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Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 19: Last Goodbye

Marcello rushed into the darkness of the hallway. He darted towards Salomon's room where the emperor was in danger. When the Assassin Hunter arrived at the door, he bursts it open. He sees more corpses of Holy Kingdom Knights covering the floor. He also sees Darien and Aries on their knees, covered in blood. They were surrounded by several Raven Reaper assassins.

When Marcello looks forward, he sees Raven with a blade against Salomon's throat. Right by Raven were several higher Raven Reaper assassins, and in-front of those assassins was Vezyfher. The noble assassin and Raven look at Marcello. The outnumbered Assassin Hunter heard the amused giggle of Raven.

Under the mask, Raven smiles. "Welcome Marcello," he greeted, "glad to see you were able to make it."

Marcello clenched his hands into fists. "Save it!" he yelled. "Let Salomon go now!"

Vezyfher smirked. "And what exactly will you do if we don't?"

Marcello grit his teeth. "..."

Darien looks up at Marcello. "Don't be an idiot! Leave!" he yelled.

Raven shook his head. The door behind Marcello suddenly close shut. "I'm afraid he has no choice but to stay."

Marcello looks back, shocked. "Dammit.."

Raven looks at Vezyfher. "Vezyfher. I trust you can keep this situation under control."

The assassin looks at Raven, then briefly nodded his head. Vezyfher points his blade right by Salomon's head. Raven grabs the Scythe of Verità and teleports away. Marcello readied his blade, but when he moved, his whole body began to hurt. He briefly held onto his stomach with his teeth grit in pain. "Dammit..there's no way I can manage to win.." he said in his head.
The end
is only
the beginning...

20-Sep-2009 07:13:43

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Assassins! Attack!" Vezyfher shouted. The Raven Reapers charge at Marcello. The first assassin strikes to sword at Marcello. Marcello jumped into the air and kicked the assassin right in the face. Marcello got back to his feet and another assassin was right by him. The assassin swings his blade at Marcello. He barely was able to block the attack.

Another assassin from behind stabs his Dragon Dagger into Marcello's left shoulder. The assassin that got his attack blocked kicked Marcello to the ground. Marcello couldn't fight anymore, he was too weak to continue. The Raven Reaper assassins look at Vezyfher, awaiting his command. Vezyfher looked at the group, then shook his head side-to-side.

The assassins acknowledged that as a command not to kill. Aries suddenly rose to his feet and charged at Vezyfher. However, before he got anywhere near Vezyfher, a rock suddenly shoots from right in-front of Aries and hits him right in the gut. Aries flies back and lands right back where he started from, only unconscious.

Two human-shaped figures suddenly formed from the eastern wall, then the figures become normal. The two were Albalis, being the fact that they had a strange black marks around their eye. Vezyfher had an expression of confidence.

Meanwhile, back at the fight taken place outside the walls. Janak was fighting Ba'al, while Sarah was fighting Nyx. The Crimson Reaper looked a little bit overwhelmed by Janak's power, he was a little more beat up than Janak was. While Sarah and Nyx were blade-to-blade, Nyx jumps back when she saw something. Suddenly, Sarah's body froze it place.

The Crimson Reaper suddenly stopped attacking when this event happened. He realized that Raven was around the area. Then he looked right behind Sarah, he saw him. Janak saw Raven, and saw that Sarah was unable to move. He charged at the two. But then, Sarah charged at Janak and swings her sword at him.
The end
is only
the beginning...

20-Sep-2009 07:17:10

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Janak quickly blocked the attack. "Wh-what are you doing?!" he yelled.

"I can't stop my body from attacking!" she replied. "It's like it has a mind of it's own!"

Janak looks back at Raven and saw he had his left hand out in-front of him. His left hand was glowing dark purple. "Dammit, Raven's controlling you!"

"H-how's that possibly?!"

"Fight him Sarah! You've got to fight!"

"I can't. His control is too strong!" Sarah suddenly punched Janak right in the face, "Sorry!"

Sarah swings her sword but Janak barely blocks. "It's no problem. But you've got to try to fight his control!"

The Crimson Reaper charges at Raven, but Nyx blocks his way. "You weren't planning on attacking him, were you?" she asked.

"Move out of the way." he replied.

Nyx winks. "I rather not, thanks."

"Then die." He swings one of his Dragon Claws at Nyx. She blocks and the two began to fight. Sarah continued to swing her sword at Janak, and he continued to block with no intention to fight her. Raven's glowing left hand clenches up into a fist. This changes the type of command he wishes for Sarah to do. Her eyes began to glow crimson red.

She suddenly disappears before Janak's eyes then reappears behind him. Janak turns around, only to be stabbing in the gut by Sarah. Her facial expression didn't show much, but her eyes were a completely different story. Tears began to flow down. Janak's eyes widened and he began to cough out blood. Sarah pulled out her blood covered diamond blade.

