
~*~ TDT2: The Blood Debt ~*~

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maston had been sitting by Arwing’s side for nearly twenty minutes, stroking her hair and murmuring softly to her, and still there were no signs of life. He’d checked her pulse, he could see the slight rise and fall of her chest, but he wanted her to wake up. He needed to hear her voice and be sure that she was really okay. Anxiously, he nudged the soldier sitting beside him, who had introduced himself as the man who had carried Arwing out of the castle.
“Nathan? Why isn’t she waking up?”
“She’s been through a lot, sir. I promise you, she’s fine.”
“She should have woken up by now.*
*She’* exhausted, and injured – but not fatally, I assure you! I told you, sir, I carried her out, and she was fine, then. I would have known if she was in more danger.”
Maston shook his head. “You had better be right,” he grumbled, then smoothed one dirty hand down her blood-streaked cheek. “Come on, Arwing, wake up, love,” he whispered. “Just prove to me you’re really alive.” His other hand held hers limply and waited for a squeeze, a twitch, anything to show life, but there was nothing. Panic began building in his mind. What if she wasn’t okay? What if she had some terrible wound nobody knew about? What if she inhaled too much smoke? In a craze, he jumped to his knees and began tearing at the armor on her body, needing to be sure she did*’t have a hidden **** on her chest, that might have pierced her heart.

“What are you doing?” Nathan exclaimed.
“Help me get this off,” Maston grunted with gritted teeth. His fingers were shaking, swollen, and clumsy, and when he couldn’t undo the buckles, he finally just ripped at them until they tore. She wouldn’t need it now that they were safe anyway.
Once she was clear, he examined her abdomen and chest, trying to not to disturb too much the remains of her shirt, aware that he was surrounded by a crowd of soldiers. Nathan tried to herd them away. “Give the man some space,” he called.

22-Jul-2009 18:43:18

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maston bent his head to Arwing’s chest. “Promise me you’re okay, love,” he begged over and over into the damp skin of her neck. “Anything, give me anything to go on.” He was crying, but he did*’t care. She was the only thing he could wrap his head around. He was so tired – if she would just be okay, he could rest – he could calm down – she just had to be okay – he hadn’t come this far to lose her – she had to be okay…
“What’s this?”
“Make way! We have to get him out of here!”
“Move, dammit, he’s injured!”
Maston jerked upright at the commotion, then stiffened as he saw the object of all their attention, being carried out by four soldiers. “Kzahar,” he hissed. He was on his feet in an instant, Arwing’s body abandoned. He could see the other warrior rolling and moaning on the ground. He bled in a dozen places, and his body was mangled with burns, his hand wrapped in scarlet, seeping bandages, and yet somehow, Kzahar was alive. He was clearly, disgustingly, alive.
Rage like Maston had never known engulfed all rational thought. Arwing, his precious Arwing, with her good heart, who had kept him sane through these last few weeks, Arwing who saved Lil’s life escaping from the castle, might be dead from the fires and fighting. Arwing, who had been his friend on the ship, who had sat with him while he stood guard in the jungle, who had kissed him on the beach when they came home, who had slept nestled in his side every night…might be dead. He did*’t know if she was alive, and she wasn’t responding.

22-Jul-2009 18:43:52

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And here was this vile creature of a man, Kzahar, who had been nothing but a thorn in his side on their journey, who had questioned his leadership at every turn, had mocked his conviction, who had balked at what had to be done, who had humiliated him at every chance, was still alive. Kzahar, who had fought him for the chance to kill Issavan. Who had chased him down that hallway, telling him to stop, tried to rob him of his opportunity to get justice. Kzahar, who had let that evil, disgusting, cruel, terrible, miserable excuse of a rule ESCAPE, lived, while Arwing teetered precariously on the brink of death.
His chest heaved as he struggled to breathe, and every muscle in his body was taut and quivering. For a moment the entire scene swam around him, giving him tunnel vision, and the only thing he could truly focus on was Kzahar, lying on the ground. His pure fury in the stable was nothing compared to this now. After everything that they had suffered, this man, of all of them, did not deserve to live. Kzahar had ruined everything, and now he might live, when Arwing might not.
With a gut-wrenching bellow, he charged at the body, mace and magic forgotten, wanting to feel his fingers wrapped tight around Kzah**** neck, throttling the last remnants of life from his enemy. He barreled through the soldiers and flung himself forward, then gripped Kzah**** neck in both hands. Swearing viciously, he rocked back and forth, trying to slam his head against the stones.
“How are you still alive?!” he roared. “What makes you think you have ANY right to live?”
“Maston!” he heard other voices far away, calling his name, felt their hands tearing at him, trying to pull him off, but nothing would rob him of this opportunity. Kzahar had stolen his chance to kill Issavan, he would not be denied this death. He needed to kill, to rob someone of their future the way his had been robbed.

