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Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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The other Vyrewatch grit their teeth in frustration, they really wished they could kill Joshua, but they knew it would be a suicide mission. "Not going to make the first move, I see." said Joshua. "Smart move."

Joshua charged at the Vyrewatch, and one of the Vyrewatch charge at him. The vampyre lunges his spear at Joshua, who backflips to dodge. He quickly landed on his feet and swings the flail at the throat of the Vyrewatch vampyre. The flail's blade cuts through the throat of the vampyre, cutting the flesh in a straight line.

The blood rained down onto the mud as the vampyre's body crashes onto the moist ground. The rain rushed down onto Joshua's head and the world around it. The rain dripped down onto Joshua's face, purging away the corrupt blood of the vampyres he had slain. The thunder bursts and cracks the sky apart. Flashes of bright light blinds everyone but Joshua kept his eyes focused.

The Vyrewatch surrounding Haimon hissed at Joshua, revealing fangs larger than Joshua's index finger. Their wings flapped, their knees lunged out in-front of them, their arms sprouted out like bird wings. Joshua was not intimidated whatsoever, he waited for them to make their move. It was a stare off for a half a minute, trading glares instead of blows.

One impatient Vyrewatch could not take it anymore, so he charged at Joshua who was ready for anything at that point. The Vyrewatch thrusts his spear at Joshua, who leaps into the air and lands behind the vampyre. He wraps the chain of the Ivandis Flail around the Vyrewatch's throat, beginning to choke the life out of him.

Another Vyrewatch charges at Joshua, who had his back turned. The Vyrewatch thrusts his spear at Joshua, who quickly reacted to this happening. Joshua quickly turned the Vyrewatch he was choking, removes his flail from his throat, and jumps back. So the spear impales that Vyrewatch instead of Joshua. The Vyrewatch quickly pulls out his spear from his comrade.
The end
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the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:26:46

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Both of the Vyrewatch grit their teeth in frustration. "Damn this meatbag.." growled one of the Vyrewatch. They charge back at Joshua.

They both thrust their spears, but Joshua quickly kicks both of wooden parts of the spear, breaking them in-half. And in one swift motion, slits both of their throats. The two vampyres hit the ground, lifeless. All the Vyrewatch were killed, except Haimon.

Haimon glared at Joshua, who was ready for him. "Ready to greet your god, mortal?" taunted Haimon.

Joshua shook his head. "Deities do not exist. Only in desperate times do we depend on the 'gods' we pray to." he replied. "Justice shall flourish, and those who born injustice shall die. And that is all."

Haimon drew a curved blade, the blade glittered, it danced all over the blade. "Well, you shall be disappointed. Your 'justice' shall not win the battle upon this night."

"If that is what you believe, die believing so."

"We shall see who shall die." Haimon charged at Joshua much quicker than the other Vyrewatch vampyres. Haimon swings his blade at Joshua, who sidesteps to dodge. Joshua swings his flail at the back of the neck of Haimon. The vampyre grabs the chain of the flail, forces it out of Joshua's hand, and grabs him by the throat.

Haimon quickly throws Joshua away, and he lands in the mud about fifteen feet away. Joshua quickly gets to his feet and realizes that his flail is no longer in his hand. He glances back at Haimon who had a evil smile on his face. Haimon looks down at the ground and right by his foot was the flail. "Looking for that?" taunted Haimon.

Joshua's blank expression did not change whatsoever. He kept his calm, and remained focused. Joshua charged at Haimon unarmed. Haimon charged at Joshua, and tackled him to the mud. He began punching Joshua right in the face with violent strength. Sarah looked on in horror, but she knew what she had to do. She took a deep breath and ran after the flail.
The end
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the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:28:49

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Marcello tried to stop her by grabbing onto her shoulder, but she got away. Haimon noticed Sarah rushing to the flail. He stood to his feet after a violent attack on Joshua and made haste over to the flail. He got to the flail first before Sarah. When she got there, Haimon got in her face. She looked terrified.

