I love the idea of OSRS on mobile and most of what Ive seen on first impressions are good, there are a few noticeable issues I've come across.
1. Audio problems - Using a pair of Jaybird X3 In Ear Headphones and I'm getting a constant crackling sound and almost micro stuttering in the audio with noticeable frameskipping, maybe the audio is tied to the framerate of the game and if the game can't keep stable frame rate I'm guessing whats happening to me is obvious in my case.
2. Micro stuttering, much like in the previous point, it feels like the game hangs for a second, almost like the game has noticeable input lag or something to that affect, where dragging my finger across the screen back and forth and it not being as responsive as it could be.
3. UI interacting, at the moment I feel as though its quiet annoying that some of the UI is a bit unforgiving with where you can tap on it to activate certain elements. The gameplay seems to be pretty good, just some of the UI needs to have bigger tap radius's.
Now to gush about this, love that the team brought about this project and got it all working in such an awesome way, the UI is amazing and well thought out for mobile use, I'm guessing this won't be used much for higher level play, but its perfect for skillling, questing and the like. Would love to see my local time as part of the UI, just for a way for people to keep track of time without having to go out of their way to access the information.
Phone: Xiaomi Mi Max
Android Version: 6.0.1
31-Jul-2018 13:55:15