22-Jul-2009 18:44:06

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Then he was ripped from the body and dragged across the stones, writhing and screaming the entire way. Krystal’s face swam into view. “Maston!” she was shouting. “What the hell are you doing?”
“He needs to die! He deserves to be dead!” Maston thundered, but the soldiers had piled on top of him, pinning him to the ground.
“Stop it!” Krystal yelled.
“He let Issavan get away!”
“What?” she stared in shock.
Maston lay his head back, gasping for breath. Krystal’s shock had robbed him of some of his own emotion. “Get off me,” he grumbled. “I won’t touch him. Just get off me.”
Krystal waved a hand. “Let him go, so he can explain.”
When he was free, he sat up – too quickly, for all the soldiers flinched, but he just lay his hands across his knees and bowed his head. This last episode had drained him of his last strength, and now it was a great effort even to breathe. “I went to kill Issavan, and he followed me. I had him. I had him pinned up against a door in the stable – that filth was trying to escape – and I was about to do it, and Kzahar, he just jumps on me, saying he should get to do it, and he tackled me. Issavan – he got away. I threw a fireball at him, but he was gone. That’s where the fire started…sorry,” he added apologetically, as he examined Krystal’s soot-stained face.
“I can’t believe he let him escape…” she spat. “What the hell was he thinking?”
“Ask him yourself,” Maston snarled. “Unfortunately, it looks like he’s going to live. I thought I left him in the burning stable, but he must have got away himself.”
“We saw him when we were heading to the dungeon. He was a mess, and these soldiers were just playing with him. They rammed a sword through his hand.”
Maston flinched. *Ouch. So – you found Bond?” He nodded toward the other body heaped on the flagstones.

22-Jul-2009 18:44:21

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Yeah.” Krystal smiled despite herself. “I think he’ll be okay. He’s pretty beat up and sick, but we’ll see.”
“I’m glad you found him.” Maston grinned at her. “You earned it.”
She glanced furtively at Bond again, then scowled as she saw Rivera beside him. “Listen, I should really get back to him. Will you be all right?”
Maston nodded slowly. “I won’t go after him again, if that’* what you’re asking. I don’t have the strength. Go.”
“Thanks.” She turned and trotted back to Bond. Maston lay back and watched the scene unfolding around him. Soldiers ran back and forth from the castle to the courtyard, weapons drawn, as they tried to quell the remainder of Issavan’s guard. It had been a massive force and some still fought, despite the fact that their leader was gone and the castle was burning around them. This was their last chance to fight for their lives. There was a great flood of maids and servants at one end of the courtyard who had escaped the blaze, and now they huddled together, some crying, most silent with shock and confusion. They knew the castle, their home, was burning down, and there had been a great and terrible battle throughout the night, but why or who was in control of their lives now was a mystery to them. At least the fighting had stopped.
A few hours dragged past as he dozed on and off, lying wearily on the stones. These scenes faded in and out of his consciousness around him. A soldier bent to ask if he was all right, another offered him water, a brief battle spilled out into the courtyard, a maid cried endlessly for her child, which must have been lost in the fire…When Maston finally forced himself back to wakefulness, the sun was high overhead, and the army now milled aimlessly about. He propped himself on one elbow, wincing as his muscles protested. They were gathered around a knot of Issavan’s soldiers, but they weren’t fighting.

22-Jul-2009 18:44:34

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
At last, he thought, he heard the word “surrender” called in the air. A loopy smile spread across his face. It was really over. The castle still smoked high above, but there was no rush to put out the fire, as there was nothing there anyone really cared to save. The royal guard had been defeated. They had actually won the battle. It had lasted all of the night and well into midday, but now it was really over. Varrock was theirs.
Or the castle was, anyway. The city, not quite. He could hear the people roaring beyond the walls, a far off sound, the way you can hear a waterfall in the forest. That was what it sounded like – that kind of distant thunder. He squinted at Rivera and caught the conversation between her and Nathan, a few feet away. “The mob is wild out there, my Lady. They don’t know what’s going on. They’ve been rushing at the walls all morning, people are attacking each other...we need to do something about it.*
*Yes, yes, of course.” She paced for a moment. “We need to get them under control. I can address them, but they have to be listening. I know your men are tired, Nathan, but can you send some of them out to break it up?”
“Chances are they will attack us, my Lady,” Nathan replied hesitantly.
“Just try to restore order. Don’t fight back, unless you are absolutely defending your life from them. Just send out a few people. And here, see that bell, in the tower on the wall over there? Have someone ring it; that will get their attention. Get me up on the wall, instantly. I will speak to them.”
Maston boosted himself to his feet. “Rivera, wait.” He swayed for a moment, and was startled to hear how hoarse and gravelly his voice was.
“Maston! You shouldn’t be on your feet right now.*
*What are you doing?” he asked blearily, ignoring her concern.