Janak fell to the snow covered ground on his knees. Janak looks up at Sarah as she pointed her blade towards his throat. "J-J-Janak..don't just..sit there...fight back.." mumbled Sarah.

Janak shook his head. "I can't.." he replied.

"You' to...kill me.."
The end
is only
the beginning...

20-Sep-2009 07:20:14

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"No!!" Sarah swings her blade, but right before she slit Janak's throat, her sword is taken out of her hand. Janak looks back and sees Ba'al with her sword in his hand. The two look on confused. The Crimson Reaper looks back with his emotionless eyes and expression. He then charged at Raven, who possessed his scythe. But then, he stopped. He turned around and charged back at Janak.

Janak got back to his feet and guarded Ba'al 's attack. Raven stops controlling Sarah and throws his open left hand towards Janak. He then clenched his fist and Janak felt this incredible pain in his left leg, like as if his femur was just snapped in half. After this, Raven fell to his knees. Despite this, Janak tries to keep up with Ba'al, but was unable to.

He then glanced at Sarah, who had tears flowing down her eyes. Seeing this, an overwhelming surge of power flowed through Janak. He rises to his feet and swings his sword at Ba'al, but then disappears and reappears behind the assassin. In several quick slashes, Janak attacked his opponent's back. He then swings his sword upward and sends Ba'al into the air.

Janak jumps into the air along with Ba'al, and in a show of emerald green lights, Janak continuously swings his sword at Ba'al, all over his body. After twelve seconds, Janak swings his sword one final time and smashes Ba'al back to the ground. Janak landed back to his feet and on his knees. Sarah rushed over to see if he was okay.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concerned. Janak looks at Sarah, smiled, then nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm just a little out of breath." he replied. After a minute, then everybody thought the Crimson Reaper was finished, he suddenly rose back to his feet, without his left arm. Blood covered him but he somehow managed to live through all that.

"Damn, he's abiding, isn't he?" mumbled Janak.

"Yes." replied Sarah.
The end
is only
the beginning...

20-Sep-2009 07:23:07

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Suddenly, a demonic aura surrounded Ba'al. A greater demon's wing grew from his back. He stared at Janak and Sarah with his piercing crimson red eyes. An arm of demonic aura took the place of his lost left arm. This arm even came with a sword. The Crimson Reaper disappeared, than reappeared right in-front of Janak. He swings his sword at Janak, and he blocked.

The two began to attack each other so fast that the human eye was unable to see the action. Janak swings his sword at Ba'al and he blocks. He threw an attack at Janak and he blocked. The assassin slashed both his Dragon Claw and demonic aura sword at the ground. A wave of red energy appears and began to travel towards Janak.

Janak swings his sword at the wave and his sword cuts the wave right in-half. Janak charges towards Ba'al and swings his sword. The Crimson Reaper jumps into the air and keeps himself in air by flapping his wings. A giant fireball began to flow above Ba'al 's head. The assassin then throws it at Janak. He swings his sword at the fireball and cuts it right in-half.

The Crimson Reaper looks back at Sarah and teleports over to her. He looks back at Janak with his emotionless eyes, and was about to stab her. "No!!" Janak and Sarah yelled. Janak ran over to them and stood in-between the two.
The end
is only
the beginning...

20-Sep-2009 07:25:14

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Janak is stabbed by the demonic aura sword, the sword is stab upward into Janak's body. Instead of just being stabbed in the gut, he was stabbed in the heart.

When Sarah reopened her eyes, she saw the horrific sight. Blood poured to the snow covered ground. The Crimson Reaper took his blade back and Janak fell to his knees, then to the snow. Sarah fell along with him. She lifts up Janak's head and began shouting out his name to get a response. Tears began to flow down her eyes like a water fountain.

Janak opens his eyes and looks up at Sarah. The snow fell from the sky so beautifully, so peacefully. The night had gone quiet despite all the fighting. Janak puts his left hand on Sarah's right cheek, then began to wipe away her tears. "Please..don't cry.." he muttered softly.

"Janak.." she mumbled back.

Janak's eyes began to fill with water. "Don't make this...hard for yourself..."

Sarah embraces Janak. "Don't leave yet!!!"

"You're being silly...I'll never leave you..."

"..Please don't go.."

"..I'll make a promise to you...right upon this very moment..."


"No matter where you are, no matter how far. I'll be there to protect you...always and forever.."

"I'm sorry..for not being able to-"

"..Don't be a have no reason to apologize.."

"Please..Janak.." Janak looks at Sarah, then kisses her on the lips. After their kiss, Janak's eyes started to become hollow. "Goodbye..Janak..."

"..This won't be our last goodbye..I" His sword on his arm disappeared, Janak's eyes slowly close. He took his final draw of breath, his hands released and his head fell down. That was it for his life, Janak was no longer alive.

