Yak Track - Journey To Iaia wrap-up:
This time, I had access to four free task skips instead of two, since I did not skip any tasks along the previous Yak Track. I made full use of this advantage this time around.
I skipped Task #22, instead of killing 1,089 monsters or Skilling and Killing 70 times.
I received two easy clue scrolls.
I skipped Task #23, instead of earning 276,000 Fletching XP or Skilling and Killing 70 times.
I received a large XP lamp, which I used to gain 30,954 Magic XP.
I skipped Task #24, instead of burning 700 yew/magic logs or Skilling and Killing 70 times.
I received a medium cash bag.
I skipped Task #25, instead of cooking 700 swordfish or Skilling and Killing 80 times.
I received Morena the Glowlight Beetle pet. This is my 67th pet. My complete list of pets on page 11 of this thread has been updated.
Task #26 would have involved earning 312,585 Smithing XP or Skilling and Killing 80 times.
I jumped off this Yak Track just in time, with five minutes to go before game reset.
This Yak Track has now ended. Guthix willing there will be no more of them. I know I say that every time. However, most likely Jagex will continue to inflict these shameful bond-shilling "events" upon us.
Total number of bonds bought: 0
I still don't pay to skip content. I will only skip it for free.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.
25-Jul-2022 04:14:12