.
Good bio. But there is a slight problem with it. A lot of people died during the ten years the plague was spreading. Pretty much the only place people take shelter in order to survive against the plague is the two cities I listed. All other cities are considered off limits and completely uninhabitable.
Should you edit this small problem, I will accept. I know, you probably think that family doesn't really matter. But I like to have this just in case I decide to use them (which I'm actually thinking to do).
Thank you. :)
~Serene End
EDIT: The next chapter is going to be a whopper! Lotsa fighting, stabbing, twists 'n turns. Things of that nature. I can see it being at least ten or more posts long as I've gotten at least 20% of it done. I still have a lot to do. But I've stopped as I don't want to kill the mood. So, expect it Wednesday perhaps.
The end
is only
the beginning...

04-Jan-2010 15:56:45 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2010 03:04:15 by Serene End

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm definitely NOT delaying my bio until I see the story characters, for purpose of a possible Mood-Swing-Prone-Psycho-Ex-Girlfriend-Werewolf character...
No, that's definitely NOT what's happening... I'm also definitely NOT so excited about the next chapter that my teeth instantly became unparalyzed, after a very painful trip to the dentist, with anticipation after reading the edit above.
And there is certainly NO CHANCE I'm incredibly amused by the 4Kids-Sparta joke above... Nor is my resulting LOL anything but fictional.




05-Jan-2010 04:38:50 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2010 04:39:11 by Ark Von Doom

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh, im sure those few ajustments can be made, Serene...

Now if you'll excuse me....

*Loads shotgun*

I have a Bio's family to murder. >.>

???: Wait no!! He's lieing! Wait- NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Shush, Ezio, your not in this story, nor the next...hopefully. Although....Dante cooouuulllld have just hired Ezio to pwn Alrous in the first place...but what fun would that be?!


*pulls out a ps3 wireless controller*

Ezio: Oh seriously, like-

*Presses the o button, Ezio's free hand pulls itself up*

Ezio: So you can move my arm, big-

*starts randomly pressing buttons at insane speeds....Ezio starts flying in random directions across the room*

Ezio: -.-

Man, Ezio, your controls are boring after a while.... I have an idea! Lemme get out my Wii remote and nunchuk...... CMERE, STARKILLER!

*Random background of Marcello chasing after Ba'al with a golden hammer*

--- Surok's phone bill ---

Collect call to Bork (57) -*557
Text to Lucien (165) -$1,999
Replacement phones (85432)-$8,653,907,769,251,746
*No insurance*
Total: TOO MUCH!!

Verizon employee: Sir, would you like to pay in ca-

*Employee gets fried instantly by-

Surok: Shut up, actions! They know I did it already. Yes, it is true.... I shot the sheriff. But I did not shoot the deeeeeeeeeeeepppppuuuuuuuttttyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh God, I must end this before it turns into a Karoke session!

* Shuts off Computer moniter in Fright*

~Insane Soule
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

06-Jan-2010 02:51:56

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally, I kinda hate Ezio. Why did they keep to the trailer!? WHY couldn't he be a badass that smiles when he kills someone!? Man, now I miss Altair! O_o
Oh, and now I can accept your bio. And that Alyss is a fool. Why would she run to a place that's run by a vampyre? And a VERY EVIL vampyre at that.
Alrous: Maybe because nobody knows that he's a vampyre?
Shut up! Nobody asked you! And how the heck did you know that?
Alrous: Umm..I live in your head?
..You win this round..
At any rate, yes, your bio is accept. ^_^ And now we wait quietly for Ark's bio. Will his be epic as well? (oh, I'm 100% sure about that. :P )
And God, do I HATE not wanting to write. Oh well, I'd say I'm now at 30%. 70 more to go!
P.S: Nothing bad happen to him the second he goes into battle, eh? Maybe like this?
Alrous: *is cooking bacon* Evil bacon in the morning is awesome!
Tal: *jumps into scene* I smell bacon!
Alrous: *gets startled and smacks Tal right on the top of the head with a metal pot. Tal dies of head trauma a minute later* Oops..Dante! We've got a big mess in the kitchen!
Dante: *walks into room* What..? *looks down at floor and sees a pool of blood* Whoa!
Alrous: Oh, yeah..I was going to tell you to wear boots.
Dante: God dang it, what did you do Alrous!?
Salomon: *jumps into scene* PARTAH!
Alrous: *gets startled and smacks Salomon right on the top of the head with a metal pot.Salomon dies of head trauma a minute later. Looks down at Salomon's body* Umm..
Dante: It's okay Alrous. Nobody really cared about him. He's in a better place now.
Alrous: Is it wrong if I say this? Ah, who the hell am I kidding? Thank God he's dead!
Or like this?
*Tal was playing with paper until he got a paper cut*
Tal: Oww..a paper cut..
*after a minute, he bleeds to death*
Something like that?
You guys never had to worry about me killing them off quickly. If I don't kill off my characters quickly, then I wouldn't kill yours off quickly. :P
~Serene End
The end
is only
the beginning...

06-Jan-2010 03:45:10 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2010 03:58:41 by Serene End

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tal: Now that just wasn't very nice..... but then agian, neither is Zamorak! But... I worship him as my god... my head hurts now....

Ravenius: *walking in* Hi! You'll never know me, nor ever meet me agian, as we're at least 4 or 6 ages apart in terms of time, but....hi! *Teleports off*

Tal: Whaa....that...just made things more confusing...