A sick smile from Haimon revealed his fangs. "You look so good to eat." mumbled Haimon to Sarah. Distracted, he completely forgets about the flail.

Joshua got to his feet and rushed over to the flail. He took hold of it and stood to his feet. Haimon glances behind him and his eyes widen. Joshua swings the flail at Haimon's throat. The blade of the flail cuts through the flesh of the vampyre and blood began rushing out of the open wound. A moment later, he collapses to the mud.

Sarah sighs out of relief. "Thank Saradomin you killed him." she said.

Joshua stepped right next to Sarah. "That was a really stupid thing for you to do." replied Joshua.

She rubs the back of her head. "I know," she returned, "but we're both alright, right? So all is good."

"But imagine what could have happened - if he had bit you.."

"But he didn't. So that's all that matters."

Marcello and the others walk over to the two. "You both okay?" asked the elf warrior Darien.

"I was getting a bit worried there for a minute." said Arabella.

Vezyfher stepped closer to Sarah. "Are you alright, my dear?" he asked.

Sarah nodded her head with a smile on her face. "Yes." she answered.

Joshua walks over to the pathway leading deeper into the city. "We need to get moving-"

Marcello walked over to Joshua and pushed him to the ground. "Without you." he interrupted.

Joshua glances up at Marcello. He stood to his feet and glares at Marcello. "Okay, I'll forsake you and you'll end up dead because you can't kill the Vyrewatch."

Marcello snatches the flail out of Joshua's hand. "Now I can."

Logan looks at the two arguing. "Gentlemen." shouted Logan. "I would suggest you don't argue."
The end
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the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:32:54

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"So you think you're strong enough to use that weapon?"

"It's a damn flail, how hard can it be?"


Marcello glares at Joshua. "Well, regardless." he mumbled to Joshua. "We don't need you and your criminal ways anymore. So, begone."

Sarah ran over to the two and got in between them. "Stop fighting you two!" she tried to end the argument but her efforts were in vain.

"My ways are criminal? And yet, Salomon made you slaughter all those innocent people without your naive mind truly knowing it."

"Those people weren't innocent, they were Assassins."

"Assassins? I beg to differ."

"They were Assassins. They had weapons, armour, AND they attacked me."

"Did you ever stop and wonder that they only did it because they knew what it was that you came into that village to do?" Joshua crossed his arms. "They obviously knew that Salomon wanted them dead and they knew that he would send you. They knew things that most people could not believe. And Salomon had you to kill them so that information could never be spoken about. Does that not make sense to you?"

Marcello went silent for a moment. His eyes went down, and his expression changed. He looked down at the ground. But then his head rose back to make eye contact with Joshua. "I don't care with what you say murderer. Salomon is a good man, and his intentions were justly. If you cannot see the error of your thinking, then you're an enemy to me. Now leave us."

Joshua closed his eyes and sighed. He reopened his eyes and looked at Marcello one last time. "What happened to you Marcello?" he mumbled to Marcello. "Why can't you see the errors of your ways?" After that, Joshua disappeared.

An hour passes, and after traveling through the maze city, the group finally sees the castle that created the shadows that haunted the world around them. Lord Drakan's castle. The thunder rumbled the sky with bolts of lighting cutting the sky to ribbons. Their eyes glance upon the shadow of the once vamprye lord's domain.
The end
is only
the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:36:19

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lakos and the hooded man were approaching the castle. Their feet digging into the mud as the rain hits their face. Above their heads on top of the buildings towering over their heads were vampyres. One ruled as king of the castle. Their red eyes glance upon the two. "" one mumbled, his mouth drooling with water.

They drop down to the two. About ten vampyres surrounded the werewolf and the hooded man. "Damn.." mumbled the hooded man.

A smile grew on the face of Lakos. "No probs." assured Lakos.

