
~*~ TDT2: The Blood Debt ~*~

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm done! I'M DONE! WOO. I finished this book! Okay, so the ending may be wordy, there's a lot of description is flat right now. Just...go with it. This book got kind of messy at the end. I promise whoever the hell is still reading this that the next book will be better (and not get so dragged out - I'll actually finish the freaking story with the next book...That was the plan for this one). So it's over, I can move on, plan the next one...Yay. Enjoy. I hope it does not disappoint.

26-Jul-2009 20:13:51 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2009 20:53:41 by Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~*~*~*~ Chapter Twelve ~*~*~*~
Twenty-four hours had passed, and the survivors of the battle lay sleeping on low, dirty beds in the inn they had found. The best possible accommodations had been found for the city’s newest heroes, but even that was far from the usual standard of living. What little food had been scraped together, beds had been hastily cleaned, and the warriors had collapsed with exhaustion. Many of those who were already unconscious, like Arwing, Lil, and Bond, had not even been able to awaken, but were merely carried to their beds, and all of the slept the entire night and early morning through. Their wounds had been carefully tended to while they slept, but further examination would be performed by medics in Rivera’s army.
Now, as the sun passed its highest point in the sky and began to descend, the warriors began to awaken. Krystal was first, waking in a state of complete peace. She was wrapped in a wool blanket, with afternoon sun peeking through the curtains to warm her. She stretched luxuriously, forgetting, for the time being, how she had come to be here. Her muscles ached, and her wounds stung, but she was safe and rested. Sighing, she rolled onto her side, and came face to face with Bond.
Her heart leapt. How many nights had she dreamt of this moment, of having him beside her again, where he belonged. She had been far too long without him, but all the weeks of worrying and chasing him across the country had worked, and finally he was safe again. She sat up slowly and ran her fingers down his face, feeling the curves and angles, trying to commit to memory the way his blond eyelashes curled upward, or the silky softness of the beard growing on his cheeks, or the bump in his nose. That had been what terrified her the most in his absence, that she couldn’t conjure his face in memory, and she had feared she wouldn’t get another chance.
She brushed her fingers across his lips, and murmured, *I love you, Bond.”

26-Jul-2009 20:53:58

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He shifted underneath her, and rolled his head to the side, then blinked his eyes open. “Wha…?”
“Hey,” she whispered. He stared groggily for a moment, then turned away. “I’m glad you’re okay.” She was smiling so widely, freely, the first real happiness she had felt in weeks. A huge weight of worry was gone from her heart, leaving room for so many other emotions she had forgotten about. Tears rolled down her cheeks as it finally hit her that she had Bond back, for good.
He was breathing heavily, staring at her with a look of discomfort and worry. “Who are you?” he stammered finally.
“What?” She gaped at him in shock.
“I – I don’t know you,” he said apologetically, and coughed deeply. “I don’t remember…anything. I don’t know how I got here!”
“But…” She scrubbed a hand across her face to wipe away the tears. “But Bond, it’s me. It’s Krystal. Surely you remember me?”
“I…don’t.” His voice was husky from all the coughing.
She jerked off the bed and began to pace, at the same time running her fingers through her tangled hair. “I don’t understand! How can you not * how can you not remember who I am? Or what’s happened?”
He closed his eyes and thought back, but all the images in his mind were hazy with his sickness. There was not a single clear memory he could find. “The oldest thing I can remember is…I woke up…in the forest…I heard voices so I ran toward them…they were soldiers…they took me..they beat me…then I was on a boat, and then in that castle…”
“You don’t remember the boat? The tournament? The island?”
“What tournament? What island?” She ground her teeth in frustration, and he said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I – this is really frustrating for me too.”
“I know, I know.” She sat by the bedside. “It’s just – you were kidnapped, and I fought so hard to get you back, and to have you not remember…”
“I’m sorry,” he said again, but was saved saying anything else by another fit of coughing.

26-Jul-2009 20:54:13

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The door to his room opened to Rivera, who barreled in, pushing Krystal aside. “He’s awake!” she exclaimed.
Krystal gave her a hard shove, keeping her from reaching his body. “You stay the hell away from him,” she hissed, suddenly enraged. If he did*’t remember Rivera, that meant whatever caused him to lose his memory happened after her, after he escaped! “This is all your fault.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He doesn’t know who he is!” Krystal shouted. “He doesn’t remember anything except the torture they put him through! You did this to him!” Hysterically, she beat the other woman away from the bed, back toward the doorway. “You stay the hell away from him! You’ve done enough damage already!”
Rivera leaned against the doorpost, looking past Krystal at Bond, who was lying with the sheets around his waist, his bruised and scarred chest on display for all to see. One arm was slung protectively over his eyes, and he was coughing loudly. “Bond, is it true?”
“Yeah. I have no idea what on earth is going on,” he said quietly.
“The last thing he remembers is being picked up by the guards. After he escaped from you.”
“He was perfectly fine when he was with me!”
“Until he ran away!* Krystal shrieked. “If he was so FINE, why did he feel the need to run away!”
“I saved his life!” Rivera shot back.
“And yet he ended up back with those soldiers anyway! This time, without a memory! Some load of good you did! All you did was exchange one captor for another. If you had just brought him back to us—“
“My father wouldn’t let me –“
“That did*’t seem to matter much this time around. You conveniently waited to kill him until AFTER Bond was gone…”
“Well maybe I realized my mistake and finally decided not to let him rule my life anymore!”

