
The Weapons of Destiny

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Eno Remnant

Eno Remnant

Posts: 5,832 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry if I'm being a tad annoying, I'll try to stop. Also, Nyx, I am certain you are extremely powerful, but I am invincible for the foreseeable future, so all you could do is cause me a little pain. :P

Being a god has major advantages :) (Not that I am one or anything *shifty eyes*).

31-Aug-2010 07:44:36

Eno Remnant

Eno Remnant

Posts: 5,832 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My bio is loosely based on me actually. Not that anyone really cares. :) He represents my serious side.

Also, I realise Nyx might have been talking about killing Nick, not me. If so, I will defend him. And I have the ability, nay the right to stop you. ^_^

31-Aug-2010 08:06:37 - Last edited on 31-Aug-2010 08:12:32 by Eno Remnant



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I realized that while I was reading every single post I had not posted myself in quite a while. I figured that I should to let you know I'm still present, if busy.

Some interesting things happening. That was a particularly gruesome scene, very nice. You captured the effect well and let it linger, although the bit with what the clown did and the effect it had upon the populace seemed a bit... off with everything else. It seems that the power of the weapons is greater than before. And it seems not everyone has the will to harness that great power...hmm that was really close to a cliche marvel quote.

Anyway I figure since everyone else got some questions I will ask a few as well, although you may feel less inclined to answer mine especially since everyone else has stopped.

To Zaros: What was your initial reaction when Orcris did not follow your orders? Has he lost favor with you because he did not act? And I wish to remind you to never count anyone as insignificant, because that usually comes back to haunt you.

To Setkul: What notables have you bested in a fight or battle?

To Zamorak: As of yet I have seen little of your power, if you possess any beyond cowardice in front of Zaros. I wish to know how you think you stand in comparison to Azzanadra.

To Orcris: How do you feel about Zaros now? How do you feel about not striking down Liam now that you know why you were ordered to do this?

To Aquaregis(the character not the writer): I know you are dead and all, but I figure this can get to you some how. I was wondering where exactly you went after you died.

~Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.~ Darth Revan
~Est Sularis Oth Mithas~ Sturm Brightblade
~Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality~ Richter Abend
~What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger* Friedrich Nietzsche
~Who I am is not important, my message is~ Darth Revan
~Amor omnia vincit~ Virgil

31-Aug-2010 17:15:37



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Prefix: Well done, Prefix, you seem to have a good grasp of what's going on.

@Orcris: Welcome back, our dear resident knight of Solamnia, you had been gone so long I feared that you might have had an encounter with the Dark Lady. But you are alive, so I guess not... well, maybe you could've had a different sort of encounter with her... but, no, you are too honorable for that sort of thing, aren't you?

The questioning period actually ended a few days ago, Orcris. But, as I am in an exceptionally good mood (I know you probably don't read this Doomy; but on the very slim chance you do, thanks again! Keep up the good work.) Anyway, as I was saying, I will allow your questions to be answered this ONCE nobody else try to ask questions again. I might, however do another even like that one in the future...
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

31-Aug-2010 21:23:57



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Zaros: My reaction? I was disappointed, I had expected so much more from him. Without his honor, he could easily reach a level of power rivaling the mahjarret... but alas, he clings to his honor. No matter, he is still a valuable soldier and I foresee him rising through the ranks quickly. Hm, General Orcris has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Setkul: Notables? Well, my first notable fight was against some giant floating eye that was annihilating columns of troops single-handedly; thirty-seven seconds after I got sent out he was dead (it was my first real battle, that's why it took so long.) After that I took out some sort of giant man-eating plant in about ten seconds. Then a phoenix in another half minute... my fourth battle was actually somewhat challenging, it was some serpent-like dragon who managed to easily take out three Etyon Juggernauts without taking significant damage. If you've never seen an Etyon Juggernaut... well, be thankful, one could turn a thriving country in this world into a copy of the wilderness in a single day. The fight with that serpent was challenging, it was close for a while, but I did emerge the victor (I had to go into surgery to get one of my arms and one of my legs re-attached though, and ruptured a number of supposedly vital organs.)

Although it wasn't much of a fight, I did also survive a direct hit from this magical thing called "the Monolith." Now that hurt, I could barely walk for a week after that... but it's better than the other troops who got vaporized.

Oh, I also wiped out the Etyon elite corp, and the Etyon "director" (so much for his state-of-the-art cybernetics.)

Let's see... who else? I crushed that idiot who calls himself Seth (it's not his real name by the way) a couple times when he was at full power. And I managed to force a certain "Sammael" into a draw.

Come to think of it, the only times I've actually lost have been to Diamond and my sorry excuse of a dad.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

31-Aug-2010 21:43:58



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zamorak: Why am I out in the open again?! Ack! I feel Zaros... he was here, w-w-wasn't he? Right, i-i-if I answer the question I c-c-can go, right?

Um, there w-w-was a time when Azzanadra, could beat me. B-b-but you saw what he did to me at the ritual? That w-w-was the most p-p-powerful attack in his arsenal. So where do you think I s-s-stand compared to him? I am the g-g-greatest! Ahahahahaha hah hah hah.... I can go back now right? Great! Later!

Orcris: I am actually very perplexed by what has been going on. Some of what Zaros said doesn't make sense... Liam did betray us of course, but the Cult was apparently already under our control. In fact, having Liam vanish seems to be to our advantage, since our control of the cult is streamlined. Still, we have a large number search parties looking for him, even though one incubus should not be a threat to us...

I may be loyal to Zaros, but I am not blindly loyal to him. Needless to say, I am keeping my eyes and ears open, and the eyes and ears of other people as well.

As for not killing Liam... it remains to be seen how I feel about that.

Thanatos: Since you requested the location of a person that you claimed was dead, your request got forwarded to my office. After all, we do record the final destinations of the dead... However, while we have records of everyone who has ever died, and everyone who is currently alive, I can assure you we have no records of an "Aquaregis." Before you ask, I also checked for people who used that name as a pseudonym, but none of those were ever on Gielinor.

It is possible someone got rid of the records, but in order to do so that person would either have to be me, someone appointed by the Absolute, or one of the five masters of darkness... I apologize, four masters of darkness, seeing as the Deathly Miasma has vanished.

If none of these people eliminated the records, then there is only one explanation; no such person ever existed.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

31-Aug-2010 22:12:52

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 1,527 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ah... Aqua, Orcris, it's been a long time old friends.
I'm sure I have been long forggoten around here but I still lurk around these forums. I'm happy to see that your stories are still very alive, Aqua. Not only that your writing style has changed very much so. When I first started to read your stories I thought you were a good writer, but now, after reading through this new version I believe you to be a very skilled writer. Not only have your explanations improved, so has the detail in which you write with. I find my self imagining I'm actually there, watching from a front row seat.

I look forward to more adds.

Orcris I also see that you're still sharp as ever. Heh.

01-Sep-2010 15:13:53



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Welcome back Soul! Now, if only we could find Tai, BMJ, and Kaine...

About the add, due to evil assignments due today and tomorrow I might not be able to get the add up until Saturday. Sorry about that... and if my boss realizes he forgot to schedule me for this horribly busy Saturday, then I might not get it up at all this week.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

03-Sep-2010 00:18:06

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