
~*~ TDT2: The Blood Debt ~*~

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When he woke up, he was drowning. He tried to open his eyes, but it was all black. He thrashed out, desperately trying to inhale, but unable to do so. His lungs were filling with what felt like lead. He clawed at the water around him but could not pull himself up for air. This wasn’t fair – he was going to die here – he would die not even knowing what his name was!
The man named Bond coughed, heaved, and managed to suck in a shaky breath. Damned if he’d go down without the slightest idea who he was, or what he was doing here. Then he opened his eyes again and blinked furiously, beating away the darkness, and found orange light that his eyes fixed on. Chest heaving, it gradually hit him that it had just been a nightmare, that he wasn’t drowning. He was in some kind of cell, he realized. It still felt like there was a giant rock pressing down on his abdomen, and every breath hurt. He looked blearily down at his stomach and saw through dark bruises through the remains of his shirt. Gradually it all came back to him: the fat man, asking questions he couldn’t answer, the fat man kicking him on the floor, repeatedly. He probably had cracked ribs.
What the hell was going on? He was terribly confused, and his head hurt so much he couldn’t put any of it together. He did*’t know who he was or how he had ended up in that forest, or with the soldiers, or in this cell, or what that fat man had wanted from him. Either they had him mixed up with somebody else, or his life had been pretty messed up. He was thrown in jail…for what? What crime had he committed? Who was Bond, this man they claimed he was?

19-Jul-2009 20:49:17

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bond leaned back on the dank straw of his cell and squinted around, looking for possible means of escape. That was what led him to take a closer look at the orange light that allowed him to see anything at all. He had thought it was a torch on the wall at first, but it was much too large. Fire, indeed, but wild, uncontrolled, blazing down the hall, catching on straw and wooden beams, hissing and smoking wildly as it came. He shouted and scrambled against the back wall of his tiny cell, as though that could protect him. His battered body protested the motion, but instinct had taken over. He scanned left and right, but the neighboring cells were empty. He was alone, and about to burn in a few moments. The fire was perhaps six or seven cells down, but looming closer every second. He felt himself slipping back into the dark dream, shock freezing his body and dragging him down into unconsciousness.
At the same time, he heard a yell from the other end of the hall. “Bond!” someone was shouting.
Had someone come looking for him? He struggled to remain lucid. “He—ere,” he choked out, but his voice was feeble.
“Bond, are you here?” Footsteps, pounding down the corridor. All at once, two figures burst out of the shadows. His eyes could barely focus on them, but he saw they were both women. One was all dark hair and eyes, holding two gleaming swords before her. The other was all light, as the fire lit up her red hair, and her eyes glowed as she saw him. Both put up their weapons and rushed to the bars.
“Rivera, it’s him!* the dark women crowed excitedly. “Oh Bond, thank the Gods!”
“Who—“ he tried to ask, but words had deserted him. He collapsed back on the straw, gasping. The fiery woman bashed in the lock, and they dashed to his side as the rusty bars clanged to the side.

19-Jul-2009 20:49:52

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I’m here, Bond,” the dark woman whispered. “It’s all okay now.
The redhead glanced nervously at the fire. She seemed to be looking anywhere but at him, while the other woman’s hands ghosted across his body, examining his wounds. “Krystal, we have to get him out of here.”
“Krystal?” he asked, tasting the name. He had no idea who she was, but she clearly knew him. Frustration welled inside of him. He needed to know what was going on – how he ended up in a burning cell, and who these women were who had come to rescue him.
“Yeah, it’s me. I never gave up on you.” She was weeping now. *Gods, what’s happened to you?”
“That’s touching, but we really need to go!” the redhead insisted angrily.
“And here I thought you would be so happy to see him, Rivera,” Krystal said mockingly.
Rivera bent down in the straw and slid her arms under his shoulders, lifting him slightly up. Krystal exclaimed in surprise, but her touch was gentle, and it did*’t hurt me at all. “Of course I missed you, Bond,” she murmured, so low that Bond could barely hear, and he doubted Krystal could hear any of it. “This is all my fault, and I’m so sorry this happened to you. I promise I will make it up to you, but I need to you to come with us, so we can get you out of here. Can you do that?”

