

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Chapter 4: The Roar of War
Without even a sign of pain or agony after being shot by an arrow, Janak rose to his feet and extended his hand out to Sarah. Frightened, the crowd roared in fear and anger. The Assassins charged towards Janak, claiming he is the "undying one". Visdin swung his sword at a few Assassins that were in-front of him.
His blade cuts through the flesh of several Assassins. Janak swung his sword at an Assassin, but the Assassin dodged. But strangely enough, a spike of rock rose from the ground and impaled the Assassin. Janak stared with a strange look on his face - his hand rubbed the back of his head. "Okay..what is going on here??" he said in his head.
Some of the Assassins pointed their index fingers at Janak with expressions of fear. "What the 'ell is 'e!?" One of them said with fear felt in his voice. His hands began to shake. One of the Assassins took a few steps back in terror. "Ta hell with this!! I'm 'etting the bloody hell outta 'ere!!" After that, the Assassin took off.
Some of the Assassin nodded their heads. "'eah...he's got a good idea..!" And like that, the Assassins around Janak ran for their lives. Janak rose an eyebrow, in confusion of what is going on. He sighed. "Well, I'm not complaining." he mumbled to himself. After that, he ran into the crowd surrounding the Wolfsbane's; swinging his sword at any Assassin around him.
He arrived right by Visdin and Sarah. When Janak pointed his sword at the Assassins in-front of him, some took a few steps back in intimidation. Two Assassins charged at Janak, he swung his sword at one of the Assassins and killed him. But the other that approached was bounded by root like branches. The Assassin began to squirm, trying to break free from what bound him.
"What did you do ta me!?" the Assassin shouted.
Janak shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie ta me, you 'onster!"
"I'm not!"
The end
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the beginning...

30-Jul-2009 08:17:49

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Visdin jumped over to Janak. He noticed that Janak had these strange but rather faded black marks around his right eye. Hard to notice, but Visdin saw them. He raised his eyebrow, "Janak, what did you do?"
"I don't know!"
Visdin stabbed the Assassin that was bounded. He quickly pulled his blade out and the roots around the Assassin withered, sending the dead Assassin falling to the ground. "Whatever it is that you did. It's something no ordinary magic could do." After that brief conversation, the two went back to fighting the crowd that gathered around them.
On the other side of the battle, another took place. Marcello versus Vezyfher. Marcello was shot by a dart that was poisoned, but he still continued to go on like he wasn't. But as time passed, so too did Marcello's strength. Vezyfher blocked every single attack that Marcello threw. Marcello fell to his knees, withered of all his strength.
Vezyfher smirked. "Seems the poison is taking quite the nice effect." he said. Marcello got back to his feet. He charged back at Vezyfher and swung his sword. Vezyfher countered, blocking Marcello's attack and kicking him to the ground flat on his face. Vezyfher pointed his sword at Marcello. "And with this, I say my farewell."
But suddenly, Vezyfher's blade flies out of his hand and lands several feet away. This caught Vezyfher's attention. He shuffled his eyes left and right, looking for a reason for what just happened. Suddenly, Vezyfher's right arm is cut by what appears to be a claw. The wound began to pour out blood. Vezyfher grabbed his right shoulder, frantically looking for who caused it.
Marcello got to his knees. He saw the wound on Vezyfher's arm, and the fact it looked like it was caused by a claw. Marcello remained calm but the answer was very clear to him. Marcello got to his feet. Vezyfher grit his teeth with anger in his eyes. "Where are you!?!" Vezyfher yelled. Suddenly, a man wearing a hood appeared behind Vezyfher.
The end
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the beginning...

