You say give us something..
these things are not equal. skilling updates require less dev time than quests and pvm. I dont want 1 pvm update for every skilling update, i want real dev time to be put into my bosses. I want mechanics, difficulty, an actual endgame push and a change to the meta. if they churn out crassian leviathans it's going to be really disappointing. I think they mentioned a clue scroll update so you are getting your clue update before we get a new boss anyway. also yes more quests.
I do not agree that everything...
I dont know what to tell you man, it seems a lot like you are disagreeing with me for the sake of disagreeing with me. you are quantifiably inaccurate either way. go look at the trade volume on logs pre invention and post invention. runecrafting? no. they are making blood runes and getting magic threads for rune pouches.
again, the g e charts dont lie you can go look at them and see for yourself. fishing is pretty obvious, blubber jellies are a profit to cook why? why do you think, man.
Nobody is enjoying Anachronia?
I didnt say anywhere that people arent enjoying anachronia.The agility course is by far and away the best agility course in runescape. Big game hunter is worse xp than afk moth catching which is pretty sad, and the rewards are pretty lackluster. What i actually said was that nobody is tuning in to watch it on twitch and people arent telling their friends to make accounts to play the content. which according to the graph of how many people are logged in every day on average, they arent.( http://www.misplaceditems.******_tools/graph/?display=max&interval=month&mid=1567232389&total=1 ) the number of average players has actually gone down since the release of anachronia. the last notable uptick in players happened when they released AOD. the numbers dont lie, friend.
edit: the graph link gets filtered a bit. obvious/rs
mods pls dont delete. its just a graph showing player numbers
10-Sep-2019 10:18:35
- Last edited on
10-Sep-2019 10:31:50