uh, for fun and money and to improve at a giant part of the game? it also improves reflexes and planning skills, hand-eye coordination and it forces you to strategize on the fly and probably some other things too.
it's NOT a giant part of the game but you and others like you want it a giant part of the game, as you NEVER satisfied with the bosses you have been given so far. As you said, you kill the bosses, once mastered you are bored. NOT everyone has the co ordination to boss (& never will), you do understand that right? as for gp, there is tons that can be done WITHOUT bossing and can be fun
were you aware that runescape is an MMORPG when you made your account? MMORPGs all tend to have a massive PVM component to it.
So where again were those bosses when Runescape started? Slayer is wonderful PVM. Slayer provides plenty of variety for PVM and you can make gp as well have fun
are you seriously suggesting that drops are not fun?
No one said drops are not fun, what we are saying is: drops don't have to come from a complicated bosses (or NEW BOSSES)
who are you to tell people they are or aren't having fun when they are killing bosses?
who are you, to force us to boss
People keep asking me why I'm not maxed, ... PvM-obsessed drones.
There is the truth. you are obsessed, so the rest of us should too.
it sounds like you are cutting off your nose to spite your face and making some sweeping generalizations about a pretty "SMALL" part of the playerbase based off of very little information.
Sounds more like you are doing that with US
sounds to us like you NEED a killing ONLY Game. Time to start looking into that, instead of chewing out the RS community and jagex for not getting your fix, because to us it's clear you NEVER be satisfied in bosses they may released- its like a drug to you, never enough