

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Alrous: Nonsense! Terminators are Androids, Shiazi is a Cyborg :P And when's the last time you saw Arnold break out giant scissors XD Well, besides that one theme park opening... But that's different; no one died *_o

*picks up a phone*

Alrous: No the guy on the Small World ride doesn't count :@ He should've known that in a 'small world' a 'large man' can't stand up on his seat. It's no wonder the animatronic children attacked him with katanas!

Alrous: Don't ask ME how they got katana's. Besides I blame the whole thing on Red Bull; without those wings they never would have reached the ride.

Alrous: Yes, Vault IS delicious. No... No I don't really want to hear the good word today. I've already heard the okay word you see, and if the good word is worse than the okay word it will only be a downer.

Alrous: Huh. You're right, I WOULD do anything for a Klondike Bar. See ya later Dante.

*hangs up leaves*

Vezyfher: The phone wasn't plugged in...


09-May-2010 02:41:38 - Last edited on 09-May-2010 02:42:15 by Ark Von Doom

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Klondite Bar!? WHERE!?

..Is It's location Top Secret?!

*Turns on "Surfin' Bird" By The Trashmen*


I mean.... Uhhh... The Zucker Brothers did it! :D

In other news...

*Can't wait for Living Crime*

Other than that... I'm bored. =/

~Insane Soule
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

09-May-2010 06:34:49 - Last edited on 09-May-2010 06:44:29 by Seph

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"Question: How did Vezyfher get away from Aries? That guy could take a hit... And they both collapsed right near eachother. But if Aries was still con*ious... *concocts a conspiracy theory about divine intervention by Aphrodite*. Could this internationally reognized theory be true!?"

Well, I don't think a guy could live for a long time after getting the blade to the gut. O_o So, with all the strength Aries could muster, he throws the axe. But then dies right after. Hmm, a bit of a silly way to end it, but after losing a hand, considering a vein is getting severed, he's already lost a lot of blood. So in my sense, getting the sword to the gut was the final nail in the coffin. I'm not a doctor, so I don't know, I'm just making an interpretation.

Vezyfher is still very much alive as I will assure you. ^^ Just a little scarred. O_o

Thank you for all of your kind words everybody, it makes 13-14 hours of straight writing worth it. o:
In my honest opinion Ark, I'd prefer Bartholomew Nyll. O_o
And everyone, I'm going to announce that Living Crime should be up around Tuesday. o: So, get your bio outfits ready (regardless if they don't help O_o ) 'cause there is some serious blight about!


Can I's be a birdy toooo? o:

Ahh, Mother's Day. I've gots to go. I've been asked to help clean 'round the house. But for now...

At the last moment, the knight notices Modello and screams in terror. With one mighty strike of the axe at the knight's head, the blade of the axe cuts clear into the top of the knight's unprotected skull. The axe dug into his head and cracks of bones breaking snap into the air.

Blood relentlessly rushed out and rained down onto the ground. His hair was a coat of crimson, and his skin was stained in it. A foul smell of blood and the work of death collides in the air. Modello lets go of the axe's handle and the knight's body drops lifeless onto the floor.
The end
is only
the beginning...

09-May-2010 20:39:02

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-The ENTIRE scene of what happens-

Another day goes by at Soul Wars. Modello decides to play for the red team, with a group of 1337 level 138s. A bunch of noobs go to the blue team.

Modello puts on his Dharoks (Being 99 strength) and decides he'll overload this fight. After taking 500 damage via overload, Modello uses bandages to raise back his hitpoints.
Modello runs over to the soul obelisk to capture it, and finds only a single, level 50 knight protecting the obelisk...

At the last moment, the knight notices Modello and screams in terror. With one mighty strike of the axe at the knight's head, the blade of the axe cuts clear into the top of the knight's unprotected skull. The axe dug into his head and cracks of bones breaking snap into the air.

Blood relentlessly rushed out and rained down onto the ground. His hair was a coat of crimson, and his skin was stained in it. A foul smell of blood and the work of death collides in the air. Modello lets go of the axe's handle and the knight's body drops lifeless onto the floor.



No matter the story, no matter it's epicness, I can still make it wierd/cheesy. O_o

In other matters.. Betty White ftw. :P

~Insane Soule
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

09-May-2010 21:17:02 - Last edited on 09-May-2010 21:18:13 by Seph

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okey dokey boss :P Bart it is!

* * *

Name: Bartholomew Nyll (goes by Bart)
Race: Human
Age: 19
Birth date: September 14th
Gender: Male
Weapon(s): Bart has perfected a personal style of combat using sewing needles with strings of various material attached (simple string, tripwire cable, or even razor wire if the situation is especially dangerous). The needles are made of a rare material with incredible durability, allowing even their tiny blades from blocking a sword, given the right amount of counterforce on Bart's end.

