August 3rd, 2013
I logged on today back at the Arctic Pines. I had actually just gotten back from a job interview... And man, did I bomb it. I completely froze up on half the questions! Ah well, I guess it's just par for the course.
I camped out at Arctic Pines for a while, accumulating tons of experience. Eventually, the Wilderness Warbands started, and I joined my fellow clanmates and ventured into the dangers of the Wilderness. The first camp went great! I only need Farming and Smithing supplies at this point, so I was quite relieved when I saw that Smithing supplies were there.
When we hopped to a second world, I headed out to the camp near the Red Dragon Isle, only to find that I had somehow already completed three camps today... When I obviously hadn't. When this happens, I usually just hang around and try and protect my clanmates from would-be PKers. Little would I know what a brawl it would turn into!
With only ten clanmates left or so, white dots began to fill the area. We were organized though. We piled onto each one individually, leaving them no chance of survival. The ones we didn't kill managed to run away and presumably teleport.
There was no point in going to another Warband until the daily reset, so I headed back to Neitiznot to continue my Woodcutting training. An hour later or so, I logged off to take a walk with my dog and enjoy the sun (while it lasts).
Around two hours later, I logged back on a bit after the daily reset. My favourite Daily Challenge was available! Delve Into Daemonheim. I quickly teleported out of Neitiznot and completed a Small C6 Dungeon for my reward. I'm getting pretty close to 104 Dungeoneering now... around 250,000xp to go!
Now I
have gone back to Neitiznot again, but Mining Golds was hosting a Hunter XP Competition. And seeing how I wasn't yet 99 in the skill, I figured I might as well compete!
04-Aug-2013 07:56:26