26-Jul-2009 20:54:43

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Stop!” Bond roared, then collapsed back on the bed, wheezing. “Just quit arguing!” Krystal rushed to his side and placed a hand on his rapidly rising and falling chest. He pushed it off. “Stop it, I’m fine, I just – will someone tell me what you are arguing about? Where did I…escape from?”
“From her,” Krystal hissed, jerking her head at Rivera.
“I took you from the soldiers who arrested you – you did*’t do anything wrong – but I couldn’t let you go just yet, because we had to figure out if your plan could work with our plan. However, you ran away, and got caught again. That must have been when you lost your memory.”
“What plan?”
“That’s uh…complicated,” Krystal dodged.
“I think he has a right to know,” Rivera said. Krystal flushed with anger. What was that woman still doing here, anyway? And who was she to decide these things about Bond?
“I think you should go,* Krystal replied coldly. “I’ll take care of him and make sure he finds out whatever he needs to know. You’ve done enough damage already.”
A few rooms down the hall, two other warriors slept, as peacefully as Krystal and Bond had a few moments ago. Maston had watched over Arwing as long as he could the previous day, begging her to wake up, but when she refused to comply, he had eventually faded off into a deep sleep. While they slept, their bodies had curled into each other, so that Maston lay with Arwing’s body spooned against him, one hand curled protectively around her stomach.
She woke first, finally, and twisted to face him. Like Krystal, she had touched his face, trying to smooth out the deep lines of worry around his eyes. Even in sleep, he smiled at this, and relaxed into her caresses. He was still covered in dirt and blood and reeked from it all, so did she, but he was here, and he was alive, and so was she.
He opened his eyes, and grinned widely. “Arwing!” he said throatily. “You’re – you’re all right!”

26-Jul-2009 20:55:01

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Of course I am,” she teased, and leaned forward to kiss him soundly on the lips. One hand tightened on her hip. The other, she noted with concern, was tucked tight against his chest. “How’s the arm?”
“I’ll live. They gave me a sling last night. How are all of your injuries?”
“I’ll live.”
“I was worried for a while,” he said with a frown. “You passed out once they got you out, and I couldn’t wake you up.”
She smiled sweetly. “I was exhausted. Carrying Lil around when I was injured, and then the fire had spread to the bedroom…It was too much.”
“But you’re okay?”
“Yes.” She pushed closer to him, running her hands over his shoulders, fingertips dancing lightly over the cuts marring his otherwise smooth skin. “I’m a lot better than okay,” she murmured, and kissed him again.
It was a deep kiss, as they explored each other, enjoying the feel of their bodies pressed together. Something was different now, something more than just the joy of being alive and together. They were alone. They had been together for weeks now, but never in private – since the island they had lived in the open on the road, with the rest of their group around them, and that had always formed a kind of barrier, and forced them to remain in control. Now they were both aware of the fact that they were the only ones in the room, with the door shut to keep all others out. They could do whatever they pleased.
Maston rolled them over in the sheets, supporting himself with his good arm and grinned down at her. Yes, they could both sense the stillness around them, and they were both excited. The freedom to*
*It*s not my fault!”
Rivera’s voice rang out clearly through the walls, and Maston pressed his forehead to Arwing’s, swearing softly.
“The hell it isn’t! If you hadn’t taken him prisoner –“
“We’ve been over this! I was trying to save him!”
“They couldn’t wait?” Maston sighed, and Arwing giggled, pushing him off.

