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Quick find code: 429-430-239-66004732

Pat Droplet

Pat Droplet

Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Throughout months of playing on mobile i have some serious issues with it.
Loots name tag. As mobile only player i naturaly reduce tapping as much as possible to avoid misstaps which are easy to do on mobile. In some instances during the fight where with many mobs i use single tap option for att pots food but then i have to long tap to look for my loot which i choose to pick up or stop all of my activities switch to double tap option and start pickin up my loot. That is not practical infact its annoying. Having loots name tag would tell me what it is and where it is. I do t understand why this aint default option. (Please dont suggest useing other rs clinet) Another good example would be the new group boss the nightmare. It takes me more then 30 sec to find my loot when going in large group sometimes i even miss it and somone else picks it up. In fact i was told about this problem before i even got there.

When collapsing bank tab can i get a warning message ' are you sure you want to do that?' The amount of times i misstapped on it is stupid.

Over all i would like more options where i can single tap or double tap.
Like single tapping to 'use' something in a double tap mode just because there is nothing else to do with item.

Some things are just unnecessary hassle

11-Feb-2020 10:04:08



Posts: 14,552 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello. I'm currently on an LG Stylo 3 phone and my home button, back button, and multi view buttons get in the way of the interface on the right side. I can't click on anything there without exiting the app. I should mention this is only the case on the old school app and not RS3 mobile app. To see my buttons on rs3 app all I have to do is swipe down, but on old school it's a permanent position.

Edit 2: Disregard. The buttons finally went away on their own.

26-Feb-2020 03:24:14 - Last edited on 26-Feb-2020 03:38:13 by Fezzz

Leopard zerk
Jan Member 2023

Leopard zerk

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey I am mobile player. I am training runecrafting. I am making lava runes. Training runecrafting on mobile its terrible because you can't use * keys and shift click to fill/empty pouches. And you can't teleport so fast because of no F keys are available. It's just very annoying to train rc at mobile. Could you make it easier? I don't even get 50k xp per hour. I only gets 10k xp even if I do this constantly. And do this fastest I can. Osrs wiki says lava runes are between 65k to 70k xp per hour. And I not even close to get that much. Please make it more easier otherwise it will take 100 years for rc. hey jagex can you allow us to reset def xp? i mean not the def level it's still same def lvl but the xp reset on it?

18-Mar-2020 20:32:46

Leopard zerk
Jan Member 2023

Leopard zerk

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey I am mobile player. I am training runecrafting. I am making lava runes. Training runecrafting on mobile its terrible because you can't use * keys and shift click to fill/empty pouches. And you can't teleport so fast because of no F keys are available. It's just very annoying to train rc at mobile. Could you make it easier? I don't even get 50k xp per hour. I only gets 10k xp even if I do this constantly. And do this fastest I can. Osrs wiki says lava runes are between 65k to 70k xp per hour. And I not even close to get that much. Please make it more easier otherwise it will take 100 years for rc. hey jagex can you allow us to reset def xp? i mean not the def level it's still same def lvl but the xp reset on it?

18-Mar-2020 20:34:45

Feb Member 2024


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Been playing mobile for well over a year and have been having the same issues for a while and its getting really frustrating.. my app keeps crashing or freezing in random situations. Its happening majority of the time i teleport into the GE and try accessing the bank or GE. Happned to me basically 9/10 times running runes in zmi and in general in crowded areas even if the world itself is not busy with only a few hundred people on... its really taking away from my game content and quality of play bc A) majority of crowded areas are neccesary and integral parts of the game and B) im afraid my app will freeze in risky situations and my account will die.. its the main reason ive been hesitant to make other accounts and a Hcim and its frustrating paying per month with such a big issue affecting gameplay.. Help addressing this issue would be much appreciated

25-Mar-2020 01:39:51

Feb Member 2024


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Been playing mobile for well over a year and have been having the same issues for a while and its getting really frustrating.. my app keeps crashing or freezing in random situations. Its happening majority of the time i teleport into the GE and try accessing the bank or GE. Happned to me basically 9/10 times running runes in zmi and in general in crowded areas even if the world itself is not busy with only a few hundred people on... its really taking away from my game content and quality of play bc A) majority of crowded areas are neccesary and integral parts of the game and B) im afraid my app will freeze in risky situations and my account will die.. its the main reason ive been hesitant to make other accounts and a Hcim and its frustrating paying per month with such a big issue affecting gameplay.. Help addressing this issue would be much appreciated

25-Mar-2020 01:39:54



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If the special attack bubble by the mini map was usable in pvp situations then pking on mobile would be much more viable. As it is now people on mobile dont stand a chance. That bubble being usable for people on mobile would be the equivalency of people on pcs using * keys. Dont get me wrong, it's not impossible to 1 tick a special attack on mobile. But it's more likely to fail then succeed. Using * keys and a mouse on a pc is far more compatible for the game, that's what makes 1 ticking a breeze for most. Its different when you're playing on a phone though and I'm certain that making that special attack bubble usable for mobile players in pvp would make 1 ticking special attacks as easy as pc. In pvm I can one tick a special attack everytime no questions asked. In pvp I can only accomplish it 25% of the time. And trust me I've spent over 1000 hrs pking on mobile between my 3 accts so it's not due to a lack of experience. It has to do with the way the a mouse and * keys respond much faster than fingers on a phone. I hope this make sense to who ever reads this. Experiment with it and you will know what I mean. Try 1 ticking a gmaul special attack in pvm with the spec bubble, then try doing the same in pvp without it. The difference is substantial. Using that spec bubble gives the performance of a pc.

26-Mar-2020 21:01:57 - Last edited on 26-Mar-2020 21:05:57 by 2drunk4skull

Mister Jan

Mister Jan

Posts: 132 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All is good so far, but it is unfair, that magic spellbook is on left side and inventory on the right side, thus when casting enchant or High Alchemy spells, you need to work with two fingers plus delay in window opening compared to PC version. On PC you can choose location for High Alch item so you dont have to make major mouse realignments.

Either change location to other side, make it possible to toggle windows always opening on one side, or make UI customizable in this matter.

At least I havent seen anything helping me with that at this time.

iOS app, iPhone 7 Plus

04-Apr-2020 18:52:29 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2020 18:53:49 by Mister Jan

Dr Milow

Dr Milow

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This reply is just a courtesy to Mod Seal. I recently posted in the Google play store.
It was a review based on my personal feelings and opinions, regarding the direction
Of new content. I briefly described the archeological dig site located just east of
Varrock. Naming it a quote " part of the infulstructure that already exists within the
Game". Calling for a archeology skill. Also, this request is only one part of a much
larger problem in my opinion.
The sheer vastness of RuneScape is truly breathtaking. When I do play RS3 I am overwhelmed by the graphics and evolution of combat capabilities.
But ladies and gentlemen there's a reason why so many of us just wanted old school back.
Hopefully I don't step on any toes with this post. It's just constructive criticism. Well at least that's how I hope it's taken.

15-May-2020 20:32:19



Posts: 586 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love the app. I rarely can get to an actual computer to play so this has reinvigorated my love of Runescape I had all those years ago. The only issue i have is the item hit detection in my inventory seems off sometimes but it's not a big deal at all! Thanks!

04-Jun-2020 14:53:50

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