
^+^ Onslaught ^+^

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A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“Allow me to tell you a story,” the demon said. “You see, there was once this little girl. She wielded massive power…the kind that had potential to shatter a god.”

“I…see,* Azura said. She suddenly remembered the strange shadow-covered woman from the altar in ‘Zanaris’, but she did*’t know why her mind chose to remember the being.

“No, you don’t,” the demon retorted, obviously peeved that its story was interrupted. “It is impossible to fathom the sort of power I’m talking about, because you haven’t exactly experienced it firsthand, despite your…peculiarities.”

“So what happened to this girl then?” Azura asked.

“Well,” the demon chuckled. “Let’s just say that she never mastered that power. In the end, it turned on her during a moment of great need.”


“To use the power of the Fade Realm against a Stern Judge…a creature of the Old Realms, no less…is to invite the wrath of reality itself,” the demon said. “There is a balance to everything…a price for every power…that ALL must adhere to, lest the veil between the Far Planes and the multiverse itself break at long last.”

“A Stern Judge?” Azura asked. The term rang a bell in her mind, but for the life of her she couldn’t figure out just what it meant.

“Indeed,” the demon said. The red organic material on the ground began pulsing violently as the demon spoke. “Such creatures are immune to the power of the Fade Realm because, quite frankly…they are beyond its influence. The price they had paid to ascend to a status that is powerful enough to stand against the Mad Minds was their very being. And a being that does not exist cannot be influenced by magic that warps things which exist.”

“I’m…not following,” Azura replied.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 00:59:51

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“Then let me cut to the chase,” the demon said. “This little girl…my Little Shadow…she did*’t know this fact. She also did*’t know that there was a way to circumvent the limitations of the Fade Magiks. So, me and mine had to…contain her, for lack of a better word.”

“Wait,” Azura said. “I saw a woman chained to an altar that you were at a while back. Is that the same girl you’re referring to in the story?”

“Ah, aren’t you the smart one,” the demon replied. “Yes, she is, if you must know. Don’t worry, she’s dead now*her soul rests with the Dead God now.*

*That’s horrible!” Azura cried. “How could you…”

“It was not my tortures that killed her,” the demon interrupted. “It was another’s…I have an inkling of who it might be, but that is not a matter of importance now. What *is* important, however…are your hands.”

“My…” Azura absently replied as she looked at her new gauntlets. “These things…the arena…did I really do that, or was it them?”

“I know not,* the demon said as it landed on the ground silently. “When you cast that spell with my aid, I felt…something. A spark that reminded me of the Little Shadow, but different. I need to know…do you know who your parents are?”

“Of course,” Azura said. “I lived in Al-Kharid with my parents before I had a falling out with them and moved to Varrock.”

“I know nothing of the locations you name,” the demon replied. “But who were your parents?”

“Oh, nobody special,” she said. “They were normal as far as I can remember.”

“Interesting,” the demon said. The creature turned around, and before Azura could blink she felt a sharp pain across her face as she fell to the ground. Her vision was somewhat blurry because of the inertia, but once it stopped spinning she saw the demon crouched over her, glaring menacingly.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:01:15

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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Reacting by pure instinct, Azura drew out a spark of magic from the recesses of her mind. She spread her hands out in front of her, and bright fire erupted from her fingertips and struck the demon squarely in the chest. The creature stumbled back at the hit, and Azura picked herself off of the strange ground.

“Interesting,” the demon remarked. “That power...”

“Like it?” Azura asked. She didn't know how to get out of wherever they were at that moment, but her rage at the creature started to grow. “Then here’s some more!” A spark flew from her hand and pounded straight into the ground, causing the organic material to shudder and convulse. Demon and mage alike struggled to keep their balance, and the web-like material began to writhe in what Azura guessed was agony. A deep painful bellow filled the air, and both combatants fell to the ground because of the sudden distraction.

“Impossible,” the demon said. “This shouldn’t be happening!”

“Oh, nice way to justify losing,” Azura replied as she threw another surge of fire at the demon. The creature was ready for the attack this time, however, and managed to dissipate the flames before they even reached its body.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:01:50 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2011 05:50:43 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Fool,” the demon hissed as it got to its feet. “I’m not talking about your power. The veil is separating!”


“That means we could all get sucked into oblivion, you idiot!” the demon screamed.

“That’s not good then,” Azura said. She stood up, and began searching for a way out of the weird world she was in. But the strange material that invaded the ground was the only thing she could see for miles, save pitch blackness above. The only thing she could make out in the ‘sky’ was a star, and a bright one at that.

“Oh,” the demon whispered. “Belial help us…the fool’s actually attempting it.”

“Who? Attempting wha…” Before Azura could finish her thought, the sky suddenly filled with a bright light that blinded her and, judging from the hissing of the demon, her attacker as well.