26-Jul-2009 20:55:36

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“We should go break that up before they kill each other. It would be a shame, at this point.”
He sat up and found his boots on the floor. “I suppose. Then we can get cleaned up, and find some food, maybe.” His stomach rumbled emphatically.
She dressed quickly, as the yelling intensified. “What do you think they’re arguing about?” she asked as they ran down the hall to the open door of Bond’s room.
Maston shrugged. “Who knows?” Inside the room, Rivera and Krystal were race to face, inches apart, shouting at the top of their lungs, occasionally jabbing fingers at each other. If either had had their swords with them, blood would most likely have been drawn by now. Bond lay curled in the sheets, utterly confused and frustrated. Neither Krystal nor Rivera looked up when Maston and Arwing entered. “Hey! What’s going on?” They ignored Maston completely.
“You wouldn’t have found him if it wasn’t for me!”
“I wouldn’t have needed to find him in the first place if it wasn’t for you!”
“I was trying to help!”
“You did*’t!”
“Stop!” Maston thundered, and they both went abruptly silent. “What is going on?”
Krystal folded her arms across her chest and shot a venomous glare at the other woman. “Bond lost his memory when he escaped from Rivera.”
Maston looked past them to Bond. “This is true? You don’t recognize us?”
“No,* he said meekly.
“And arguing helps this how?” Ashamed, they both stared at the floor. “I thought so. Rivera, you have a city – no, an empire to run, so you might want to get on that. We should discuss plans for the next couple of weeks. Why don’t all of you get dressed and meet downstairs? I’ll talk to Bond, and come down in a few minutes. Go!” He added, when he saw them lagging.
“Bond, I’m sorry – that this happened to you,” Krystal said in the doorway, before stepping out.

26-Jul-2009 20:56:00

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When it was just him and Arwing, they pulled up chair by the bedside, and Bond rolled over to face them. “Look, I’m sorry, but I have no idea what’s going on. I just woke up in the forest, and everything’s been crazy ever since.”
“Do you remember anything? Your name, age, where you were born, perhaps?”
“I’m completely blank.”
Arwing took his hands in hers and rubbed them soothingly. “Your name is Bond Cornerstone,” she explained. “We don’t know how old you are, or what kind of family you have, unfortunately – we ah, haven’t known you for that long. You met Krystal in the Duel Arena – do you know what that is?”
He frowned, then nodded. “Yeah. It’s um, in Al Kharid, right?”
Arwing smiled. “Exactly. You met Krystal there, and convinced her to join a tournament that the Emperor was holding, for the best fighters in the land.”
“We…had a relationship?”
Arwing and Maston shared a look. Neither of them was actually quite sure how far Krystal and Bond’s relationship had gone, although it had always been clear that they cared about each other. They’d talked a lot, and always spent time together while they were walking, or bedded down near each other, but they’d never actually seen anything that said they were together. “Of a sort,” Arwing said finally. “You’d have to ask her. She cared a lot about you, even if nothing ever happened. And you cared about her too.”
“I don’t remember that,” he said mournfully.
“It’ll come back to you,” Maston promised. “Maybe you’ve just been through so much trauma that you’re blocking it all out. We’ve been through a lot.”
“Like what?”
They shared another look. “I really think it’s up to Krystal to fill in the blanks, and Rivera. They’d want to. Long story short, the Emperor was a pretty bad guy, and he’s committed a lot of crimes, and so we overthrew him last night. You were his prisoner. Rivera is the rightful heir to the throne, and in charge of it all now,* Maston explained.
“Rivera is the redhead?”

26-Jul-2009 20:56:17

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Yes. My name is Maston, and this is Arwing. Krystal will tell you the rest of how we got here, and what happens now. Unfortunately, we need to go.”
“Get some sleep,” Arwing advised. “We’ll try to keep them from hassling you, all right?”
Bond had already begun to doze off, so Maston and Arwing left the room and went down the stairs in thoughtful silence. The bottom floor was a large common room, empty now except for the round table in the center of the room, where Krystal, Rivera, Kzahar, and Nathan sat with steaming plates of food in front of them. “Lil is still asleep. She was beat up pretty bad,” Krystal offered as they took their seats. Maston avoided looking at Kzahar, just as Rivera and Krystal shunned each other. He felt the anger flutter in his chest when he saw the other man, but tried to relax. It would do no good to pick a fight; it was over, and time to put the past behind them. They could only figure out what to do next.
“How did they manage all of this food?” Arwing gasped incredulously. There was roast duck, rice, and bread heaped on each plate.
“Scraped together everything they had.” Rivera shrugged. “We’re heroes. Besides, they’re confident I’ll figure out a way to get more.”
“About that,” Maston began, as he took a deep bite, and paused to savor the taste. After weeks of scrounging together food on the road, it felt like the best meal he had ever tasted. “You should know there’s food in Lumbridge. The duke was hoarding it. We left it under the townspeople’s control, so I can’t say for sure much of it is left, but it*s something. It was a pretty good store. And it’s only been a few days. And there’s farms down there too.”
“It’s summer,” Kzahar said sadly. “It’s too late for planting. How can we get more food?”
“But Lumbridge is so far south…surely we can plant something there?”

26-Jul-2009 20:56:32

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