Hi all, this is my first vist/post so apologies if I have posted in the wrong place 😅
Basically Im here to maybe suggest a form of item storage made available to player housing, like a dedicated room of barrels and cupboards, I understand there may be concerns to the impact on the game if items are more accessible for crafting so I would also suggest a limitation on amount of said room or limited item space per cupboard etc.
Secondary is just a 'fun' idea that's more cosmetic that practical, but would anyone here want to have an ability or just be avle to craft books the player can then write in and created stories to be sold on the g.e for others to read, collect and maybe trade with others? We could maybe use items to craft books even with more pages, leather bound versions with a skill level? Also once sold or traded by the author, that book is final, unable to be edited to preserve the authors work and prevent vandals in to it.
Finally, this is more of a performance issue regarding the font used in the OSRS app, on my device half of the words and quest descriptions are broken/distorted to the point I cant read whats needed, so may I suggest an in app option to just have an ariel font with no colour changes and a size option please?
I do realise my phones isn't a modern one but it runs the game just fine apart from the font. In using the Samsung S5 Mini 😅.
Sorry for the essay and thank for reading 😆 have a great day!
26-Jul-2019 12:03:48