Azura thought she saw a figure emerging from the light, but she couldn’t be sure. “What do you want?” she asked the demon. “Just name it…whatever you want, I can try getting it if you get us out of here!”

“Foolish words for one who practices the Art,” she heard a voice brimming with dark wisdom say.
Azura tried to turn towards the direction she thought the voice had come from, but instead ended up stumbling backward. “Stop!” she cried. “Please, just let me go.”

“Not happening,” she heard the voice say.

Panic filling her heart, Azura managed to crawl…somewhere. With the damned light around, she couldn’t tell just where she was going, let alone if she was even moving at all. “Please, just let me go!” she screamed.

She felt a hand grasp her wrist and pull her up. “Come with me if you wish to live,” she heard the voice say. “Just trust me and I’ll explain everything.”

“Don’t listen to him,” she heard the demon warn. “His kind always lies. It’s their way!”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:02:52

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“The God of Chaos has no influence on my actions this day, Erinyes!” she heard the voice declare. “Now I command you, in the name of Zamorak…leave this girl alone lest you suffer at my hands!”

“Don’t you dare call me that!” the demon screamed. “Est ixar Bensozia!”

“Enough,” the voice chided. Magical power seemed to resonate from the voice, and Azura dared to open her eyes. Her gaze was met by a silhouetted figure. The light seemed to be dying down, but she wasn’t sure if her eyes were finally adjusting to it or if her strange savior was somehow taking her with him out of the strange limbo the demon resided in.

“Ha!” she heard the demon say in a fading voice. “Do you think it’s that easy? Mark my words mageling, Lord Belial will not take this trespass lightly!”

“He’ll have no choice,” Azura heard the figure mutter. “Typical Inner Demon…arrogant to the end.”

“That’s what it is?” Azura asked as the light began to clear from her vision. “I’ve heard of Inner Demons, but I thought they were metaphors.”

The figure laughed. “Child, that is partially true,” the figure said. “But they are also the physical embodiment of a certain aspect. I fear you’ve met one that represents Lust.”

Azura’s vision started to grow into focus. *That thing did*’t seem so lustful to me,” she said. She caught a glimpse of robes tinted with the color of autumn leaves as the figure walked behind something that she couldn’t make out in the distance.

“Lust does not necessarily have anything to do with physical attributes,” she heard the figure say as he walked closer. “That one in particular has a taste for magic. Witches and female mages in particular if memory serves me right.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:03:27 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2011 01:03:45 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“That thing did seem interested in my magic more than anything,” Azura admitted. She yelped at a sudden stinging feeling that washed over her face, but a firm hand held her down on a chair that she hadn’t realized she was sitting on.

“I can see why,” the figure said. “That was impressive, I must admit. I’ve never seen anyone attempt to attack Erinyes…Bensozia…whatever that one calls herself now…in self defense. Usually her victims end up crying on the floor before she kills them!”

“That’s…ow!...reassuring,” Azura said. Gods, did her savior have to use such painful medicines to cure her wounds?

“Why of course.”

“So…why did you help me anyway?” she asked. “And how did you do it? Or do you do this for everyone who ends up running into that thing?”

“Well…there is a reason I’ve rescued you from that creature,” the figure said. “You see…I think you can help me.”

“How…oh, god no!* Azura cried. Her vision was perfectly clear once the strange medicines the figure had applied to her face had began working. She recognized the elderly yet perfectly evil features of the dark wizard that many legends said was almost as powerful as any Mahjarrat. A crooked black hat sat on his gray haired head, which hosted a pair of menacing yet benevolent eyes.

“Please,” Surok Magis said. “Before you try anything, just hear me out. As much as it pains me to admit it, I need your help if I’m to gather enough power to help us all survive what’s coming.”

^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:04:28

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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The Manticore’s scorpion tail smashed into the ground, sending Aiden and Caden rolling out of the way of the impact. The grass began to turn brown and wither as the creature’s poison began seeping into the dirt, and it did*’t stop dying as the tail came out of the ground with a popping noise.

Aiden, noticing the effect the attack on the ground, started backing away with his sword in hand. “I really wish I had a shield now,” he said.

Caden laughed. “Hey, this is the stuff we live for!” he cried. “Just think…the guys in the Blue Moon Inn can’t possibly top fighting this!”

The Manticore roared, and started pawing at the ground to ready a charge. Caden threw his sword to the ground, and ran towards it.

“What the hell, man?!” Aiden screamed. “Do you have any idea what the stories say about those things?”

“So it has a poison tail,” Caden said as he reached the Manticore. He rolled under it, much to the beast’s confusion, and held up a dagger in his left hand as he stood up on the creature’s other side. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t gut the thing just as easily as those bears!”

The Manticore only looked at the brothers with a glassy eyed stare, and it fell to the ground in spasms. Both of them backed up far enough so the tail couldn’t reach them in its death throes, and when it finally fell still, Aiden approached it and knelt down.

