Zamorak: Why am I out in the open again?! Ack! I feel Zaros... he was here, w-w-wasn't he? Right, i-i-if I answer the question I c-c-can go, right?
Um, there w-w-was a time when Azzanadra, could beat me. B-b-but you saw what he did to me at the ritual? That w-w-was the most p-p-powerful attack in his arsenal. So where do you think I s-s-stand compared to him? I am the g-g-greatest! Ahahahahaha hah hah hah.... I can go back now right? Great! Later!
Orcris: I am actually very perplexed by what has been going on. Some of what Zaros said doesn't make sense... Liam did betray us of course, but the Cult was apparently already under our control. In fact, having Liam vanish seems to be to our advantage, since our control of the cult is streamlined. Still, we have a large number search parties looking for him, even though one incubus should not be a threat to us...
I may be loyal to Zaros, but I am not blindly loyal to him. Needless to say, I am keeping my eyes and ears open, and the eyes and ears of other people as well.
As for not killing Liam... it remains to be seen how I feel about that.
Thanatos: Since you requested the location of a person that you claimed was dead, your request got forwarded to my office. After all, we do record the final destinations of the dead... However, while we have records of everyone who has ever died, and everyone who is currently alive, I can assure you we have no records of an "Aquaregis." Before you ask, I also checked for people who used that name as a pseudonym, but none of those were ever on Gielinor.
It is possible someone got rid of the records, but in order to do so that person would either have to be me, someone appointed by the Absolute, or one of the five masters of darkness... I apologize, four masters of darkness, seeing as the Deathly Miasma has vanished.
If none of these people eliminated the records, then there is only one explanation; no such person ever existed.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."
31-Aug-2010 22:12:52