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Fuck, my journey has be tiring as of late, ugh I suppose I will take it at a slower pace, but not too slow either. Menaphos is just more of a time sink against my current trim reqs but it will become officially trim reqs later in September.
Trim. Its three steps forward and two steps back.
Honestly I am beginning to wonder if they have misjudged the senior player community this time.
We all know that RS is a skinner box, we all know that keeping us lingering on as regular subscribers is the business model ( in addition to MTX ). But in the past it has been more subtle, well camouflaged, and in many respects we have been willing participants in these manipulations, for we have fun and are able to interact with engaging content. I read it as: "This content is fun and challenging and will be sure to keep our players subscribing for longer. We love you guys! Big smiley hugs from Jagex!"
But Menaphos is different. It is blatant. It is more like: "We will make you do this content even though it is obviously designed to keep you subscribing and for no other reason. Haha. We know you are addicts. Haha! Get gud kid. Love and inappropriate fondles from Jagex."
Not to say that Trim and Comp haven't had their quota of such content previously, but I would argue that for those of us engaging on the Trim journey, we considered them to be old fashioned hurdles, archaic left overs from a bygone era, or simply mistakes that are irretrievable. But I, for one, didn't expect this level of head banging pain in the butt and poorly executed design in 2017.
And slayer 120, well, the backlash is readily apparent on reddit. People are already questioning why they should be leveling another 90 mill xp when they could be bossing instead. It starting to sink into them that 120 slayer is designed to keep them subbing
I just see people dropping out of the whole rat race when the rat race walls begin to look like rat race walls.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
22-Jun-2017 06:03:53