19-Jul-2009 20:50:00

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Krystal buried her resentment of Rivera and the fact that the other woman had been whispering in Bond’s ear, and instead helped her lever Bond upright. Relief had flooded her at the sight of him, for she had been terrified that they wouldn’t find him down here, and did*’t know how they would have ever found him after that. Just seeing him here brought a joyous smile to her face. Still, her heart ached with worry; his body was mangled and ravaged with wounds. He coughed often, deep hacking coughs, that she guessed had existed since long before smoke had filled the dungeon. She wanted to know everything that had happened to him since the last time she had seen him, all the way back in Port Sarim. It was so long ago. She snuck a glance at Rivera, and the way she had her arm protectively wrapped around him, the same as Krystal. Before, she and Bond had been growing closer, on the boat, and the island, and especially when they got back to shore…but what if his feelings had changed, in all this time apart? What if she had fought so hard to get back to him, and he did*’t even want him anymore?
That’s crazy, she told herself, as they maneuvered him out of the cell and into the hallway. Bond wouldn’t leave her for that woman! She had kept him captive, after all. Krystal and the others would have saved him, if not for her. He had to know that. But what if he did*’t care about any of that? What if he chose her anyway? What had happened in Krystal’s absence?
He was moving sluggishly, dragging his legs and leaning heavily on the both of them. She did*’t think he could make it much further. However, they had begun to feel the heat of the fire on their backs, and knew that time was running out. Krystal brushed her free hand down his cheek. “Come on, Bond. Not that much farther, all right?”

19-Jul-2009 20:50:23

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He did*’t reply, but picked up his steps and laboriously climbed the stairs. Halfway up the spiral staircase, his legs gave out. He collapsed with a hoarse cry, sending Krystal and Rivera tumbling down with him. They were safe from the fire here, away from anything that could burn, so they leaned for a moment against the stone walls to catch their breath.
“How did the fire get into the dungeon, anyway?* Krystal panted bitterly.
Rivera shrugged. “It must have started in the throne room.”
“Maston probably threw some fire around,” she nodded in understanding. “But how would that reach the dungeon?”
“There are multiple passages from the throne room,” she explained slowly. “One to the stables, one to his bedroom, one to the privy, and one to the dungeons. He likes to send his prisoners straight to the dungeons after he ‘tries’ them.”
“You’ve studied the layout of the castle?”
“Father made me do it. We’ve been planning this for a long time, Krystal. Your people gave us the opportunity we needed.”
“You think he’s dead by now?* Krystal wondered aloud. Which of them had done it? The enraged Maston, or tough Kzahar, or maybe it was Adrian, she imagined, towering over the pitiful emperor before he killed him.
“Hopefully,” Rivera shrugged. She glanced at Bond, and cursed softly. “He’s out,” she said softly.
Krystal stared at his torn face, calmer in sleep. He had dozed off during their conversation, exhausted from the torment of the last few hours. “We can’t wake him,” she murmured.
“I’ll carry him.”
“Are you sure? I can –“
“I’ll carry him,” Krystal insisted acidly. Rivera made a noncommittal grunt and rose to her feet to help Krystal hoist the body over her shoulders.

19-Jul-2009 20:50:58

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He did*’t weigh as much as she** expected; he had thinned considerably over the past few weeks. However, it still strained her muscles to carry a full grown man. Together they climbed the remaining stairs and staggered back out into the hallway. Krystal squinted down its length.
“Where’s Kzahar?”
“I’m sure he’s fine,” Rivera said calmly.
Krystal whirled to face her, steadying Bond’s body with one hand, reflexively drawing her sword in the other. “Where did he go, Rivera?” she shouted.
“Calm down and put that away!” Rivera hissed angrily. *Use your head, woman! If he’d been set upon by Issavan’s men, would they have taken the body? No. I’m sure my people found him and took him outside. Now relax, will you? I’ll guard against danger. You just manage him.” Without waiting for Krystal to respond, she turned on her heel and began the trek back to the outside of the castle.

19-Jul-2009 20:51:11

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