30-Jul-2009 08:20:49

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Vezyfher opened up his hand and his sword floats back to his hand. Vezyfher turned around and pointed his sword at whoever was behind him—but no one was there. Vezyfher looked back at Marcello. The two swung their swords at each other. Marcello's sword cuts into Vezyfher's left shoulder while Vezyfher's sword cuts into Marcello's right arm.
The two jump back and charged back at each other. Marcello swung his sword to the left but Vezyfher jumped above Marcello's blade and landed back firmly upon his feet. Vezyfher swung his sword upward. Marcello backflipped at the last second, barely dodging Vezyfher's attack. From top of a Zamorakian church, was a shadow of a man with a scythe watching the two fight.
Marcello jumped into the air and pointed his sword down, attempting an impale. Vezyfher jumped onto the roof of Dodgy Jim's house. Vezyfher waited for Marcello. Marcello ran up the wall to the roof. Marcello arrived to the roof and resumed the fight with Vezyfher. Marcello swung his sword to the right but Vezyfher blocks with his metal glove. Vezyfher quickly kicks Marcello's blade out of his hand.
His blade slides off the roof. Marcello looks back at where his blade fell, and when he looks back - Vezyfher kicks him in the chest. Marcello falls off the roof and lands back on the ground hard on his back. Marcello grit his teeth but he rolled back onto his feet. Suddenly, from above Marcello, a dart is shot at him. Marcello rolls back and dodges the dart.
Marcello briefly looked back at the chapel where the figure of a man with a scythe was. It was no longer there. Marcello looked up at Vezyfher, grabbed his sword from the ground, ran back up the wall and onto the roof. There, the man in the hood pushed Vezyfher to the ground. Realizing who it was behind him, the man in the hood looked behind him. The man's glowing red eyes stared at Marcello.
The end
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the beginning...

30-Jul-2009 08:25:59

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Ba'al." Marcello mumbled. "So, it really is you." Not replying, the man looked back at Vezyfher. When he did, Vezyfher pointed his sword at the man's throat.
Vezyfher smirked. "So, you're the Crimson Reaper." Vezyfher stated. "You're not as scary as the stories of your assassinations foretold."
The man suddenly disappeared and re appeared several feet behind Vezyfher. He quickly turned around and shot a dart at the man. He quickly grabbed the dart before it hit him and threw it back at Vezyfher. He deflected the dart with his gauntlet and charged at the man. The man's Dragon Claw began to glow red as he waited for Vezyfher.
But when the man stroke his Dragon Claw, Vezyfher quickly jumped back and shot another dart at the man. The man quickly deflected the dart right before it hit him but Vezyfher took off running. Marcello looked down at the dart and realized something. Marcello turn his back. But right after he did, the dart exploded—collapsing the building they were on into small bits!
From the wreckage, Marcello rose to his feet after pushing a few stones off him. He began dusting himself off, brushing all the dirt away. He took off his hat, smacked it a few times, and then placed it back on his head. Marcello shuffled his eyes left and right, looking for Vezyfher. But the Assassin was no where in sight.
Marcello began to think that what Vezyfher did was to escape, knowing that he was outnumbered. A wise decision, Marcello thought to himself. But that assumption didn't keep Marcello from letting his guard down. Marcello walked over to the three, who seemed to be done with fighting the group of Assassins. Marcello returned to his normal self as he approached them.
Sarah looked at Marcello. "Are you okay?" she asked, worried about his injuries.
Marcello nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. But I'm not so sure what just happened.."
The end
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the beginning...