“I can’t believe it,” he gasped. “You actually killed one that easily.”

“Let’s just hope there’s not more of those things in Falador,” Caden replied. “Because I really don’t feel like doing that again.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:05:16

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“For once I don’t blame ya,” Aiden said. He looked over at the city in the distance. From their vantage point on the cliffs outside overlooking the City of White, they could see goblins numbering in the thousands gathering around some sort of catapults which were flinging flaming debris at the walls. Many of the Black Knights in the fancy armor had already scaled the walls, and the sound of sword meeting sword rang in the air as the White Knight defenders fought valiantly against the invading forces.

“There’s no way we’re getting through that crowd without a fight,” Caden said. “Seriously, we’ll need Azura for this.”

Aiden looked around. “If you know where she is, then go get her,” he said. When Caden shrugged his shoulders, he sighed. “Look, maybe she just got separated by her spell backfiring. It wouldn’t be the first time she started teleporting around randomly after she did something wrong with a spell.*

*But*the goblins…”

“She can handle herself,” Aiden said. “Besides, I’m willing to bet the Black Knights and the goblins are gonna have more problems with her than us. After all, we’re just two guys…and she can make the ground itself swallow people alive, if I remember correctly.”

“Good point,” Caden admitted. “But still, we’re just two guys with weapons. Pointy weapons, but we’re still sorta limited in what we can do as far as damage goes.”

“Well,” Aiden said, turning to the Manticore’s corpse. “We’re just two guys, sure. But one of us just cut open one of their beasts stomachs.”

“So?” Caden asked.

“Well…if one of these went missing, they’d know,” Aiden said as he kneeled over the corpse. *It’s just too useful to not miss.”

“You mean…oh,” Caden said. His eyes widened in realization when Aiden started nodding. “Oh, hell no! Nobody would ever be stupid enough to buy that!”

^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:06:10

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Azura blinked. “Help you?” she asked, suspicion dripping in her voice. “Help YOU? Surok, the mage who’s on just about everyone’s most wanted list? The same Surok who’s been accused of throwing his lot in with Lucien? The same Surok who…”

“Ok, ok,” Surok said as his hands waved around his head in frustration. “So you don’t trust me. I can respect that, and I will be the first to admit that I’ve made some rather…questionable…decisions in my career. But this time things are different!”

Azura pushed herself to her feet. She hadn’t realized that she was sitting on the stone floor of what appeared to be a random room in an abandoned castle. She also hadn’t realized at that moment that her savior did**t offer her the comfort of one of the many cushioned chairs situated around the room, but in her defense she was also more distracted at how well decorated Surok’s lair was, all things considered.

The brick walls were covered by many bookshelves overflowing with parchment scraps and fully decorated tomes of esoteric lore, and where gaps in the shelves were present hung ornate tapestries depicting…something. Or somethings. She wasn’t sure what they were, nor did she want to know. The twisting tentacles and singular eyes were enough to ensure she had nightmares for quite a few nights now, which made her all the more glad that Pikkupstix had been generous with his gift before she left Taverley. A marble bowl sat on an obsidian pedestal in the middle of the room, and Azura had realized that the only light in the room- which she had to admit was a somewhat soothing light purple color- was coming from the water filling the bowl.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:06:47 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2011 01:07:10 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“If things are different, then why not go to the Temple Knights?” She asked. “Or Allivierion. Or maybe one of the adventurer guilds? Surely they would be a much bigger help than I would.”

“They all have their part,” Surok replied. “But they don’t have the sort of power that you possess. Sure, there might be a few powerful spellcasters wandering around that *might* be able to muster the power after a lot of effort, but time is a luxury I don’t have. Nor do you.”

“Let me guess. This is the part where you say I have to help you or you’ll kill me,” Azura said. When she saw disappointment cross the vile mage’s eyes, she continued talking, mostly to buy herself some time to think of a way out of this situation. “Look…thank you for saving me and everything, but I don’t think helping out the same guy who was there to watch the execution of The Eight would be something I can walk away from easily.”

“The Eight?” Surok asked. “If you mean those heroes that Lucien killed, I wasn’t there.”

“Don’t bother lying,” Azura said nervously. “I’ve read the papers. I’ve heard the stories. They all say you stood by and did nothing to stop it. They also said you tried taking over Varrock. And that’s just the stuff I personally know of, so how do you expect me to believe that you have good intentions this time!?”

“I thought we already established this,” Surok explained. “Or at least I hoped you would realize that if I had bad intentions, you wouldn’t be talking right now!*

*I’m not stupid!” Azura cried. “If it’s whatever magic I have you want, I’m no good to you dead.”

“Point taken. But be advised, I know more than my fair share of magic…and then some. I could very easily just take your power, but I don’t think that would be the wisest course of action right now.*
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:07:57

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