Insane soule! That was pretty funny with the "Don't fear the reaper thing" Did you know that was the only Rock 'n' roll song that was played with a cowbell?
I have been missing because of Model U.N; two hours of sleep a night and debating every day, while trying to avoid Syria (I was Israel, and Syria... well... She played her part of hating me VERY well
Still, she was a good contest, it's a shame about all the murders though...
Futhermore I just released my very own RP thread, Epilogue, on the forums; my very first! (audience bursts into applause, and then flames) Um... we're working on that.
* * *
Nice... Joshua is pretty darn awesome. It took him less than a post to kill a named character; now that's skill! If only he had been there for Alrous:
The World in Flames: Joshua Edition.
(Alrous stands malevolently atop a pile of defeated knights)
Alrous: And now the world shall be mine! And Guthix will be forever...
Joshua: *stab*
Alrous: Gah! 19 Damage! I am... defeated. (Dies)
Joshua: He didn't even leave a coin...
* * *
Best line ever: "Like a loud repetitive sound in the middle of a plain field."
(Vezyfher walks into the center of a plain and straightens himself, taking a deep breath)