Day 9 - Lesser vs. Greater Evil
Sir Ceril Carnillean of Ardougne had put a contract on retrieving his family heirloom (chest armor), which was stolen by a bunch of cultists living in an underground sewer system close by to the Carnilleans. I went to look for them there and quickly stumbled upon one of them: the cultist told me that they'd stolen the heirloom because they wanted to drive the Carnilleans away, for the estate they lived in originally belonged to the cultists' leader, the Zamorakian Mahjarrat Hazeel, who had been driven off by an angry Saradominist mob.
The cultist wished to be rid of the Carnilleans through poisoning them, so I took the poison he gave me and added it to the soup the Carnillean chef was making. It was a success... but only partially: the family dog was killed, no-one else. Since the family grew alert of poisoning, the cultist scrapped the idea and instead wanted me to help revive Hazeel, using a magic scroll hidden somewhere in the Carnillean estate.
Searching around the estate, a hollow wall revealed a secret entrance to the attic, where a chest contained the magic scroll in question. Using it, Hazeel was revived, and though I refused to join the cult, he rewarded me for my efforts regardless.
In other news:
-500 total level reached!
-No burnt pages from Wintertodt today.

Got a magic seed though.