Fighting Style: Bart seems very flippant while in combat; he jumps about and does fancy flips and dance-like moves where a simple dodge or step might suffice. However he is also quite crafty; it's not unlike him to be privately laying out strings throughout the fight as he goes for a nigh-undodgeable attack later. He uses his needles primarily as hand-held mini-daggers and rarely throws them, though he is known to toss them out and use the entire length of a stringed-needle as a whip.

Which Army does he\she fight for?: Truth, justice, and truffles! Though he'd really rather talk it out... Can't we all just be fwiends?

Appearance: Bart is tall and thin; approximately 6'4, and needing to duck when he walks through low doorways... when he remembers to anyway. His skin tone is fair though not pale, and his eyes are a gleaming green, like the ocean, and so nievely innocent that it's obvious that they could go puppy-dog in an instant and guilt you into just about anything. He could most definitely be described as handsome, and the slightly British air to his voice would make women swoon... if it wasn't constantly talking to the stuffed playthings he takes even into battle.

10-May-2010 02:35:45 - Last edited on 10-May-2010 02:35:55 by Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
His hair is a light blonde hair that would be straight naturally, but now appeared as if he had been attempting to recreate an anime haircut and failing, if only slightly. It spikes out in various places, but not to much of a degree as the spikes were leaning down due to lack of maintenance. His bangs are a bit long but not in a fashion that would get in his eyes, and his hair goes down to about halfway down his neck in the back. He always appears very well groomed despite his hair, with every fingernail in perfect shape, and he most definitely seems to take personal hygiene into account every day.

His primary vestments are a dark brown sleeveless vest, with a long-sleeved and solid white button-up dress shirt beneath it, and long brown dress pants held up by a rather thin belt with a 'vine and rose' sort of pattern on it. Upon both hands Bart wears fingerless black gloves, and he wears designer brown boots; when he wears shoes at all. Lastly, he has a small dark brown leather pack attached to the side of his belt where he stores his needles and strings.

Personality: Bart is silly and carefree individual, who tends to see the best in everyone. Easily distracted and amused, he has a fascination with sewing and can knit a quilt in less than four seconds: he counted. He has a clear sense of justice, and is quick to jump in and help, but is at the same time very gullible and sometimes trusting when he shouldn't be. Lastly but quite importantly, he constantly talks to a ragdoll he carries with him everywhere, named Forscythe.

Powers: Bart is incredibly fast, and well versed in exorcisms and prayers, as well as the majority of martial arts styles known to man (and squirrel). He can channel magic through his needles to create extensive seals and bind his enemies, and is just generally in an unnatural state of control when it comes to his needles and strings movement in air.

10-May-2010 02:35:59

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Short History: Bart was born to a wealthy, noble Father and a Templar mother in Falador, and as an only child was quite spoiled by both of them. He took up sewing at a very young age, and was unofficially squired when he was old enough, learning the arts of the Church through the White Knights as well as his mother. He showed incredible potential and, after serving less than a year as a White Knight, was initiated into the Templar Knights. Now, with things taking a turn for the worse across the land, he has been personally assigned along with a few other Temple Knights to track down the sources responsible for the earlier plague and the wave of evil befalling the land.


-Mother (Salina)- Alive, and one of the highest ranking Temple Knights. Mothers are tough.
-Father (Johannes) - Alive, a stay at home dad who runs a chain of jewelers passed down through his family.

Other: Bart is ambidextrous. His doll Forscythe also falls under Other:

Forscythe is about one foot tall. He has a black long bowl-cut style of hair that goes over both of his large, light red button eyes to some degree. His face is a pale skin tone, with no nose but the aforementioned light red button eyes and a stitched black string mouth. He is "wearing" a white long sleeves shirt with a straight blue line up the middle and down the sleeves, and white pants that also have a blue line down the side. He also has black boots.

For some reason, staring at Forscythe for a prolonged period of time instills a feeling of overwhelming fear and hopelessness. Bart does not seem to be affected by this or notice it when it happens to others.

10-May-2010 02:36:08 - Last edited on 10-May-2010 02:58:01 by Ark Von Doom

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First time:

Insane goes into detail- Ark goes into more detail detail.

Second time:

Insane goes into more detail- Ark goes into extensive detail.

Third time:

Insane goes into slightly extensive detail- Ark goes into mega-awesome-detail.

This time:

Ark goes into so much detail it gets ridiculous. What will Insane do?

Answer: Write a 50 page Autobiography style bio next time. :D

..Hmm.. Bartholomew Nyll, huh? let's see, he is-

-Mainly a good guy
-Talks to (as far as we know) Non-living objects

...AWMG, DOES HE KNOW TAL?!?! 'Cause he sounds a little like him. :P

Although... needles? That's your ace in the hole? Needles? HAH! I'll rub the weakness of needles in right now and then be in complete horror, shock, and remorse when a random guy get's needle pwned in LC like some type of human veg. :o

~Insane Soule
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

10-May-2010 09:13:06 - Last edited on 10-May-2010 09:14:54 by Seph

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