Dante: Hi, i'm one hero, minus one arm!

Tal: thats....good to know. I guess. I think.

Sep: *Teleporting in, looks very, VERY drunk* Heeeeyyyyyyy, hheeeeeeeeyyyyy, hheeeeeeyyy!!!!, choo..***-choo're za mestses' d'de!!!!! I maan.........I-I-I.....Bblllaaagghhh!!!!!

Tal: o-

Sep: GGaaaahahhhggghh!!!!! Gaahahahaaagahahaahahaghha- ah.

Tal: ....So-

sep: Gaaahghahagagahhagagagahaghhg.

Tal: I-

Sep: Ggahagahahghag.

Tal: I think-

Sep: Braghhg.

Tal: bu-

Sep: Bragh. gagh.

Tal: ...... ok! now tha-

Sep: GGrrraaaaaaahgghhhg.....gah. *passes out*

Tal: Ok, now that he's out and-

Sarah: AWMG, NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *Runs up, thinking Sep is dead. She then starts using lunar heal spell attepts, then resports to Shock-revival*

Sarah: He's got a pulse agian! yay, I SAVED HIM!!!!

Isaac: *Cough* Dumb blond *cough*

Sarah: But... i have brown hair....

Isaac: *Cough* Dumb blonde in denial *cough*

Tal: This is...quite different indeed....

Aries: *Walking in* ...... *Staring into space epicly...ish*

Tal: I'm..... not.....even....asking.

Soule: Ok, we've gone through all my bios, and you already have been in this so....time for guest star appearances!

Tal: What?! Where?! Wait, don't go!! Where are you?! Where did you go!?

Stephanie: Hi. And goodbye.

Tal: Wai-

Roy: Wewt, my courage is so large, it's scary!

Cassius: That's what she said. :D
Ba'al: Grrraaagghhh!!! *Claw specials Cassuis*

Wigwam126: Holy crap, Princess Cassy just got owned! :o

Tal: *Starts freaking out* Aggh, ive got to get out of here! *Unplugs computer*

~Insane Soule
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

06-Jan-2010 06:20:16

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Hmm..I think I've spawned a good idea. I'll split the chapter in two. I'll have a part one, and a part two. Why? Because I truly believe this isn't going to get done until the beginning of next week. *frowns on hardly any typing mood*
Seems like a reasonable idea right? I think.... O_o
I'll just end it in a reasonable area and post it up. ^_^ ---
Chapter 20: Into the Eyes of Fear Part 1
Standing at the jaws of shadowy darkness. Marcello and his group enter into the courtyard of Lord Drakan's castle. Walking out from the darkness that surrounded the castle was their enemy, the Raven Reapers. Raven, with his hands behind his hands, glanced upon the group and a soft giggle whispered from underneath his mask.
Mumbles of steps of silent killers crack the air all around the group. One by one, the group readied themselves into their stances. Swiftly, these footsteps grew louder and louder as the darkened murderers approached the group. Marcello readied his Saradomin Sword as lighting energy began dancing all around the blade.
He spun backwards and randomly swings his blade at the air. A wave of electricity shoots from his blade and hurls into whatever was in it's path. After a moment, moans of agony barked into the air. Marcello glances back at his comrades. "We have to use our ears in order to defeat our enemy." stated Marcello.
Everybody nodded their heads and separated from each other, charging into the shadow by themselves. Several Raven Reapers crossed Marcello's path, but with one giant toss of his blade, these Assassins were easily taken care of - dropping to their knees then falling to the ground lifeless. Marcello ran into a dead end. Two buildings, taller than Marcello's soul, towered over his head.
The end
is only
the beginning...

06-Jan-2010 19:16:18 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2010 20:47:23 by Serene End

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Marcello turned around to recoil his steps. Once he did, he paused noticing a man with his back against the wall of the left building. It was a familiar man, Joshua. His different colored eyes glared frigidly at Marcello. He pushed his back off the wall and took steps forward.
Marcello readied his blade. Electricity glowed and glittered all over his right arm, which was the one that had hold of the blade. "Get out of my way filth. I am in no mood." he growled at the young man before him.
Joshua's right arm began to glow red. Flames swayed all over his forearm. "I am never in the mood to have to kill someone - especially someone I once called friend." he replied.
Marcello laughed a bit. A smirk grew to the corners of his cheeks. "Friend? I would never even consider calling you my friend."
"Your sins must be stopped." Joshua drew his Oubliée Rêver. "Do not take this personally, but your iniquity mustn't continue."
"Heh - watching you die will make my day." The two charged at each other in earnest. Joshua readied his right arm as the two were about to collide. Marcello strikes his Saradomin Sword down, and Joshua lunges his right arm at the Assassin Hunter's blade. The once felt godly powers of the world collided once again, causing a large explosion to burst into the air.
Flames swallowed the tall buildings around the two. Joshua and Marcello are sent hurling into the air, away from each other. Joshua hits the ground on his back but then on impact he rolls to his front and stops. Marcello flies and his back hits the stone wall that once cornered him hard. He then falls back to the earth on his knees.
Blood dripped from his mouth as he glanced upon his opponent. The smell of burning wood smothered the air as the bright red flames blinded the two with blistering rays of heat. A deep cut on his forehead, above his left eye just rained down blood into it. He stood to his feet and held onto his left middle ribs as they were in incredible agony.
The end
is only
the beginning...

06-Jan-2010 20:52:34

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