
~*~ TDT2: The Blood Debt ~*~

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When Kzahar woke, it was dawn. He blinked, then sat up, noticing the gray sky overhead. “Morning,” Lil said brightly.
“Mornin’,” he grunted, rubbing his eyes. “How long did I sleep?”
“Just a few hours.” She grabbed his arm and pointed. “Look, we’re almost there!”
“Should be there in just a few minutes,” added Maston, looking over his shoulder. Kzahar followed his gaze to the old stone bridge that stretched across the river, and the dock just below it. To the east, beneath the rising sun, loomed the walls of Varrock. Kzahar squinted at the bridge.
“Hey, guys, there’s a guard.” He stared at the man at the Varrock end of the bridge who wore the violet cloak of the Empire and drew his mace as he watched the approaching boat.
“Hey!” the man called from the bridge.
“What do we do?” asked Lil.
Maston debated, then replied, “Act friendly. He might know something that can help us. If it gets out of hand…I’ll knock him out.”
“You’d just attack him?”
“He works for Issavan!” Maston pointed out, frustrated. “Kzahar, we can’t risk being exposed. Be reasonable.” He shook his head and pulled harder at the oars. “Wake up the others, will you?”
“Hey!” the soldier yelled again.
Kzahar climbed around Maston to the front of the boat and shook Arwing awake. “Can we dock?” he shouted back.
The soldier nodded and motioned for them to come to the dock, jogging down to meet them. By the time Maston reached the shore, Arwing, Adrian, and Emmaris were all awake as well. Kzahar jumped onto the rotting wood platform and pulled the boat in, then tied it with the frayed rope coiled in the front. Carefully, the others climbed out.

28-Jun-2008 20:33:53

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Stop right there!”
“You said we could dock!” Maston faced the guard, who now outstretched his mace and waved them back.
“Yeah, before I saw that yer armed! If yer bandits, you’ll not find nothing in Varrock, I promise you. Nothing for the taking, and besides, the guards string up thieves!” The weary, scarred man brandished his weapon angrily.
Arwing smiled gently. “We’re not bandits, sir, please. We’re…refugees.” She looked at Maston for reassurance, and he nodded his head slightly. “Lumbridge was attacked by bandits, and they killed the Duke. It’s chaos there now. We took weapons off the dead guards to protect ourselves and fled. But we’re harmless, really. We just want to get into the city.”
He shook his head. “They can’t help you there. The city’s chaos. We’ve got thousands of refugees, they come past here all the time. There’s mobs and riots going on – ‘specially after last night.”
“What happened last night?”
The guard looked around, as if to make sure no one could hear. Then he leaned in close. “A troop of soldiers came through here late last night, only a couple of hours ago. Some crazed captain with this poor man in chains. Rushed straight to the city, made ‘em open up the gates in the middle of the night. Said his prisoner was of ‘great interest to his Majesty.’” He sighed sadly. “But like I said, the city’s chaos. There’s riots everywhere, and the troop rushing through there for the palace…set ‘em off like crazy. There’s fires and mobs and killin’ all over the place. Trust me, you don’* want to go there.”
Arwing and Maston shared a glance. “Bond,” she whispered.

28-Jun-2008 20:34:16

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The guard frowned. “What?” Then, suddenly, he staggered back. Red feathers seemed to have sprouted from his chest. They belonged to the arrow that had appeared suddenly from nowhere. He staggered to his knees and Arwing caught him and he fell slowly to the ground, gasping, before giving a last groan and laying still.
Adrian had his sword out, as did Kzahar. They spun, warily scanning the surrounding forest. Arwing noc*ed an arrow on her own bow. “Who’s there?” Maston yelled.
“Don’t shoot!” a voice called back. They all whirled to see horse walking out of the forest, led by a young man. “I’m not here to hurt you!”

28-Jun-2008 20:34:26

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not entirely sure, but there was an inappropriate scene in Prevalence, and for whatever reason, the mods decided to hide every post he ever made...As if they were all inappropriate, or something.
:( It's sad. He left a lot of nice reviews in my threads...too bad they're all gone.

29-Jun-2008 04:24:27

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Arwing kept her arrow trained on the man as Kzahar demanded, “Who are you?”
“I – are you Krystal’s people?”
Maston’s eyes narrowed. “Who are you?”
“Rivera,” the man stammered. “I come from Rivera.” Arwing quickly lowered her bow. The man approached more quickly now, jogging down onto the dock. “I’m a messenger. The army left the hideout a few days ago. They’re cutting across the country to save time and moving as fast as possible, but they can’t get here before tomorrow, maybe mid-afternoon.”
“We can’* wait that long!” Maston erupted. “They have Bond – we have to move before they kill him.”
The runner shrugged. “I’ll tell her the news, but we’re moving as fast as we can.”
Lil frowned. “She said she would try to help, but her father was against it. What made him change his mind?”
The runner scowled. “He did*’t. Your friend killed him. Rivera*s in charge now.”
“What?” Arwing gasped. “No, Krystal wouldn’t –“
“Well, she did,” the runner snapped. “She’ll be put to justice when all this is over, mark you. Rivera promised us that. Look, I’ve got to get back. I did*’t think I’d catch you – I’ll let her know you’re here. What are your plans, so I can fill her in?”
The group hesitated. Then Maston shrugged. “I guess we continue as planned. You’ll go to the palace, Emmaris, and let us in before you talk to him. You’ll go this evening. We’ll see how long we can wait, but we should attack tonight.”
“You can’t possibly hold the castle for an entire day!”
“I think we can,” Adrian offered, with a feral smile. “We are the best, aren’t we? You tell Rivera to hurry, but there’s no huge rush – we’ll be just fine.”
“Okay, then.” The runner nimbly mounted his horse. “Good luck!” He saluted and galloped off across the bridge.