"Janak..? Janak..?!" her voice raised as she continued to shout his name and continued to shake him. There was no reply, he was no longer alive. She began to cry out "No!" repeatedly.
The end
is only
the beginning...

20-Sep-2009 07:28:27

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Crimson Reaper closed his eyes and teleported away. Raven raises his right hand into the air, and a signal flare shoots out. Vezyfher and the other Raven Reapers saw this and they all ran out the window, leaving the four.

Marcello got to his feet cautiously and walked over to Salomon. "Are you alright, sire?" he asked.

Salomon wiped the dirt off his robe. "Yes, I'm fine." he replied.

"Why did they leave?"

"I'm not sure. Most likely because they've gotten what they came here for."

"Yeah, true."

"What I need you to do is go find Logan and make sure he is okay."

"As you wish, sire." Marcello runs out the door and rushes to Salomon. After a minute, Marcello returns to Logan, who was still alive. "Are you okay, Logan?" he asked, concerned.

"Are the Raven Reapers gone yet?" he replied.

"Yes, they retreated.." Marcello sighed. "They got the scythe...we lost.."

"Master Marcello, I've got a favor to ask you."


"I need you to go find Lady Sarah, Master Janak, and Master Visdin. I fear a tragedy has fallen."

Marcello nodded his head. He darted to the staircase. After a minute, he was outside. He held onto his stomach, where one of his old stab wounds were. Marcello ran to the southern entrance to find out where they were. When he saw another person in the middle of the snowy night, he heard sobs and cries. When Marcello walked closer, he saw so much blood.

But then he sees that Sarah is crying over a body, Janak's body. And he also saw Visdin, trying to help out his sister. When Marcello was in sight, Visdin looks at him. "Marcello.." he mumbled. Marcello's eyes immediately widened. He bolted over. An hour passes, the cold, snowy night progressed. Marcello returned to the medic room, where Logan was resting.

Logan looks at Marcello, and saw his facial expression. It was of depression. "I see you've come bearing bad news." Logan mumbled.

Marcello sighed. "Yes.." he replied with a soft voice.
The end
is only
the beginning...

20-Sep-2009 07:32:01

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Is it what I've feared?" Marcello nodded his head, confirming Logan's fear. This nearly overwhelming sadness took over Logan's body.

"I'm sorry."

At the Wolfsbane's house, Sarah was outside on the balcony. She couldn't stop seeing and hearing memories of her and Janak in her head. Tears flowed down her eyes uncontrollably. Visdin opens the door to the balcony and walks out. He sees Sarah and quickly hugs her to comfort her. She just suddenly broke down when he did. "Why did he go, Visdin?! Why..?" Sarah cried.

Meanwhile, at the Raven Reapers castle in Abitante. Raven was in his room. He removed his mask, and revealed Khalid. Khalid placed his mask upon the table right by his bed, but then looked behind him. He saw Lev, with his arms crossed.

"Well, well, well Khalid. It seems your plan worked like a charm." Lev stated. "Now everybody believes Ba'al killed Janak. Haha..they better think again."

"You best control yourself, Lev. Fate has funny ways of working, and it can easily change." he replied.

"Is that your sign of gratitude? I did all that work, and you give me the cold shoulder."

Khalid lays down on his bed. "I shall only express my gratitude when his master is awoken." Khalid looks back at Lev. "But until then, do not grow so cocky, Lev."

Lev shrugged. "Whatever you say, old man." Lev turned around, facing the door. "Night." With that, he left.

The snowing night was a dark night indeed, Filled with blood, pain, suffering, murder, and sorrow. Days and nights pass, two days after the ambush, it was the day of the funeral—the day to mourn those who died.

The End of Chapter 19
Next Chapter,
Epilogue of Crimson Part 1

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it. ^_^

Okay, since the next chapter is the last for Part 1. It'll have to be delayed due to length and school..-_- But I hope everyone is okay with that, and I'll try to get the chapter up as quickly as I can.

Thank you for your understanding, as always,
The end
is only
the beginning...

20-Sep-2009 07:34:52

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That was funnier than a penguin flipping over a candle right into a burning house! ...wait, what? O_o

Lol, Aries got 1 hit K0ed.

Uh-oh - now poor Ba'al has blood on his hands..even though he doesn't!

Ba'al: But I just washed my hands - there's no blood on them!

Wigwam: WASH THEM AGIAN! THEN wash them infront of Marcello! Then punch Marcello...But mainly just washing!

Ark, you speak Spanish?! :o

I wish I could! I only speak English...and Latin. :D

I would put some awesome latin phrase here, or something, but chances are it would just block it. :@ And we all know if you get blocked, it means you fail!

*reads Ark's Spanish dialog agian*

Summa sedes non capit dous. ;)

"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

20-Sep-2009 13:34:07 - Last edited on 20-Sep-2009 13:35:05 by Seph

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