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Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Wow...really? I was actually kinda thinking about rewriting TWIF 1 and 2. I loved that story, as I believe it's the prime story in this point of my life. :) I think Alrous and Dante are my favorite characters I ever created.

I've got so many decisions, and sooo many favorites. It's hard to choose. :P

On other notes: You really think that? That just made my night seem much brighter! Though, currently, the night seems sooo Fall-ish. And I love it! ^^

Thanks Wigwam. It means a lot to see that coming from someone outside my family. I appreciate all the support I've received, from everyone! It's more than I could ever ask for. ^_^

P.S: So, in your point of view. I'm underrated? o.o?

The end
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the beginning...

01-Sep-2009 03:13:44 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2009 03:21:04 by Serene End

Jun Member 2008


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Rewriting TWIF 1 and 2?!?!

Omg that would make it mega pwnage. it's good now, but a rewrite would absolutely dominate.

And yes, I do think you are VERY underrated. more of unknown than underrated, but it's a good label for it. If we were to get your name out there though...get the whole series adverted somehow...hmm...

???: And Biomaster, I don't have to be in ANYONE's family to make their day better. I just have to have their social security, address, phone number, proof of residence-

Wigwam: Omg! Klepto Wigwam! I thought you were still in the Chicago state prison for Arson, Armed robbery, Assault, Triple Murder, Grand theft auto, Various parking violations and animal abuse!

Clepto: they let me out on good behavior.

Wigwam:...So you didnt bust out? No elaborate planning or amazing scheme to bust out of the prison, or a master diobolical plan to demolish the entire state?

Clepto: Nope!

Wigwam: ...Well, I guess it takes a thief...

_-_-_-_In other news!_-_-_-_

Ark is still at that Denny's.


God he eats slow...I mean, frank, look at him - he is just sipping his coffee! he isnt even drinking it! And look at how he just nibbles at the bacon like a hamster-Ted, is that camera on? Ted, don't lie to me, the little red light is on-WE'RE ON LIVE!?! TURN IT OFF NOW!!! DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH ME, TED-TURN IT OFF!!! THAT'S IT, I'M COMING OVER THEIR TO KICK YOUR-

~We're sorry, but we are experiencing Technical difficulties at the moment. Please remain calm..... Ah, ok, go ahead and panic all ya want.~

Thank you for watching Chaotic Weekly. Next week your special guests will be Dante From Dante's Inferno and Dante from TWIF 1.


What kind of insanity will my mind spawn next? O_o

"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

01-Sep-2009 05:06:32 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2009 05:09:18 by Seph

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Awesome! I'm a T Unknown from Pokemon! (T is the beginning letter of my name :P ) And I was also willing to let the TWIF 1 and 2 threads die. So, I could make a thread that has both the stories in them. Just completely rewritten.

By the way, how the hell did you get Dante...from Hell!? O_o

And Dante too busy without his arm.

Dante: That doesn't mean I can't fight!

Ummm..I actually kinda think it is.

Dante: Never give up, never surrender!

Okay, now you're just stealing movies quotes. -.-

Before Dante steals anymore quotes, I'm ending this message. Maybe the Bielzen vampyres can find Ark. Still at Denny's.

The end
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the beginning...

01-Sep-2009 14:01:42

Jun Member 2008


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I know a fair bit about that, thanks to obsessive siblings and a small bit of gameplay of it myself. it's fun, although I do think it's overated.

Now about the whole name unknown thingy...

I'd be unknown J! yay?

Can I re-choose!? I want to be that kickass one called Mewtwo!

random god: NO! you will be a block of ice!

programmer: but there are no pokemon that are just blocks of ice!

random god: WELL MAKE IT SO!!!! GGGRRRAAAHHH!!!!

This is why i don't play pokemon often.

I WOULD play something else, like Legend of Zeld, but...

*Random images of a giant dinosaur zelda breathing fire and crashing through a random city.*

I also don't have a good record with WoW, either. You see, I have goals in life. They didnt like that.


Also, tetris never really liked me..

*Random video of Wigwam screaming while be chased by random flying tetris pieces.*

Obliously I am an experienced gamer. :P

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ˆ•.,¸,.•ˆ.....ˆ•.,¸,.•ˆ............................................`•.¸ † ¸.•`............................................ˆ•.,¸,.•ˆ.
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

02-Sep-2009 05:13:04

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Yeah, Pokemon is a bit on the overrated side...>_>...

I would play TES IV again. But I'm afraid Mehrunes Dagon might well..