More nightmares will be realized as we continue into the darkness.

The End of Chapter 19
Next Chapter,
Chapter 20: Into the Eyes of Fear

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it. ^_^

~Serene End
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the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:37:17

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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•´¯¥¯`•Bonus Chapter 1•´¯¥¯`•

During that day, December 31, the last day of the Fifth Age. At the capital, Varrock. Logan, who wore similar equipment like the soldiers around only he wore a full helmet walks over to another man. This man looked very much like Janak. He had his back against the wall, his hands behind his head.

The man looks at Logan. "Hey. Where's Sara?" he asked. "Do not worry. She will be here shortly." replied Logan. After a few minutes, out from the entrance was Sara. She looked extremely similar to that of Sarah in the present.

The man smiled upon her return. "Hey Sara." he greeted.

"Greetings David. " she replied.

Logan looks at Sara. "Did Lord Solza make the final decision to attack the Raven Reapers?" he asked.

Sara looks at Logan. "Yes. We'll be attacking tomorrow."

David closes his eyes. "Alright, that ought to be fun."

Sara looks at David. "How's Maria?"

"She's fine. I'll be a father in two months. So, life is goin' good, I guess."


David smiled. But right after he did, a large crash rocked the capital. This immediately caught all the soldier's attention. They begin to hear people running and screaming for their lives. Raven Reapers are seen killing unsuspecting civilians. David wanted to charge in, but Logan grabbed his arm before he could run anywhere. "We have to protect the emperor." he shouted to David.

David grit his teeth in frustration. They charge into the castle, forsaking the civilians. When they arrived at the emperor's room. They see him still standing but his window was completely shattered. "Emperor Solza..?" Sara called out. After she said those words, Solza fell to the ground with a knife impaled in his throat.
The end
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the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:41:03

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Sara, David, and Logan hasted over to Solza. But they instantly knew that he was dead. And his killer just stood there, looking down with tears flowing down his eyes. When Sara looked up at the killer, her eyes immediately widen. She realized who was the one who killed Emperor Solza. "P-Paul!?" she shuddered.

She walks over to the killer and throws back his hood. Her answer was the truth, Paul, her husband was the one responsible for the death of Emperor Solza. David walks over to Paul and punches him in the face."Can you even begin to understand what you have just done!!?" David shouted.

Sara grabs David's right shoulder. When David looks back, he sees that Sara was shaking her head side to side. David continued to glare at Paul who simply got back to his feet with a blank look on his face. Paul snaps his fingers and fifty Raven Reaper assassins appear from out of nowhere.

The assassins surrounded the trio. The three drew their swords and stood back to back. Six Raven Reaper assassins charge at the group of three. David swung his sword at the torso of the Raven Reaper assassin near him. His sword slices through the flesh of the assassin, cutting his torso in-half. Sara impaled her sword into the gut the an assassin charging at her.

Logan swung his gigantic sword at the remaining assassins charging at the group. His sword cuts through the flesh of all the assassins. Suddenly, Khalid appears behind Sara and grabbed the back of her neck. Right after he does, he and Sara disappears. David looks all over the place to find out where Sara disappeared to.
The end
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the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:43:19

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Sara and Khalid appeared outside the crowd. Khaild throws Sara to the ground right by the feet of another assassin. "Kill her." he demands. The assassin's hands shake. David saw where Sara appeared and began to haste over to her. But, ten higher leveled Raven Reaper assassins blocked his way.

He swung his sword at the one nearest to him, which was by his left. But the assassin he swung his sword to turned out to be an illusion. David looked on in confused. When distracted, an assassin from behind impales David's left shoulder with his Katar. David growled in pain. The assassin pulls out his Katar and goes for another stab.

David quickly jumps forward and dodges the stab. As the fight goes on, the assassin grabs his dagger but his hand still shook greatly. Sara got to her feet and was about to attack the assassin with the shaken hands. However, a hooded woman appears out of nowhere and impales Sara's lower back which causes her to hold her attack.