22-Jul-2009 18:45:10

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I have to address the people. They need to know what’s going on. They’re out of control out there.”
“So what, you’re taking charge?”
“Who else can do it?” she responded haughtily. “Your people? No offense, Maston, but you are a mess. Only you and Krystal are even remotely conscious. Besides, I’m here to rule, I might as well start.”
“No, Issavan’s second son –“
“Oh come on, Maston, look around you! This place is a wreck! You think some six-year-old kid can fix this? Like it or not, someone has to rule anyway until he comes of age. I can fix this! I’ve been preparing my whole life for this moment! This is my rightful place. You have your work to do, and I have mine. Don’t fight me on this!”
He knew she was right. He just feared the consequences of this later on, if it would complicate their plans to end the plague…but either way, someone needed to take charge. She seemed competent enough. He nodded slightly. “Go ahead.”
“You and Krystal may come up there with me and speak to them yourselves, if you like,” she offered.
He smiled. “That would be good.”
It took another hour or so, but eventually the mob began to quiet down. Only two of Rivera’s soldiers were badly hurt in their efforts to stop the fighting, although a good many were bruised and beaten as they retreated back within the walls. The bell served its purpose, catching everyone’s attention, and when Rivera, Maston, and Krystal took their places high above the crowd on the walls of the castle, the noise dimmed to a low, anxious hum.
Rivera glanced at Maston and Krystal, suddenly unsure of what to say as she stared out at the crowd. Maston himself felt speechless as well. Thousands of people crammed into the streets, their faces dirty, many of them with the plague, and their poverty was obvious. They all gazed expectantly at the walls, a constantly shifting, buzzing mass. Rivera licked her lips nervously.

22-Jul-2009 18:45:26

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“People of Varrock,” she began uncertainly, and winced. “Uh. The Emperor – Issavan – is gone.”
Her voice was weak and shaky, but the entire city heard, and there was rumbling as they hollered and shouted their reactions. Maston grinned, as the general feeling was overwhelmingly positive. It would be putting it mildly to say they were overjoyed. It was incredible how hated and despised the emperor had become in this city.
Rivera held up her hands for quiet, and after many minutes, calm descended again. “He is not dead, but the problems of the city were too much for him to handle, and he has fled. He will be pursued, I promise you,” she added, with a glance at Maston, who nodded in approval. “My name is Rivera. I am the rightful heir to the throne, as Issavan’s family usurped it from mine many years ago. I will lead you know, and I will do better than my predecessor. With me are the survivors of the terrible tournament Issavan created many months ago.”
Maston stepped forward. “My name is Maston, this is Krystal. There are six of us in total who have survived. We are the ones who attacked the castle tonight, with Rivera’s help, and defeated his regime. The tournament was a cruel trick, and it is us who will be pursuing Issavan to make him pay for his injustices.” He couldn’t stop his fists from clenching as he remembered the stable, and Krystal placed a hand on his arm, taking over for him.
“He has committed many crimes during his rule, including those against all of you. We will be sure he pays for all of these. In the mean time, Rivera will repair the damage he has done.”

22-Jul-2009 18:45:44

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Yes,” Rivera cut in smoothly. “It is time to rebuild. You are hungry, sick, and impoverished. This is his fault, not yours. We will repair this damage, but it will not be easy. We cannot just make food appear. Rebuilding will take time. Your problems won’t be solved tomorrow, and probably not in just a few days. Weeks, months maybe, but it will happen, I promise you this. I ask for all of your cooperation. We will ration out the food in the castle, and we will find ways to get more. My companions here are searching for a cure for the Plague, as well. If you can be patient, and work with me, we can rebuild this city and make it great once more.
“Right now, we all need rest, and to organize. Tomorrow, I will address you again, with a plan for reconstruction. I promise to keep you informed and involved. But for now, go home. Rest. It has been a long morning for all of us. Tomorrow, we will begin to rebuild.”
Rivera turned to Maston and Krystal, letting out a long, exhausted sigh. Maston smiled encouragingly. “That was great, Rivera.”
“Listen!” Krystal exclaimed, and they all turned back to the mass of people. They had begun to shout, and it was a moment before they could distinguish the words. They were chanting “Rivera!” over and over again. Tears sprung to Rivera’s eyes. The people sounded so hopeful. They had a new life.
Maston clapped a hand on her shoulder and said, “Way to go, my Lady.”
~*~*~*~ End of Chapter ~*~*~*~

22-Jul-2009 18:46:02 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2009 18:46:18 by Crystal Smee

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