*in game, giant Mehrunes Dagon looks down upon my character and lifted his big foot*

My Character: *looks up* Ahh..*beep*

Why didn't Mehrunes just do that? -.-

Anywhos, away from my needless ranting. I hate Tetris (I always lose), Pong is fer der win! :D

Or Digdug. >.>

P.S: Remember, Ike fights for his friends.

..Or does he? *Dah dah dah DAAAAAH! music goes off*

The end
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the beginning...

02-Sep-2009 18:39:21

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Chapter 13: Victory through Error (talk chapter o\_/o)

After escaping the grasp of the Raven Reapers. The group escaped the demonic city, Abitante. After almost a whole night of traveling, wither of all their strength, the group decides to set up camp south of the Monastery. It was 3:00 am in the morning, but Janak was still awake. He couldn't get the images he saw in that illusion created by Lev out of his head.

Sarah's left eye peeks open, and she saw that Janak was still awake. She sat up and looked at him. "Why are you still awake?" she asked.

Janak gets startled. He looks behind and saw Sarah was awake. "Whoa. You scared me for a second there." replied Janak.

"I'm sorry."

Janak smirked. "No, no, no. You don't need to apoligze, it's fine."

"Aren't you tired?"

Janak sighed. "I can't fall asleep."

"Is something bothering you?"

Janak looks at his right hand. "These Albali powers can harm lives, even take lives."

"Why are you questioning your powers, Janak?"

"I've seen what these powers can do. To see that, I truly feel like a monster."

Sarah shook her head side to side. "But you're not a monster if you use your powers to save people. You're not a bad person, Janak. You saved my life, right? And you've sworn to protect the lives of the innocent. So, don't think that way."

"I'm sorry Sarah, but I can't help it. I hate these powers, I hate this curse. And there's no way it can be fixed. And now, I'm the monster among the crowd.." A tear falls from Janak's right eye. "Why does this world have to be so hateful..?"
The end
is only
the beginning...

02-Sep-2009 22:00:53 - Last edited on 02-Sep-2009 22:26:38 by Serene End

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"Maybe it's because some people are too weak to believe, to hold hope. Their anger becomes too strong for them to bear, so they start blaming other people so they can feel better, so their anger spreads to other people's hearts. Or maybe it's because of people like the man who caused the La Caccia di Wicked hunt. A person who thinks he's higher than everybody else, so he kills other people to make people fear or praise him. His corruption causes people to go after revenge, and other people oppose the people looking for revenge then hatred among people becomes widespread."

"I'm not sure anyone could ever answer the question but.." Janak took another sigh. "I wish we could just stop fighting for once."

"Is that why you're an Assassin Hunter, Janak? You want to end the hate and war?"

"Yeah. Logan always told me that if you want something to happen, you have to reach your hand out and grab it yourself." After a brief thought, Janak smirked. "I won't allow the evil and hatred of my enemy bring me down. I won't let them crush me."

Sarah smiled. "I'm happy to see that you're feeling that way."

Janak looked at Sarah. "I'm happy to have you around. If you weren't here, I would slip under the cracks." Sarah's expression was completely happy. Janak puts his right hand on Sarah's left hand. They both look at each other in the eyes. Visdin had his front turned away from the two, but he was awake and smirking.

Janak laid down on the ground. "Let's head to bed, it's getting late." he suggested. Sarah nods her head and lays down. At 5:00 am, Marcello woke up. He sat up from the ground and let out a loud yawn. He looks down at the ground and saw two pieces of paper. Marcello picked one of the pieces of paper up. It reads:


Read the next piece of paper, this is undeniable proof that Salomon is the one responsible for the La Caccia di Wicked."
The end
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the beginning...

02-Sep-2009 22:06:51

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Marcello folded that piece of paper up and placed it in his pocket. He picked up the other piece of paper, and immediately his eyes widened. Marcello was able to tell that this was no joke, whatever he had in his hand was real. His hands began to shake uncontrollably. He closes his eyes and folds the paper into a square and also puts it in his pocket.

The night passes by. At Teivel Anu, the city once known as Falador. The morning sun's shine was blocked by a cloak of clouds. Within the dark castle of Teivel Anu, a man with red eyes sat on the throne chair.

He wore a black robe, fit for royalty. He wore a amulet that had a giant onyx stone. His long fingernails tapped on the arm of his chair, he seemed like he was impatiently waiting for something.

A knight hasted into the throne room, then knelled before the man. "King Anibal, sir." the knight greeted his emperor.

"Well, it's about damn time you arrived." Anibal replied. "What have you to report?"

"Well, sir. It's terrible news.."

"And I've got terrible news for you if you continue to make me wait."

"The High Knight, Sir Aeron...he didn't make it, sir...he was killed by Marcello Saif-Al-Din."

