I'll share my current trim dailies;
- Soul Obelisk (t10 all districts)
- Daily Abyssal Demon (for 120 slayer and the ushabtis)
- Fish flingers (3 games) (Timegated req)
- 50 chompies (very grindy req)
Castlewars is on an adhoc basis, I've got 200 gold tickets + 6k thaler and I only need 2 items for my set so I try to do Castlewars when I'm idling and not doing the above. (600 tickets for one item, and 3k thaler for the other)
I honestly wouldn't full on grind Menaphos when you can do soul obelisks and complete the t10 district requirement, when you can do daily soul obelisks and complete it along side some other time gated stuff (such as fish flingers [debatable] or statues)
Twitter: @JamesRhodesRS
29-Jun-2017 18:38:38