“A Zarosian speaks of blasphemy?” asked the thaumaturge, “How truly ironic. Your very religion is but an organized and institutionalized blasphemy.”
“Irony does not matter,” said the old man from the Cult of Darkness, “We have already labeled Liam a traitor, and both he and you, his companions shall perish, you cannot escape from this place with every member of the Cult of Darkness hunting you down!”
“Liam,” said Setkul, “This is your office, right?”
“It is,” said Liam, “Why?”
“You show many of Mephos’ traits,” replied Setkul, “How long do you need the distraction to be?”
“I can provide one on my own,” Liam replied with a smile, “Oh Lord of Darkness grant us thy favor and cast thy cloak upon this land!”
As Liam spoke these words, the entire room was covered in a darkness so intense it not only blocked out vision but could actually be felt.
“He knows the Cloak of Erebos?” asked one of the cult elders, “I had not expected that!”
“Be calm!” ordered another, “There are no windows, and only one door to this office, and we are standing in front of it, they cannot escape, and no magic, including teleportation spells can penetrate the Cloak of Erebos, nor can anything see through it, not even a Mazoku. We need only wait a few minutes for this to dissipate.”
“They’ve escaped,” Orcris heard Isamu say under his breath.
“What?” Orcris whispered back.
“Never underestimate a devil,” replied Isamu, “When the light returns, none of our targets will still be here, you‘ll see.”
“I never knew about this passage!* exclaimed Ayumu as he ran alongside Liam, Setkul, and the thaumaturge.
“An Asura always has a fallback plan,” said Setkul, “And since this building was built by Mephos, who is one of them, it is riddled with secret passages. In fact, you can get from any one room in this building to any other by only using those passages.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."
12-Aug-2010 14:06:40