Device name: Sony Xperia z2compact
Model Number:
Location: Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Wifi: tried it
Cellular: tried it on LTE
Data Provider: Videotron
O*: Android
OS version: most recent
Playtime (Approx): hundred hours or more
What is the issue?: in the clockwork syringe quest, while on blood-something Island, whe are supposed to control Baron, a seagull, to bomb 5 mofos.
According to guide, there should be some arrows to control the damn seagull, but there is none.
Where is the issue?: the bird flies straight, no ways to control it. Tried to have all screens closrd(inventory, chat, minimap), it's still not working there.
Does restarting the client fix the issue? Nope, tried at least 3 times
22-Jan-2020 18:56:06
- Last edited on
24-Jan-2020 12:40:26