Device name: Samsung Galaxy A20
Model Number: SM-A205YN
Location: Australia
Wifi: Yes
Data Provider:
OS: Android
OS version: 9 and 10 (It was happening before I updated)
Playtime (Approx):
What is the issue?:The screen flickers black for a few seconds.
Where is the issue?:Happens sometimes at login, and when I'm just running around to get to places. I believe it has happened while skilling (specifically smelting) as well. Seems to always happen after I've used a lodestone. I've only deliberately tested this once, but it seems not to happen if inventory icons have not fully preloaded.
Does restarting the client fix the issue?: possibly, if inventory icons do not fully preload when the client is restarted.
26-May-2020 05:10:43
- Last edited on
26-May-2020 05:12:37