Still going well since the last add. Maybe drop the detail about "what felt like a broken leg": you'd have to be well hard just to put weight on it. To be moving around, jumping about and climbing up things would result in, excluding the most insignificant fractures, screaming, falling, swearing and extreme pain.
In game you said I was missing some punctuation. I'm assuming that you meant the lack of apostrophes in some of the later adds. That was an error that went along with the quotation mark error. I have fixed all of them.
Christmas Break starts tomorrow, and then... WRITING SPREE! *Fireworks go off*
If all goes to plan, I should have at least 20 new adds. Also, I apologize for not adding last weekend, I was busy throwing up my intestine. (I was extremely sick, I wasn't actually throwing up my intestine. Just thought I'd make that clear for some of you more gullible folks