And she tried to move her legs but couldn't - her body was no longer her's. The woman giggled. Khalid looks at the woman with a bit of an angry look. The hooded woman was no Raven Reaper assassin. The woman looks at the shaken assassin. "Kill her before I do." the woman demanded.

Tears fell down the assassin's eyes. "Forgive me..." he whispered to Sara as he impaled his dagger into her throat. "Sis.." Sara's eyes slowly closed as she fell to the ground - breathless. David clenches his fists and grits his teeth in anger. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He shouted as hollow angel wings suddenly appeared on his back.

He swung his left arm at the air. An arrow of fire shoots at the man who killed Sara, her brother. The woman in the hood snaps his fingers and the arrow of fire suddenly disappears right before it hit. The woman in the hood giggles at David. David held his left hand out in-front of him and the ground underneath the woman in the hood began to shake.
The end
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the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:49:20

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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The woman in the hood smirks. She stomps his left foot at the ground and the ground stops shaking. "Your Albali powers are weak." she said. Suddenly, a spike of rock shoots out from the ground and impales David in the gut. The woman in the hood lifts her right hand into the air and the spike that impaled David grew tall, the spike lifted David 100 feet into the air.

Logan charged at the woman in the hood. She snapped her left fingers and the ground underneath Logan wrapped around his body like vines. He was unable to break free from the ground the bounded him. The woman in the hood smiled at Logan. "Prepare to see some fireworks." the woman said to Logan. "Wh-who are you!?" David shouted.

"The woman humans so greatly fear." After those words. The woman in the hood clenched his right hand. Right after he does, the spike that lifted David exploded. Logan stared in shock. David fell to the ground, back first. He was covered in blood. His right arm had been blown off.

"David!!" Logan shouted.

"Hahahaha..." the woman laughed as she walked over to David. "See? I told you you were weak."

Acubens suddenly appeared. The woman in the hood looks over. "Oh, I see. You're here."

"Well, a good hello to you too Acubens."

Acubens smirks. "It seems everything is under control." Acubens walks over to David who was still alive - barely though. David stood to his feet and panted heavily. Acubens smiles on sight. David quietly grabs a small dagger on the back on his left leg. When he has it in his hand, he quickly impales it into Acubens' gut.

He grit in pain. However, he grabs a dagger that was strapped to his waist and impales it in the heart of David. He falls to the ground. His breathing stops, his eyes close. Acubens laughs like a madman. "I have finally won the war." he shouted.

" haven't." the woman in the hood said. Acubens looks at her in confusion.
The end
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the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:56:03

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The woman snaps his fingers. Acubens' limbs are frozen. The woman impales one of her swords into the heart of Acubens. Acubens' eyes were widened. "I have." she whispered to Acubens. Those were the last words spoken to Acubens, he fell to the ground and died. Khalid and the Raven Reaper assassins around drew their weapons.

"I wouldn't oppose the master's orders."

"What!? The master ordered this!?" Khalid shouted.

"Yeah, he did."


The woman pulled his blade from out of Acuben's chest. "..Let's just say the master didn't like the headmaster." The woman sheaths her blade and crosses her arms. "So, let's put those sharp toothpicks down before somebody gets hurt. And I don't mean me." After those words, the assassins places their swords back.

Right after that event, soldiers of Salomon's brigade along with him arrive. Salomon looks around and sees what has happened. He looks at the woman in the hood. The woman had a very evil smirk on her face. After that, the woman in the hood disappears.

A day passes, Salomon was up in his father's room, gazing out the window. His mind was bounded by thoughts of what happened yesterday. But a truly dark thought passed his mind, which created an evil smile to grow to the corners of his cheeks.

The End of Bonus Chapter 1

~Serene End
The end
is only
the beginning...

24-Dec-2009 15:59:42

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