30-Jul-2009 08:30:51

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Visdin sheathed his rapier. "Perhaps Vezyfher retreated."
Marcello crossed his arm. "That's what I was thinking."
Janak placed his hands in his trench coat's pockets. "We need to go."
Sarah nods her head in agreement with Janak. "Yes, I agree."
Marcello sheaths his blade. "Alright. Let's go." After Marcello's final word, the four left Il Pagato.
Meanwhile, with Vezyfher. He was inside a castle, tending to his wounds he endured during his fight. From the shadows, comes a man wearing what he appears to a steel mask. The steel mask was in the shape of a bird. Where the man's eyes would be on the mask was in the shape of a demon's eye. However, the eye cut outs of the mask were covered by red glass.
Vezyfher sees the man and sighs. "Raven, is it. What is it that you want?" he asked.
The masked man crossed his arms. "You were unsuccessful in killing Marcello Saif-Al-Din." Raven stated, his voice sounded rather creepy, almost ill like.
"Like it was my fault. The Crimson Reaper-"
Raven grabbed the collar of Vezyfher's jacket. "You allowed the Crimson Reaper to escape!?" Raven lifted Vezyfher into the air. "You allowed the enemy to escape!?"
"I was unprepared for his ambush. I could have killed Marcello several times had not he showed up." Vezyfher raised an eyebrow. "Now, you mind putting me down?"
Raven dropped Vezyfher back to the ground and took a few steps away. "I expect Salomon will tell the Assassin Hunters regarding the little speech Acubens set up for next month. Perhaps that will be the next opportunity for you to strike."
"And next time, I will not allow Marcello to slip out of my grasp."
"Very good." With that, 'Raven' disappeared.
The end
is only
the beginning...

30-Jul-2009 08:35:01

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A day later, back at Varrock. Their wounds were treated. Marcello entered the royal kingdom of Varrock. There, he entered Salomon's throne room where the emperor awaited Marcello's return. When Salomon saw Marcello enter the room, a smile of joy grew on Salomon's face. Marcello bowed before Salomon to show respect.
"Lord Salomon." Marcello greeted.
"Ah, Marcello. How goes it?"
"We..I was unsuccessful.."
"How so?"
"As I, Sarah, and Janak were gathering information regarding the Crimson Reaper. Vezyfher interfered with our plans and overheard us talking. Jim...he told us to hide upstairs. This act of cowardliness lead to his death...and we were unable to do a thing about it."
Salomon rubbed his chin. "I see. An unfortunate turn of events indeed."
"What is my punishment?"
"Were you able to obtain any information beforehand?"
"Only conformation that Ba'al was at Il Pagato a few days ago." Marcello sighed. "I am but a failure."
Salomon shook his head side to side. "There is no failure except in no longer trying."
"You tried, correct? You are not this failure you speak of."
"I guess."
"You guess? Marcello, there is no failure in trying. It tis as simple as that." Salomon rested his arms on the arms of his throne chair. "Perhaps there is a way so that you may 'redeem' yourself."
"Alright, I'm listening."
"A month from now, there will be a speech at Abitante (aka Rimmington) that Acubens Krokar will be attending. Perhaps he may know a thing or two regarding Ba'al."
"I shall do as you wish."
"Very good."
The end
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the beginning...

30-Jul-2009 08:39:06

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Marcello turned his back. But Salomon remembered one thing to tell Marcello. "Marcello! Before you go, I have but one more thing to tell you."
Marcello turned around. "What's that?"
"I've hired a mercenary to aid you in your search for Ba'al."
"Do you not trust in our abilities, sir?"
"I do. But I want Ba'al killed or captured as quick as possible."
"Why so greatly, my lord?"
Salomon sighed. "I believed you already knew.."
"I'm sorry sir." Marcello turned back. "I've got to go sir. I'll speak with you later."
"As you wish. Saradomin keep you safe."
With that final word, Marcello left. When Marcello shut the door behind him, Salomon gave out a very evil grin.
The End of Chapter 4
Next Chapter,
Chapter 5: Truth Written on Walls
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it ^_^
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30-Jul-2009 08:41:17

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That's messed up...yet not!


Wait a minute..How do you switch the smil-


Help, I'm being taken over by smil-


Oh snap, an evil smile?!

Biomaster, could you give us the official du du duu theme for us?

Also, Jerry, Could you ajust the microphone volume, i'm still getting some hiss back here.

"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

30-Jul-2009 12:03:46

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It takes a while for Demons to be killed by poison. Marcello is being treated as we speak! (or rather post!)
As for Wigwam's request: *Du du du du DUUUUUU!!!!! music goes off*
The end
is only
the beginning...

30-Jul-2009 18:16:45 - Last edited on 30-Jul-2009 18:17:58 by Serene End

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