Alright, I've completed my entry on the Archaic Computer of Archaicness, hereby referred to as 'ACoA'.
Enjoy, and good luck to everyone.
Wintry Elf
Our fingers languidly twine together, as if in imitation of the gentle breeze that stirs your loose red locks, wreathing your delicate face with a veil of fire. The light furtively slips along your beautiful dress. It glistens almost guiltily as it slides along the folds of fabric, lending you a subtle yet blinding radiance.
We take but a moment to revel guiltily in the feeling, then we take a step, and the spell is broken.
We advance down the aisle. Together. One heartbeat echoes throughout the church.
The silence deafens us, but it is just another part of our magical moment.
A sense of urgency descends upon me. The fragile moment shattered, I start to pull upon your arm. I want us to do this.
I break into a run. You’re falling behind. I grab your hand with both of mine, and together our feet fly toward the altar.
You must be calling out to me, but the sense of urgency is increasing. I sprint for the altar, a desperate bid.
I set my foot upon the podium.
A weight falls from my hand.
I turn, but my feverish eyes see only an empty church.
I spin again.
The altar is gone. In its place rests a tombstone.
‘Catherine del Raemen,’ it reads.
“Catherine? You are my life? Where have you gone?” I cry out.
But my mind knows the answer.
She is not my life. She was my life. I made her my life.
A week ago today, her life was taken.
She took what I can never have again. Why do I remain when she is gone?
One heartbeat echoes throughout the church, and I am alone.
25-Jul-2011 02:56:40