Sensing their opponent weakening, the four generals of the gods moved in for the kill. Zilyana plunged her blade hilt deep into Terrethus and called on Saradomin's holy power, sending a large surge of divine energy into the demon. K'ril buried his axes in Terrethus' back, and sent gallons of Void poison surging through the older demon's body. Kree'arra gathered all the power he could from Armadyl, and with it, created a furious whirlwind, which he slammed into Terrethus' weakened flesh, burrowing a hole through it. Not wishing to be outdone in a fight, Graa'dor gathered all his strength into one punch and sent it slamming into Terrethus' jaw. The force of the punch was too much for the demon, and its head cracked from the blow.
Terrethus howled in rage, realizing that the unthinkable had happened; it was dying. Realizing the significance of the howl, the young man who had joined the fight last jumped to Terrethus' left arm, and with a swift, deft motion, somehow managed to cut off the demon's arm.
The god generals watched in surprise as the young man muttered a spell over the arm, causing it to shrink to the size of a human arm, then, catching it, landed deftly on his feet.
Without so much as a word to the general's the young man strapped the severed demon arm to his back and walked off. The generals noted in surprise, that even though Terrethus' body had turned to ash, its severed arm remained intact.
After the young man had left, the generals stared at one another; among them, only Kre'arra and Zilyana had any semblance of trust for each other, and as such, each wondered whether it would be wise to attack the others. Quick commands from their respective gods put a rest to those thoughts, and grudgingly, each of the generals departed, leaving the awe-struck white knights staring where they had been.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."
22-Dec-2011 01:32:54