This evening, I completed extended Daily Challenges in Smithing, Firemaking, and Mining.
I smithed 300 rune arrowheads at the Lumbridge anvil. Next, I burned 10 protean logs and 10 yew logs in a bonfire. Then I mined two full inventories of gold ores north of Al Kharid.
I gained 53,232 XP in all three skills from redeeming these challenges. This got me virtual Firemaking level 100!
This is my first virtual level in a skill other than Mining or Smithing. Currently, I have 7 virtual Mining levels and 9 virtual Smithing levels.
My Total Level is 1772 (Virtual Level 1789).
My list of skill levels on page 116 has been updated.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!
12-Dec-2023 01:01:45
- Last edited on
12-Dec-2023 01:03:23
Aslon Dak