He sensed something, a girl? Yes, a girl, someone that could not be seen, but he could feel her. More voices? Yes, someone else was watching him. Newborn felt the presence of strong men speaking to a giant being, a hulking behemoth that could easily kill him with his bare hands. He would have to avoid that beast, but what was it? Ah, a simple mind, easily seen; he could sense what Mugwo sensed, albeit minimally.
Looking through the thoughts of that ogre, Spirry could see himself. He paused, hovering on the spot, feeling and hearing his upper and lower teeth constantly clicking together. The ogre spoke something, some topic, something about Og, taking the men to Og? What is Og? Then, the name Ogrin; why was the familiar?
Mugwo unsheathed his sword and suddenly roared, a monstrous roar, a roar that would terrify a pride of lions. Roar? Danger, violence, death, lungs working, diaphragm pumping air, intestines tightening to amplify the voice; a roar that was a statement of dominant authority.
Upon hearing the roar, Spirry fluttered, and then dove at the source of the roar, hissing like a crocodile, leaning forwards acutely as he dove, folding his wings backwards, empty eye sockets, horns, and skinless face incoming. An immensely tall, skinless demon with the reflexes of a robin was inbound, ready to sink his claws, horns, and fangs into Mugwo, but unaware of the ogre's armour!
14-Sep-2015 01:17:56
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14-Sep-2015 01:21:43