okay so i've got a few things here:
first and foremost i wanna say it is really impressive how y'all have condensed osrs into a mobile experience. for the most part it works. my issue is mostly the UI, particularly in menus.
1. PLEASE add some kind of "confirm" function to the player reporting screen. The options are very close to each other, and every time I go to report a bot I'm left worrying about whether I tapped the right option. Just like, highlight the one I selected and ask me to confirm. I want to report bots when I see them, but every time I feel like I've misinputted something and don't want to be filing false reports.
2. A similar issue, but the placeholder lock in the bank is WAY too close to frequently used buttons like the All quantity and the bag dump function. I have had way too many incidents where I disabled placeholders without realizing and end up ruining my bank layout when I withdraw an item. I then have to spend the next 10-20ish minutes fixing it (yes, it takes that long, my bank is meticulously organized). Just put it in the bank settings or something. Anywhere I'm not going to tap without realizing.
3. A non-UI concern, and probably the hardest to implement, but the way OSRS mobile handles disconnects needs to change. I change apps for 45 seconds to reply to a message, and when I come back not only have I been "disconnected" I have to wait 2-5 minutes to be allowed to log in again because the server hasn't actually logged me out yet. It's really annoying and makes playing on mobile a pretty frustrating experience at times. Either let the game stay connected in the background a little longer, or at the very least speed up the time it takes for the server to realize I'm logged out.
Anyway love the game, love all the recent updates, excited for the new Kourend quest. Thanks for your consideration.
31-May-2021 00:53:45