29-Jun-2008 22:44:49

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Arwing sank to the ground and the others followed suit. As she put her head in her hands, Maston wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “This is hopeless,” she whispered. “Krystal accused of murder? Rivera won’t be here for another day? How can we possibly hope to sort this out?”
“We did*’t come this far to fail,” murmured Maston. “If we attack late at night, close to dawn, the castle will be asleep. We’ll be able to take a lot of territory before Rivera arrives. We might not even need them.”
“Six of us against a whole castle?”
“Six of the best fighters in the world,” corrected Kzahar. “It’s only a few hours. We’ll be all right.”
“I just want to go home. Live my life…be grateful to be alive.”
“It’ll be over soon,” Maston promised, hugging her close. “But we can’t go home until we end the plague. The world is falling apart – you heard what that guard said. We just have to be strong a little bit longer, and then we’ll be free, and we’ll have saved the world.*
*I don’* want that responsibility,” she complained softly.
“None of us do,” he said gently. “But Issavan gave it to us when he made that contest and crashed our boat into the island. He gave it to us when he invaded that island in the first place. Blame him, Arwing. He’s the one we have to stop.”
“You mean kill.” She looked at him with sad, weary eyes. “Nothing will make that easier, Maston. No amount of hate can make killing the Emperor and his children in cold blood easier. But we’ll do what we have to.” Her voice was flat, toneless. Maston frowned, squeezing her shoulders, unable to say anything that could possibly make this better. The others watched silently, feeling their own thoughts echoed in her words.
“I’m sorry.”
They all looked up, startled. “I’m sorry,” Emmaris confessed, staring at his hands. “I’m sorry I got you into this mess, sorry I work – worked – for such an evil man. I promise I’ll do whatever I can to help end this.”
“Just get us into the castle,” Adrian said. “We’ll do the rest.”

29-Jun-2008 22:45:05

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The sun had begun to sink over the walls, but it was still light, only early evening. Emmaris calmly approached the gates, walking with a purpose, looking straight ahead. When he reached the gate, he was stopped by four armed men who stepped out to meet him. “What’s yer business?”
“I need to speak with the King.”
“Yeah, so does everybody else in this city. Scram, mister.” The soldiers laughed.
Emmaris straightened his shoulders. “My name is Emmaris,” he said shakily. He never thought he’d be back here, willingly walking back into Varrock, willingly giving himself up to see the King.
The soldier squinted. “So?”
“I was in charge of the tournament.”
“The tournament disappeared.”
“Yes.” Emmaris raised his eyebrows. “So let me in. I need to see his Majesty. I have important news.”
The soldiers looked at each other questioningly. “Twice in one day,” one of them muttered, shaking his head. “Coulda sworn one of those soldiers said something about that tournament.”
“Maybe it ain’t disappeared – hey, what happened to you people?”
“That’s news for his Majesty. Are you going to let me pass or not?”
The soldiers consulted again. Three stepped off to the side in the shadow of the wall, while one remained solidly in Emmaris’ way. There was much muttering, some quiet arguing, a few pointed fingers and raised voices, before they finally returned. “Vincent’ll escort you through the city. It’s messy in there, ‘specially after last night.”
“Come on.” One of the soldiers reached over, grabbing his helmet from a pile by the gate and strapping on a sword belt. Then he tossed one to Emmaris. “Don’t attack any of ‘em unless you absolutely gotta,” Vincent advised. “If they grab you, go ahead and cut ‘em down. We don’t stop for nothin’.” He gripped Emmaris’ elbow tightly and led him through the gate.
The sight that confronted him was not the Varrock he remembered. The streets were full of trash and lined with small hovels and shacks.

29-Jun-2008 22:45:30 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2008 22:46:09 by Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Beggars hunched on the sidewalks, crying piteously for food and money. The bank down the street was boarded up, and Emmaris could see debris through the boards that could have only been caused by fire. Nearby buildings were in shambles, nothing more than charred heaps. It was filthy, smelly, and ruined. He sighed, remembering the proud, prosperous city it had once been.
And will be again, he reminded himself. He tried to have faith in what they were doing, but it was hard. Seeing his home destroyed helped to restore some of the hope that his cause was just.
The poor clawed at his clothes as they passed, but Vincent batted them away. “Leave off,” he growled. They made their way to the center intersection with little trouble, but as they turned onto the main street toward the palace, their way was blocked by a surging mob that flooded around the palace gates. Vincent swore. “I was hopin’ it had cleared up. Quick, this way.” He dragged Emmaris down a side street before they were noticed. For the next few minutes, he led his charge through a maze of streets that even Emmaris, who was familiar with the city, couldn’t follow. Finally the palace again came into view, this time from the side. Vincent trotted up to the smaller, less official gate and unlatched it. “Here you go. Just head ‘round to the front and tell ‘em the guards let you in.”
“Thank you,” Emmaris said. Once Vincent was gone, he leaned against the stone wall, trying to clear his head. He had to do this. It was right, it was just. He just wished it did*’t have to be so complicated; he wished all the men were loyal to Issavan, so he wouldn’t feel wrong killing them later; he wished the city did*’t have to be destroyed; he wished none of this had ever happened, and they could just go back to their lives now that they had come home. But it wasn’t home any more, not until Issavan was gone and the plague stopped. He knew it; they all knew it.

29-Jun-2008 22:46:26

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He steeled himself for the next part of his mission and began to walk through the palace’* extensive garden, now long dead since it hadn’t been tended to in weeks. He was in; now it was his companions’ turn to get into the city and get to the palace. He had to buy them time. He uttered a soft prayer to Saradomin that everything would go according to plan and rounded the corner.

29-Jun-2008 22:46:34

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