
Aslon Dak: the thread

Quick find code: 48-49-277-65469661

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,543 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tonight, after using a small and a medium hydra lamp on my Crafting and Prayer, I reached Prayer level 78! :) My Total Level is now 1480.

Late tonight, I also completed a Summoning challenge, to create 10 dreadfowl pouches. I've done this many times before. This time, however, I managed to complete this challenge without killing a single chicken!

After collecting the required 10 gold charms, 10 pouches, and 80 spirit shards, I went into the Burthorpe troll cave. There I collected 5 raw chickens as drops, along with 310 air runes, 50 potato seeds, 10 onion seeds, 9 grimy guam, plus 2 additional gold charms. I also buried a lot of bones. With my pack full, I left to deposit the runes, seeds, guam, and the 2 extra charms in the bank, then I walked south. When I reached the chicken farm, I saw there was a CL 5 player there training on the chickens. A moment later, raw chickens began to appear. I went in, collected the other 5 I needed, then continued south. I created the 10 pouches, then returned to Burthorpe for my reward.

The challenge mystery bag contained 11 mahogany planks and 800 coins. I'll sell the planks at the G.E. the next time I'm there.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.

21-Oct-2019 05:10:40

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,543 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tuesday evening, I decided to check off a few more Daemonheim achievements by walking there through The Wilderness, which was one of the tasks I completed, along with crafting law runes while in a dungeon and wearing a full set of tier 1 armor. That last one I did after killing a very easy boss to defeat on Floor 11. While Dungeoneering, I wore argonite plate, legs, and boots while dual-wielding a pair of argonite longswords. I made a zeph helm and gauntlets. No level gain, however, after leaving the dungeon, I decided to enter another one, just to see what the starting items were. I saw the argonite maul that had eluded me for quite some time, so I grabbed it and added the maul to my bind pool! I now have a full set of argonite armor, plus an argonite 2-h sword, main and off-hand longswords, spear, and maul all available as bound items.

Of course, going Dungeoneering threw off my nice equal Firemaking and Woodcutting stats, so I took advantage of the chaos and completed a Woodcutting challenge late last night, by cutting 55 yew logs. Early this morning, I completed a Firemaking challenge, to burn 320 yew logs. I only had 15 more to burn, when I reached Firemaking level 74! :) Redeeming the challenge earned me another 36,000 or so XP. Doing this challenge used up a large portion of the yew logs I had stashed in the bank for Fletching challenges. Therefore, it's a good thing I have a lot of Woodcutting I need to work on now! O_o
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.

30-Oct-2019 07:35:51

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,543 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On Wednesday evening, after cutting several hundred yew logs, I reached Woodcutting level 74! :) Once more, my Firemaking and Woodcutting levels are equal, and these two skills are still tied for my two-lowest F2P skills. Crafting, Fletching, and Prayer are also in the 70s. All my other F2P skills are at level 80 or higher.

My Total Level is now 1482.

R.I.P. RS Halloween event! :(
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.

31-Oct-2019 05:04:47

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,543 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^ Yeah, but before I can do that, I'll need to get all my skills to 80+ first. I have five skills still currently in the 70s. One of them is Fletching.

A few days ago, I completed and redeemed another Fletching challenge to make 336 yew shieldbows. I made these at The Grand Exchange. By deploying 5 portable fletchers there, I earned some additional XP while making the bows. After I turned in the bows to receive my XP reward for this challenge, I was 6,363 XP away from gaining the next level.

This morning, after redeeming a Smithing challenge to make a piece of rune equipment, I took 30 protean logs from my bank, leaving me with 390 still in the bank. Fletching these 30 protean logs earned me 7,500 XP, which enabled me to reach Fletching level 78! :)

Once I gain two more levels in Fletching and in Prayer, I'll be left with only three skills still in the 70s.

I'm not sure how far I'll get before Jagex foolishly closes down their Java client. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get NTX to even work, or if I'll want to play while being forced to use it. From what I've read by many who have tried it, NXT is horribly slow and areas from before 2017 look worse in NXT than they ever did in Java. I understand the lighting in particular looks ridiculous. As far as draw distance goes, I have no interest in seeing Taverley from Lumbridge. I'd much rather have a game that runs without frequent freezing and crashes.

Jagex themselves admit NXT still has problems, yet they still intend to ram it down all our throats. If you believe the propaganda that claims 96% of all players use and love NXT, I have a bridge in Ashdale to sell you.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.

09-Nov-2019 08:05:36

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,543 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This was a nice start to 1.2XP Weekend: Extended, which began today at 7am my time. Of course, I was asleep at that time! :p I have to say I am liking how Jagex is doing 1.2XP Weekend this time around, giving players 36 hours of BXP-burning time to use over 10 days. :)

After training combat for a bit at the Warriors' Guild, where I found a second mithril defender and two adamant defenders by killing cyclopes, I went to the Artisans' Workshop, where I worked on my Smithing. First, I grabbed all 490 protean bars and 40 protean hides I had in my bank, plus 15 advanced pulse cores and 18 cinder cores. Wearing the pulse cores, I got some Crafting XP, enough to where I am just over 10k XP from the next level. This also triggered the +2% XP bonus. Next, I made 10 rune off-hand scimitars. This used up a little of my BXP, all of which is on Smithing. I started today with over 1.7 million BXP in Smithing. Then I switched to using protean bars while wearing the cinder cores. Since I am able to do protean elder rune smithing, the +250% BXP burn rate provided me with AMAZING XP gains! I quickly got the +10% bonus to the BXP burn rate. While that buff remained in effect, I swapped the cinder cores for the pulse cores, and then quickly earned the +10% buff to earned XP. By alternating the two types of cores used, I managed to extend their lives and keep both buffs active for a long time. This method earned me UNBELIEVABLE XP rates, and it was enough to get me to Smithing level 98! :)

By this time, I used up all my cinder cores and I had 5 pulse cores left. After the level gain, I banked the remaining pulse cores and the 60 protean bars I hadn't used. Then I went back to the anvil and made 10 more rune off-hand scimitars. I now have 60 of those in my bank.

I burned roughly half a million BXP in Smithing this evening! :O I am a little more than 1.1 million XP from reaching Smithing level 99!

My Total Level is now 1484.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.

23-Nov-2019 02:27:49

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