Anibal had his look on his face of mixed feelings, of shock and anger. He stood to his feet and looked down upon his knight. "You. Dare tell me. That my highest ranked knight. Died. To a disgrace like Marcello!?"

The knight gulped. "Y-yes sir."

"Blasphemy!" Anibal turned around, walking back to his throne chair. "How could the Crimson Reaper allow this to happen!?"

"I'm not sure, sire."

"I swear that the Human Country will suffer for Marcello's actions!!"

Suddenly, from shadows, Raven appears. He walks over to Anibal. "If revenge is what you wish, perhaps we have something in common." Raven said to Anibal.

Anibal looks at Raven, a little startled. "Who in Ba'al 's name are you!?"

(the 's is intentionally like that)
The end
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the beginning...

02-Sep-2009 22:12:36 - Last edited on 03-Sep-2009 11:40:57 by Serene End

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Raven bows. "I am Raven, Headmaster of the Raven Reapers." Raven looks back up at Anibal. "I'm quite sure you have already met my close friend, Acubens."

"You're a friend of his?"

"Was, sir. Sadly, he was killed by Aries, the mercenary hired by Salomon."

"So, we're both caught in the same net, eh?"

"If you seek vengeance, perhaps I may assist."

"How so?"

"I've had this plan I've been willing to make. However, I couldn't because I didn't have another army."

"Well, you may if your plan sounds like a winner."

"You have captured Albalis, correct?"

"I don't see how they'll help, but yes."

"Very good. The Humans will not ever know of our plan. Haha.."

"So, what do you have in mind?"

"An ambush unlike any other I or you have ever done. My children will travel through the air, once we're above Varrock, we shall ambush them. And while Salomon believes we're the only ones attacking, he'll send all of his soldiers, the Assassin Hunters included after us. And while we're distracting them, the Albalis you have, including Nyx, will make a tunnel from underground. Once you're in Salomon's kingdom, Nyx will do all the rest to lead you to Salomon."

Anibal thought for a moment, making a "Hmmm.." sound. He stops and looks back at him. "Raven. You've got yourself a deal!"

Raven smiled diabolically underneath his mask. "Very good." Raven extended his left hand out to Anibal, to shake hands. "I look forward to work with you, King Anibal."

Anibal grabs a napkin and puts it on his right hand, then shakes Raven's hand. Afterwards, Raven politely leaves, not asking any questions. When Raven leaves the castle walls, he sees Vezyfher with his head down, his back against the stone wall and his arms crossed. Vezyfher moves his eyes and sees Raven.

He releases his arms and walks over to Raven. "How'd it go?" he asked with his voice soft.

"The deed has been done. Anibal has accepted the deal and has joined us in our ambush." replied Raven with a soft voice.
The end
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the beginning...

02-Sep-2009 22:16:25 - Last edited on 02-Sep-2009 22:28:28 by Serene End

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Vezyfher smiled. "Excellent news! Good idea about using his resentment against him, it was worth the retreat."

"How was your trip to Il Pagato?"

"Filled with success, and charming young ladies of course."

"Is that a good thing for you Elves, Vezyfher?"

"Why of course!"

Raven sighed. "Were you successful with the Assassins?"

"An absolute success. The Assassins were easy to win over." Vezyfher giggled to himself. "They are so blind by hate and rage against Salomon."

"Very good job." Raven took a few steps forward, he looked back at Vezyfher. "However, I must go for now. Farewell Vezyfher."


Raven disappears. An hour later, it was in the afternoon. Within the castle at Varrock, Salomon was looking out his large stain glass window in his room. The door knocked twice, and Salomon hears it. He looks behind him. "Come in." he shouts to the person. The door opened, revealing Marcello but something seemed to trouble Marcello.

Salomon immediately knew this and walked towards Marcello. "Marcello, you seem troubled. What troubles you?" Salomon asked with concern.

Marcello looks up at Salomon with troubled eyes. "Sir.." he mumbled.


"..I've got to ask you something.."

"Speak your mind."

Marcello gives Salomon a letter. Salomon scanned his eyes across the paper, then his eyes widened. It was a wanted poser, a real Demonic Capital wanted poser from 20-ish years ago. And the description was for someone wanted for mass murder described as a man who's height is 5'5 feet tall with blonde short hair, a full grown beard, and green eyes who looked like he was in his later 30's or early 40's.

A description similar to Salomon's appearance. "Are you the man..described on that paper? A man who murdered entire villages, only sparing two children throughout the entire and Ba'al?"
The end
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the beginning...

02-Sep-2009 22:23:01

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