As the Armadylysts approached, the lady looked up, revealing her eyes; deep brown in color, they seemed to draw the beholder into their depths. Upon seeing them Daefon nearly forgot to breathe; the lady was so breathtakingly beautiful that there was never any doubt in Daefon’s mind that he beheld not a human woman of flesh and blood, but a goddess.
“Welcome,” said the lady, “I have been waiting for your arrival; servants of Armadyl.”
The Armadylysts found themselves at a loss for words for a few moments. Finally, Judith broke the silence by asking, “Who are you?”
“I have gone by many names,” replied the lady, “But most call me the Lady in white, or the White Lady.”
“You said you were waiting for us,” Daefon ventured.
“Indeed,” replied the lady, “I have been sent to give you direction. But first, let us eat, I presume you have not had your evening meal?”
When the Armadylysts confirmed this, the lady motioned with her hand, and a number of servants appeared in the clearing. Each wore a deep blue tunic with a gold sash, and were beautiful beyond any humans. They quickly and silently set tender meats, soft bread, succulent fruits, and sweet wines before the Armadylysts. In sight of such a feast, the adventurers quickly began to partake of their meal. As they ate, the lady spoke, “You are traveling in search of the Weapons of Destiny are you not?*
*Yes, your ladyship,” replied Esther, “We have spoken to Lord Armadyl recently, and he has called upon us to gather the weapons and use them to open the way to a higher plane of existence, from which we will receive aid.”
“We also know only two remain on this world,” added Daefon.
“That is true,” replied the lady, “The two that remain are the bow made by Zaros, Kalechot, and the sword made by Armadyl, Viriut.”
“We had heard that no one knew which two were left,” said Esther, “Yet it seems you do, how so?"
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."
09-Jul-2010 06:41:50